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  1. Drunken Roxas
    X smiled at her, he looked at her eyes, they were just so beautiful, amazing, though inside X was guilty for what she would possibly soon have to face, she would have to find out her past and who she is. X knew at the moment he saw her 15 years ago, he would protect her no matter what. Even if his life depended on it. "It suites you."
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Drunken Roxas

    X smiled walking over to the jewelery stall, he looked down noticing a blue flamed pendent X brought it, he thought of Rain, He walked over to her, "Hear, I got you this, Its a blue flame, Tranquil and came, but potentially lethal" X said smiling he knew Rain well after the last 15 years.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Drunken Roxas

    X then turned to Rain, "Im going to go out to do something important, Ill be back in about 3 minutes tops." X then walked round a corner so that Rain couldn't see and then opened up a dark portal slipping through re appearing in the world of nobodies X walked forwards looking to the side, to see if he could see any remains of Xemnas, X then sighed "Hes gone to be whole, I geuss. Well The golden age was good while it lasted, I geuss now Ill have to look after Rain a bit more" talking to himself, though it was strange talking to himself, it was at a comfortable tone, which made it sound like thinking out load, X then looked to the side seeing a dark portal closing "Hmmph, I geuss im not the only one worried about Xeanhorts return" he then walked back through the Dark portal he had made re appearing round the corner, X then walked round the corner towards Rain "Done, Lets go to the market place, Ill get you something" X somewhat enjoyed Rain's company, well enjoy as much as a nobody could, X remember back to when he first met Rain when she was a child of the age of Two, She was such a beautiful child, her eyes where so solom yet mysterious, those eyes, one red with fire and the other, blue a tranquil blue, yet with much misery and regret, on that day of receiving Rain and the task of bringing her up, X found out of his past and of who he really was, but X was stubborn he didn't change his stolen name. It had made him who he was and he stuck by it, though slowly looking after Rain changed X's past, Devourer of Worlds to Guardian of the Nobody Child, what a change.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Drunken Roxas
    OOC: :p Thanks Phisoxia, This will begin, lets a week or two because we need to get more people hopefully and DarkRiku and I are still sorta figuring out how were running things and thinking up everyones independent story, I tell you what, PM me and tell me what you want your little story to be and we will discuss it, it just means everythings just going all crazy, ya know?
    Anyway Thanks Phisoxia :p
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Drunken Roxas
    Well say when you come out, because you haven't fought for 150 years you have forgotten all your abilities and have lost the power to summon your weapon.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Drunken Roxas
    Pretty much yes, By The Way, Can I just say, Ive done some research on you and my god am impressed, It will be great RPing with you.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Drunken Roxas
    Name ~ Kairu Mishimi~

    Age ~ 17

    DOB ~ April 20, 1889

    Race ~ Neko

    Weapon(s) ~ Long Katana and Broadsword.

    Power(s) ~ Able to change objects shapes with mind,

    Appearance ~ Black Hair, Tall, Always dressed in a black and white pinstripped suite.

    Inner ~ Uknown?

    Bio ~ Mysterious child, seems to be incredibly mature, doesn't talk to many people at all, and is top of class in everything.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Drunken Roxas
    Yeah, Sadly, Its just we need experienced RP'ers and people who post with detail and description sadly, he/she didn't deliver it, though it was close.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Drunken Roxas
    Xornadj, sadly didn't get approved by me :S, Sorry.

    I will talk to DarkRiku about this.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Drunken Roxas
    Hey, Could everyone stop talking about random stuff *looks at Phisoxia* This is for Sign ups, and RP chat, about it, La Sofa, You must make a new character, since everyone from the old RP was turned into a somebody and would have died of old age, since its 150 years into the future, the only people remaining from the old organisation is Xainkar, And this "New X" and Myrejex.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Drunken Roxas
    Name: X
    Age: Uknown.
    Element: Memories
    Weapon [no keyblades]: Many spears floating around him, and a large sword.

    The Sword in that picture.

    Title: The Memory.
    Personality: Cold, Sly and manipulative.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Likes/Dislikes: Relationships with other people, relying on people. Other peoples pain, (Sadism) His own pain (Machoism).
    Biography [How you became a nobody?]: He woke up in lab, with a dark portal open walking into it, taking the box of tiny weapons, that included a small book, two keyblades, a sheild, Eight Speers, A Sythe, two chakrams, a clamore, two lightsabers, two knife gloves, a large sword, two guns, a guitar and a pack of cards.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Drunken Roxas
    It has been 150 years since the death of X and Kinara, and the begining of the golden age, Everything of the "Heartless" and the "Nobodies" have been forgotten, the world has been at peace, living in harmony with one another, although the path way's between worlds have been demolished, worlds have been at peace to themselves.........untill now, Xeanhort, an evil man, obsessed with power has returned unknown as to how, but his presence has returned and his heart has brought back the heartless which in consequence has returned the nobodies. Xainkar the last of the nobodies, has realised Xeanhort's return and feels that the Twilight Guardians must be re-astablished. Is this the end of the golden age?

    Xainkar, a Nobody formed again at the begining of the Golden age, he felt terrible at what he had done while he had been a somebody and wandered the worlds for months eventually falling in a dark misty World of Twilight, the world of sleep. There Xainkar slept for over 150 years until he awakened feeling Xehnorts presence he decided to make a choice he would fight back to prevent the worlds from falling into darkness so he embarked on a journey to track down a new team of young nobodies and train them into powerful warriors to fight off X and brink back "The Golden Age".

    This RP needs, Experienced RP'ers that are dedicated.
    There is a 3 sentence minimum in each post.
    Their is a rank system also.

    Lowest rank: Twilight Page
    Description: Still in training at Castle Oblivion and has not yet become an Gfficial Member.
    Teleportation: Unable.
    Clothing: Simple black training garments
    Element Control: none to very little [note you do not start with your element at all]
    Weapon Training: Very little to basic [you do not have your real weapon yet]

    Second Rank: Twilight Squire
    Description: Has started the second stage of training as an apprentice under one of the higher members of the organisation.
    Teleportation: Only small distances in the same area of a single world
    Clothing: Black training outfit with studded leather and a cap. At this stage the member is given there tatoo.
    Element Control: Basic but still lacking total Control.
    Weapon Training: Good but still inexperienced in battle.

    Third Rank: Twilight Soldier
    Description: Training has ended, Now a real part of the org and can go on missions.
    Teleportation: Can travel across close worlds.
    Clothing: Official Organization Trench Coat.
    Element control: Can use Element effectively in attacks and can perform fairly large attacks once a day.
    Weapon training: Well trained and fairly strong can use effective attack without normally missing and defensive power is also higher.

    Weapon [no keyblades]:
    Biography[How you became a nobody?]:

    You will be PM'ed when you have been approved. Sorry if your not, but thanks for signing up.
    Enjoy ;)
    Thread by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007, 134 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Drunken Roxas
    X smiled "And yours in mine." X smiled as he then dissapeared completely.

    OOC: THE END OF THE HERO Its soo sad :( Its soo sad, The end of this thread :(
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Drunken Roxas
    X smiled looking at Takarnax, "Dont mourn my death, celebrate it, Celebrate my life, i had, celebrate the fact, I met you, Celebrate, Our Child" X said smiling, as he slowly began fading.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Drunken Roxas
    X smiled when he heard what Takarnax said, she really was an amazing person, X smiled, He then sent her a message mentally, "After being so close to kingdom hearts, for a few seconds I could feel, and for those seconds, I was sure, that I loved you."
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Drunken Roxas
    X lay there unable to move only to feel the pure pain of dissapearing particle by particles, all X could do was watch, all he could think about was "Is this the end?"
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Drunken Roxas
    OOC: You can't see Kingdom hearts.......because first of all Kingdom hearts has been turned into one purified kingdom hearts.....and also....your too low below the floor...
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Drunken Roxas
    X then smiled at Kinara "Goodbye." He was still smiling X was then slowly dissapearing almost completely gone.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Drunken Roxas
    Kingdom hearts was now a pure white, almost unreal, it was bright, X then smiled and fell down into the shadow, it then began sucking him in, he was smiling, he then slowly began dissapearing, He smiled concentrating, he sent a message to everyone mentally.
    "Goodbye, Everyone, it was nice knowing you."

    OOC: Okay, nobody knows whats happening up here okay, all you know is Kinara, X and Two Kingdom heart's are up there.....and that you guys are fighting Heartless.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Drunken Roxas
    X looked up as he fell to the floor a tear fell from his eye, it fell on his hand, "Whats this?" X laughed, "Kinara, You are my friend, It was nice knowing you" X then stood up as blood shot out of his back, he walked forward till he was just below Kingdom hearts, he then pointed his keyblade's together and aimed it at Kinara, it shot out a beam so thin but powerful it penetrated Kinara's chest, where his heart should be. X then began floating "Goodbye Kinara." X then was in the middle of the two kingdom hearts and he put his hand on both and they began seaping into his palm, X closed his eyes and concentrated, he was absorbing the two kingdom hearts. Blood was dripping from him, from the wound Kinara just gave him.
    Post by: Drunken Roxas, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home