The whisp ignored Zexan, though inside Dizt was furious, Cree floated over to Rain"I will tell you the story of 200 years ago. About Xainkar and the begining of the Golden Age." "200 years ago, theyre was a group of nobodies called "The Twilight Guardians" The three main leaders where Xainkar, X your father and Takarnax your mother, X was a creation, a weapon made by Xainkars old self Kinara, Xainkar slowly turned to the darkness after he got his heart back and tried to use the darkness to become all powerful, X had created a kingdom hearts, he was going to try and give everyone their hearts back, because he felt bad about the two years before where the heartless took over his body and almost killed a few members, he was on the verge of this but he then fought with Kinara, Kinara played dirty when he began to loosse and used Takarnax against X, so rather than saving Kingdom Hearts, X saved Takarnax, and Kinara took the Kingdom Hearts, later on, Kinara was going to try and bring the two Kingdom heart together with Darkness, but to stop this, X jumped in the middle of the merger and absorbed all the darkness and then died later on, after that Kinara was turned back into a heartless and everyone got their heart back thanks to the hero X, but before all this Takarnax and X had a child, but so that the child wasn't affected in all this she was given to Cree, who was X's true good side, but that is another story, Rain you were that child, but the X you know now, he was a monster, he was given life when the old X died, he then took that name and left, for 183 years after that he was a killer he destroyed worlds, he became known as the devourer of hearts but when Cree came and Told X about everything, he took you Rain and cared for you, as soon as he met you, I could feel that he had changed. That is the story, X would not have told you because he was trying to protect you, he didn't want you to know because he didn't want to bring you into the world of Danger.
The Whisp floated over to Alexa and looked at her, closely, he know took the shape of a man, with floating white hair, but was still a white whisp, "You should be scared, you will never understand the world you have been pushed into. There is no X to save you all now, who will keep you from Xainkar." The whisp then hovered over to Rain "You are not a nobody, You are the daughter of two of three most powerful nobodies, Takarnax and X, The other was Xainkar, but he took let's say the wrong road, X may have said this a few times, You are the nobody child, you still have emotions and they are linked to your powers, sooner or later they will kick in, Xainkar it may not be best to use your machine on her, let her powers come naturally," The whisp then stopped "My name is Cree, I am The Old X's good side," The whisp man then turned red his voice rough and deep "And Im Dizt, X's bad side," He then turrned back to white with a meniacle laugh. "Rain I feel it is best to tell you everything, for when X's returns no one wil know."
Xecre appeared at a door from the door were the sounds of screaming, and repeating "I DONT CARE" or "AS LONG AS RAINS OKAY WITH HIM!" Xecre then knocked on the door "Lord Xeanhort sir, please excuse me, may I enter." "Xeanhort stopped and turned to Xecre "Enter, What is it you want?" When Xecre walked in he was shocked by the state of X, he wanted to be see, how could he still be breathing, what scared Xecre the most was on closer inspected, X, he was, smiling, Xecre then snapped out of it and turned his head to Xeanhort "They have 2 so far" X coughed up some blood and gave a look to Xecre that could kill a man "3! Actually" Xeanhort looked down to the X in shackles "SILENCE" and slashed him around the back with a lightsaber, "Hmmmm, I will have to hurry up with him then. You've done well, but you didn't play with them did you?" Xecre put his hand on the back of his head "Yah, I kinda did, Sorry bout that." Xecre then looked down at X and there was some kind of white whisp behind him looking down on him, when it realised Xecre was looking at it, it twisted off through the small crack in the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A White Whisp appeared infront of Xainkar "Xainkar, its been a long time, I don't think you ever knew me, but I was friends with X," The whisp then seemed to turn to Rain and then back to Xainkar "The Old X," The whisp then hovered infront of Rain and looked at her eyes, "The Nobody Child, X had told me about this, Its a shame his creation is in danger, Xainkar, I fear the current X will stop Xeanhort from being able to use his amplifying powers, but there is one problem, the only way he can do this is by taking away his memories, so I felt it would be best you ask any questions about Both X's before I dissapear with his powers.
"Well...since Xainkars base currently hasn't got a set number of people aloud in, I felt I might sneak in" Xecre laughed meniachly "Dont worry, Im not gonna fight you I pity you, I could snap you in half" Xecre then opened up a dark portal and then walked towards it, he then turned around "Hey Zexan, you may want to lower that temper down, its gonna get you me." He then laughed while walking into the portal.
Xecre stood there not even flinching as he was punched in the face "See, Told ya you can't fight, Your not a heartless, your the oposite, your a nobody, when someone gives into the darkness of their heart, their heart is turned into a heartless, those small black creatures, but their body and soul, theyre empty husk, is turned into a nobody, you are a nobody, we are without feeling." Xecre laughed he couldn't be bothered to keep his identity hidden, he was enjoying it too much, he then broke out into a laughter "AHAHAHAAAA!!!!" YOU SHOULDA SEEN YOUR FACES!!!" He sighed out of breath "Im not really Axec, Im Xecre, and Ill be your nuisance untill Xeanhort is finished with X."
Xecre sighed "He hasn't told you yet," In Xecres mind he was laughing his head off "You are now nobodies, but your hearts were strong when you where a somebody which let you keep a normal body, you are heartless, without a heart, you cannot feel anymore than a stone can. You are hollow inside, and all you can do is remember Emotions and pretend to have them. Sorry to break it to you" Xecre wasn't sorry at all.
Xecre hissed at Zexan "Well it seems the only emotion you remember is Hatred, Pfft, Your gonna have a hard time when you find out you can't feel no more."
Xecre smiled "You really are a caring one, or are you just pretending to have feelings?" Xecre s****** quietly in his head, if Xainkar hadn't told them then this would be fun.
Xecre put his hand on the back of his head and took a cookie with his spare hand "Thanks," While munching on the cookie "Man these are good, Mind If I take a few more" He said with a cheeky smile,
OOC: You don't know he is Xecre, you think he is Axec. Xecre smiled "Nah, I just wanted to ask, I don't think you knew what I meant, You can't be able to fight, only what a normal person could, I mean with your element, or hasn't he told you about that yet?" Xecre knew as soon as Xainkar was back he would have to leave but gathering this information was easy.
Xecre smiled evily, "Thanks, Yeah, sure id love a biscuit, Im from...erm...Radiant Gardens, yeah that place is cool" Xecre said noding " guys learnt to fight yet?"
Xecre opened up a dark portal at the bottomn of all the pods which was about a mile down, he then jumped into it and then appeared infront of Alexa and Zexan, "Hey, Im a new member. Nice to meet you Im Axec
Xecre walked around radiant gardens and then quickly without being noticed into The secret room near Ansems Study, and then jumped out and then put his arms out and chains shot out smashing into the wall and then one of the chains disapeared and then the other chain pulled him up and then jumping to the highest pod, Xecre sat there talking to himself "Why does Xeanhort think he can boss me around yeah, he is stronger than me, but Ive technically been alive longer than he has and I know whats changed, I should never have helped him in the first, place" Xecre sighed "Well Im in it now, so I geuss Im stuck".
Xeanhort laughed ""You can't stop me, now I have the power to rule all worlds, with the power or Darkness, You are the father of a Legacy Xainkar, A powerful one at that" He then walked through ceeling up the Dark Portal so it couldn't be re opened. Xeanhort would now try and use X for his own deeds. OOC: GOODNIGHT!
X knocked on Rains door "Im just gonna go out to get some groceries" X then walked out the door and walked towards the market place, he then went to the stall and bought some bread and jam's as well as juices, but then X stopped dropping his groceries, "This presence? This Aura? Xeanhort?" X then ran into around a corner and then opened a dark portal re appearing in the old Palace hovering above The World That Never Was, And Xeanhort was sat there, X stood there awed "What are you doing here?". "Why should I give knowledge to that which does not need it" Xeanhort jumped down to X "You will come with me, I want to use yours abilites, to amplify power" X shook his head, "Sorry, no, thats not happening," X then looked behind him and a man had grabbed him by the neck and had gently pricked a poison into him. "Hey! Xeanhort! He'll be unconcious in a minute" He then laughed and walked over to Xeanhort ducking the X's arm as it swung towards his head "So what? We gonna just watch?" "No, I will take him you go." Xeanhort then watched X but then X was running up to Xeanhort but when he got to him X was very slow, and couldn't do anything "Just give up, Youll be asleep in a second" X shook his head, he was close to it any second know he would faint, and that he did, straight into Xeanhorts armes who then lifted him up in the air somehow, without touching him, he then opened a dark portal and walked towards it.
X smiled at Rain "I" he had no idea whether or not to tell her, he needed help, was it safe to really tell her, maybe he would only tell her who her parents where but not what actually happened though the name maybe awkward, so I false name for now would be safe. "Your Father, Zarax, He was a great man, he saved many people from many dangers, but he died, protecting those he protected, those included your mother Takarnax, she was a beautiful women, so caring and kind, she had those fiery red eyes, and Zarax he had kind blue eyes, that is where you get your eyes from." X said smiling as he got up, and put a hand on her head, "I think its safe to say your alright now," X smiled and put some clean clothes on a chair for here and then left through the door, preparing her breakfast.
X stood there his sword dissapeared as well as his spears, X sighed "Its really him, Xainkar, Fat..." X stopped he then walked through a dark portal and sat next to Rain, "It will be okay." ~~~~PAUSE! NOBODY POST TILL DARKRIKU DOES!~~~~ Unless its Rain/Ienzo.
X then followed rain through the portal and imediately saw the Nobodies jumping towards him, suddenly Eight spears appeared behind X and then they shot at the Nobodies, and then X put his hand in the air and one of the spears appeared in his hand he knocked the last nobody down, he then looked up at the man standing their, he was amazed, awe stricken, he just stood their staring, He then clenched his fist as he saw Rain in his hand, X then stabbed the spear on the floor, and put his hand in the air, A huge Sword appeared with about 5 different aditions to it pointing out, X tightened his grip and then rain at the man, but then stopped before he got to him, standing inches away he then took Rain from him carefully and opened a dark portal next to him, and gently lowerd Rain through it, the dark portal was in her bedroom and she was lieing there in her bed, now, X then swung his sword at the man, was he really Xainkar.
X looked to the side to see Rain gone and then he looked infront and saw her chasing after her, seeing a dark portal up ahead he ran towards it following Rain and the dusk, As X ran in his head he was thinking "Damn it! This is ruining anything I Wasn't planning to tell Rain yet, Damn it! This could ruin everything!"
X smiled "It flashes in the light, Makes it look shiny." X then stretched "Hey, Lets go back, Im tired" they then began walking past the synthesis shop, and down the alley.