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  1. Pumpkin King12
    "What's the matter, Ty? The Darkness more powerful than you thought?" Myr said in a taunting voice, he then raised up three walls around Tynoxahn, and formed them in just the way to bring them down upon him...

    But then, Xornadj' thorns managed to pierce Myrejex' skin.. He turned around slowly "You... You'll pay for that!" Myr said, shooting himself forward towards Xorn and slashing him with his arm blades..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Pumpkin King12
    Myrejex repeatedly backstepped to dodge most of Xorn's attack, eventually he got caught by one "Hm.. That whip is quite strong, Xornadj.. I can't have something like that ruining my plans now can I?"

    Then five large spikes shot out from the ground, attacking Xornadj, sending him into the air..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Pumpkin King12
    "Well, you're an annoying little thing aren't you, Kardex?" Myrejex said, then forming a large fist out of the ground, holding Kardex tightly...

    Myr noticed Xornadj from the corner of his eye and dogded the whip, he then brought up metal from the ground and wrapped it around his fists to create two blades in place of his arms..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Pumpkin King12
    Myrejex landed after a few seconds, and got stabbed in the back by Kardex. He began to laugh evily "Good thing I don't have a heart, or that would've hurt much more than it did.." he said, quickly turning around and kicking Kardex in the face for it.
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Pumpkin King12
    OOC: Xornadj, I raised all of the ground around here, so you guys came up too..

    Myr then shot up just the ground he was on, at an incredible speed, using it almost as a spring.. He then starting shooting metal blades out from his hands while in the air, aiming one arm at Ty, and the other at Xorn..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Pumpkin King12
    "Ah.. This Darkness.. Extreme Darkness..." he said, looking up to the night sky "Thank you, Kinara, I will use this to finish them off..."

    Myrejex then began transforming the entire area they were at into a large metal platform. He then raised it up higher and higher, giving him much of an advantage..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Pumpkin King12
    Myrejex raised his arm quickly enough to creat a dark force field sorta thing, blocking the two attacks thrown at him, though not completely, they still managed to damage him a bit..

    "Let us go somewhere else, where we may move freely, you will need it for a fight to the death like this" he grinned evily, and teleported to a large valley on the opposite side of this World of Twilight.
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Pumpkin King12
    "Oh, I'm doing great, Tynoxahn... But, something's been bothering me lately, and I'd like to get it off my mind..."

    "You see, I've realized, that if my own best friends won't even put the slightest thought into joining me in the Darkness, then I shouldn't consider them my friends at all..." he said, with an evil look on his face...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Pumpkin King12
    OOC: Um, guys? Myrejex isn't exactly anywhere near the window... He's much further away from the castle... Never mind that, I'm slightly editing some of my other post...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Pumpkin King12
    OOC: Well, my last post on here was supposed to take place at like, midnight, last night.. I just didn't get to post it til now, so.. Pretend like a day has passed since then!!

    Myrejex finally awoke from the pod, he walked out of it slowly, "Good.. Now, let me go see those old friends of mine, I believe they've been waiting for me..."

    He had then teleported just outside Tynoxahn's window, waiting for him to come out...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Pumpkin King12
    Myrejex walked around in an unknown dark room, with many technological machines and devices around him, he then turned his head towards a tall pod-like thing with a computer screen next to it...

    He examined it further "Hm.. This should be useful.." he typed in a few codes on the keyboard nearby, and stepped into the pod, began floating a bit and falling asleep inside of it...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Pumpkin King12
    Myrejex eyes widened for a moment, as if feeling something that he wasn't expecting, but then went back to himself "I don't have time for this..." he then teleported away
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Pumpkin King12
    Myejex quickly jumped up and did a backflip, dodging the electricity "You really shouldn't warn your opponents of an attack like that.. It gives them the advantage, you know" he then jumped into the air above Ty and started swinging at him multiple times..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Pumpkin King12
    Myr managed to dodge the attack, with a small cut on him after it, but then slashed back at him in retailiation "Hm, I will admit you are stronger than I thought, you actually managed to touch me so soon.." he said, then shooting out his daggers (which were now more like broadswords) at Tynoxahn.
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Pumpkin King12
    "I see..." Myrejex said, looking down at the ground, with darkness following around him "Then you leave me no choice.." He then summoned the Zangestu into his hands and his daggers flew around him, then expanding them into much larger versions of what they were...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Pumpkin King12
    "Hm.. Why must you choose to fight, I am your friend, am I not?" "Come, join me now, all you have to do is accept it, and I will grant you more power than you've ever imagined..." he said, while holding his hand out to Tynoxahn.. (Like Riku did to Sora in the beginning of KH1)
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Pumpkin King12
    He just stood there for a few seconds in silence "Why don't you see? Darkness is power, you may still do what you want with it, you just need to learn to accept it... You'd be the hero.."
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Pumpkin King12
    "Now now, don't reject me so soon.. Don't you see, together we would be unstoppable, Metal and Lightning already work together to become very powerful.. Add the Darkness, and we could accomplish anything"
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Pumpkin King12
    Myrejex silently teleported to Tynoxahn's room, he looked around a bit, then faced towards Ty "Hello there, Tynoxahn.."

    "I've been watching you lately, and I see that you have gained much power.. But you know what?" he said walking slowly closer "You're power could be multiplied many times more, if you were to join me in the darkness..."
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Pumpkin King12
    "Alright then, Kinara, what is it that you want?" Myrejex asked, as he moved back over to where he was just standing and brushed off his cloak a bit..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home