And somehow, I agree with everything Tynoxahn just said... Darkriku, you're only 14?! Well, I'm only turning 14 in about a month, but somehow I got the idea that you were like 19 or something... But I feel really bad for you either way...:(
EDIT: Eh heh, sorry, didn't notice Mixt' last post there... Locke just stood back and watched the two fight eachother, but still holding his sword readily incase the E.S. may need help...
Quickly coming to the conclusion that Mixt was the main enemy at this point, Locke raised his arm into the air, his daggers faded away, and his much more powerful Illumina sword appeared in his hands.
"I'm not too sure who this 'Mickey' person is, but I'll guess that him being on the dark side is NOT a good thing.." Locke said, feeling pretty confused, as he had never known about these other worlds, but either way he faught his hardest to try to help Tynoxahn.
Locke suddenly stopped fighting, and looked over at Tynoxahn "Hey kid, are you saying you don't want any help with this battle?" he said, crossing his arms and tilting his head to the side a bit.
Locke simply nodded, and began attacking 'that thing' Mixt was refering to, and at the same time dodging most of it's attacks quite well.
Locke then turned his head towards Tynoxahn "Name's Locke, world's greatest Treasure Hunter" he then began fighting again "I'm pretty popular where I come from" He then turned towards Mixt "Who's this guy?" he asked, still attacking the Heartless, though he wasn't too sure who to be helping.
"Hey, looks like you could use some help" Locke said, as he jumped down from a ledge higher above, and began running towards the Heartless and slashing at them very quickly with his two daggers. Although eventually it seemed as if he were just trying to show off, as he did many spins and flips while attacking.
As was I...
Then in that case it's Myrxa who'd have to change hers, since Tynoxahn came first... But I think it'd be a good idea for those two to have the same element like that...
No, that makes sense actually, Tynoxahn had Lightning first, but over such a long period of time, Myrxa gained Lightning also... There just two Nobodies from two different times, that happen to have the same element...
Hmm... Well, I guess it'd be useful for any new members to know who Myrejex is, so I may as well just post his profile from the previous thread... --------------------- Name: Myrejex Age: (Physically 14) (Mentally 16) (Technically 166) Element: Metal Personality: Quiet, often indecisive, beats himself up for his mistakes, will do whatever he can to protect his friends, prefers to hold onto all memory of emotion from his original self... Weapon: Seven daggers made of greatly compressed metal (In order to expand them to make larger weapons) that usually float around him as he controls them with his elemental power.. Title: The Steel Sentinel Appearance: Click here (The daggers aren't supposed to be cut off like that, it's just the edge of the picture ) Other Info: Sort of a 'Master of Weapons', as he can change his daggers (or any other metallic objects nearby) into just about anything, as long as he has enough material to make it. ------------------------- Since the age part is kinda weird, here's what I meant. His appearance is that of a 14 year old He has been alive for 16 years But yet he was born 166 years ago...
Yeah, Locke's a good guy, and sure, I guess he could join the team or whatever...
Mind if I join up? ---------------------- Name: Locke Cole Power / Ability: Excellent thieving skills Weapon: Mythril Daggers (Though also uses Illumina during more important battles) Age: 17 Past: A master thief from a world that was recently destroyed by Heartless. He much prefers to be called a 'Treasure Hunter', and gets annoyed whenever someone calls him a thief. Despite his often upbeat outward appearance, inside him lies a pain which he cannot shrug off. Appearance: Locke has grayish spiky hair hanging over his blue headband, a greenish tan colored belt, and a white sleeveless shirt. About 5'9" tall, wearing mostly blue, with his blue pants, short sleeved jacket, and headband. Origin: Final Fantasy VI EDIT: I changed the Weapon and Age parts, as I've decided to make him a younger character for KH, ya know...
Yup, I already knew that.. But regardless, you'll always be Ximlan in my mind... Can't picture you as a girl after that ^_^
I'm gettin' my hair dyed blue in about... 43 days from now.. XD And yeah, I'd prefer to just be told rather than guessing...
khchick55 - Exactly like the girl in your sig... :p
Myrejex heard Kinara speaking to him, but he couldn't do it, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't move... Then suddenly, he felt like he was himself again, but he knew it wouldn't be for long, he was struggling to keep his control over himself, fighting the Darkness, and failing... "Do it, Tynoxahn! Just do it and finish me off before the Darkness takes over again!" he yelled, closing his eyes in pain.
"Well, looks like it's just you and me now, Tynoxahn..." Myrejex said, an evil smile on his face, he pointed his arm blad at him, getting ready for the kill.. Then suddenly, he felt a part of his old self again, his eyes widened, and he just stood there, hesitating to attack..
"Gyaah!" Myrejex yelled in pain and irritance as they we're finally beginning to hurt him "I will not allow anymore of this insanity!!" he quickly shook the entire platform, just fast enough to shatter the ice growing on it, making it rain shards of ice everywear, with a strong covering over himself..