I have still yet to get the game, unfortunately.... But I'm dyin' to try fighting Terra, so I'll vote him...
And that's Eastern Standard Time, everyone! If you live somewhere else then try to figure out what time he's talking about... :p
Uuh... I just sorta used an older Username of mine off a Nightmare Before Christmas fansite. Cause I'd recently played Oogie's Revenge on the PS2, and in the game 'Pumpkin King' was my favorite costume outta the three.. And then the 12 simply came from my age when I originally made the account... Nothin' special really....
I've always been pretty much obsessed with video games, but I think my first was like, Cyborg Justice for the Sega Genesis... And that was when I was like, two or three years old...
*sighs* Welp, figures I'd be the one out... Sorta rushed anyay... But the one that Chaser made was brilliant, so simple, yet awesome.. Also, no idea where she found such high quality pics for that...
Neh, not so sure if I like this one, just wanted to give it a try, ya know...
Hey, uuum... How important is it to you that you play as Xigbar? Cause, he's already my character, just that the name hasn't been added to the list and all, so...
Heh heh, well I guess TrueKeybladeMaster here just solved my problem... I'll be Xigbar then... *Looks at TKMs avatar* Ugh.. That thing brings back baad memories for me, I'm sure it does the same for La Sofa too. I mean like, it's a good picture and all, but.. Ah never mind...
Hmm... *Thinks about it for a while* Neh, sure why not...
Um.. Not many positions left, unless there'll be more characters added in.. But until then, there are only four spots left...
It's gotta have something special about him... Welp, I guess he could have a sorta silverish fur, maybe a lion's tail or somethin'...
Alright then, no Moogle for Zexion.. And Leon's Moogle will be called, Griever... Not so sure about it's appearance though...
Ah, okay then... Normally, the two sides of my personality match Xigbar and Zexion most.. But since I'm more often like Zexion, and he's already been taken, I may as well choose Saix, I guess...
Hmm... *thinks about whether to join or not* Ah sure why not.. I guess my main character'll be.. Leon. And Zexion as my side character... Do they both need Guardian Moogles, or just Leon..?
Not Vexen.. Possibly Saix.. But ya know, when I'm in more of a laid back, happier kinda mood, then I match Xigbar... So yeah, not too sure who to be...
Oh wow, you're obviously sorta confused there, Red Bones. Marl- I mean, Lumaria, is a guy, he just happens to be very girlish.. :p Anyway, I'm not so sure if I'd be good here or not, seeing as I'm not always very funny, but I guess I'll go for Braig...
Welp, purely obvious that this is fake, no doubt whatsoever.. But since I don't really know much about the PS3 casing or whatever, and even if it were real it'd make sence for Square to do it in Photoshop first I guess... But for me, the one thing that gave it away instantly was the title, remember everyone, no KH3...
6649 Heeeyy, you're a fan of Bleach aaand FMA? Those are meh two favorite anime's by far.. Also, regardless of what the FMA character is like, my 'Deadly Sin' would prob'ly be Sloth... :p
It's not really that hard ya know.. I mean like, I may not be an expert at piano or anything (I fail horribly whenever I try at any song by Nobuo Uematsu), but the Organization theme really doesn't take much to learn...
Hm.. That may be true and all, but really, it's been used in FFVI and Teen Titans both as girls... And at least in my opinion, it's just got a very girly sound to it... *reads previous posts* Oh, sorry, didn't notice everything I just said has already been posted... But I mean like, for Sora, sure that name matched fine, as he was sometime considered a bishounen, ya know.. But this guy, I just don't see how it'll work...