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  1. Pumpkin King12
    Huh? Uuum.. Neh, I dunno...

    EDIT: La Sofa didn't want me mentioning him in this post *Rolls eyes*
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Pumpkin King12
    Um.. Actually, Star_Seeker, both of the Final Mix games have had English voices, just Japanese subtitles.. So it's not really anything to count on...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Pumpkin King12
    Live Every Day as if it were the Last Day in Your Pants

    Lol, that's a kinda long title there, huh?
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Pumpkin King12
    Heh, I can't really think of many right now, but one of Hayden's much earlier characters was Dot in A Bug's Life. Brittany Snow was in some movie made by Hayao Miazaki, though I'm not sure which one. And all the Haley Joel Osment one's I could think of we're already pointed out...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Pumpkin King12
    Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
    Final Fantasy X
    Steambot Chronicles

    0_o I had no idea my list would be so small.. I mean, I do like quite a few other PS2 games, but outta favorites that's petty much it.... And just why is it that such a great game like Steambot Chronicles so neglected..?
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 10, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  6. Pumpkin King12
    *Sigh* This really wasn't such a good year for me, I should be going into 9th next year, but I somehow managed to complete only about half of what I should have...

    So, call it 8.5 if you will...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Pumpkin King12
    Hah hah, I remember you telling me that one a few times before.. I kinda forget who 'Friend 1' and 'Friend 2' were though...

    Ah well, thanks for sharin' anyway.. :p
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Pumpkin King12
    Hmm.... I dunno, try sayin' something like how she's not the girl she used to be, and that you were only friends with the other girl rather than who she's become..

    If it manages to get to her, then good.. If not, then you can dump her or whatever... Hope that was at least the slightest bit helpful, I think it's better than what others were saying, but I'm not sure on your opinion...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Pumpkin King12
    Mine also was the FFVIII demo (As with La Sofa) and my first actual one was FFX. So far I've played most of those games, yet for some odd reason, X was the only one I really finished... :P
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  10. Pumpkin King12
    Actually, Irvine wss originally supposed to be in KH1, but then got replaced by Wakka..

    But yeah, it'd be awesome to have Irvine in KH, as long as they don't mess him up like they did with some other characters...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Pumpkin King12
    Well, I have a feeling that (at least most of) the Organization's Heartless have already been defeated.. But with possibilities of the next game taking place in the past, it is quite possible that they will be in it...

    And to RoxasNoxas: that's what I was just about to say, good thing there are at least some people around here who care enough to read the Nomura interviews...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Pumpkin King12
    Mine's Myrejex... apparently I'm pretty decent at coming up with Nobody names, as my friends all used the names I came up with for 'em.. So I could try to figure out some more accurate ones for anyone who cares...

    Cause something that I see a lot is when people come up with 'Nobody Names', but they don't follow any of the rules for 'em...

    As for myoblivion, none of those names could actually be used, though something more along the lines of Xyralot may work if you like the sound of it...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Pumpkin King12
    He only said that because if you check it's genre listing, 'Shoujo' is one of them, he wasn't saying that only girls should watch it, but merely that it is less intended for male viewers...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Pumpkin King12
    Hm.. I don't think you quite got the point of it. One thing that La Sofa has is the ability to instantly come up with brilliantly random ideas, that ten mintue clip was recorded in three parts, none of which were planned out at all...

    And of course, he purposely repeated the same idea multiple times, to simply show that Yen Sid is supposed to be very wise, but yet only knows so little as to repeat himself over and over.. Although I agree with adding background music to it, in Part 1 there was some BGM added, but for somereason that video woudn't upload to Youtube correctly...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Pumpkin King12
    1. Bleach
    2. FMA
    3. Death Note

    Not so sure about DN, as I've only just started watching it, but yeah... And Bleach and FMA fight for 1st, but I'm currently most into Bleach, so I put that one up top...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  16. Pumpkin King12
    I happen to have two very different personalities that I kinda switch between randomly.. So I'd say sometimes I'm most like Xigbar, and other times like Zexion...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Pumpkin King12
    Welp... If you're talkin' about the one on Youtube titled "The Ultimate One Winged Angel Remix", then I'd say sounds like a sorta cheaply made midi, mixed in with the orchestrated version and sword sound effects.... And that the ending was cut short...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  18. Pumpkin King12
    Hm.. I'll look into that I guess... Thanks ^_^
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, May 25, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  19. Pumpkin King12
    Normally, that's true, music composers don't have much to do with what goes in a game.. But with SSB, the fact that they use a bunch of different composers from the games where they get their playable characters from, changes things very much...

    Also, I think they may have forgotten someone, or maybe they purposely didn't mention it, but Nobuo Uematsu is supposed to have something to do with this game.. It may have been the main theme or something, but yeah.. Either way I'm curious to hear what he's written for SSBB, big fan of his music, ya know...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, May 25, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  20. Pumpkin King12
    I've been looking into ways to get Japanese games to work on an American PS2 (Slim), but wherever I look it seems much like not all the information is told, with quite a few different discs, chips, and attachments, I'm just not sure what's the best way to get this to work..

    So if anyone here has had more experience with this, would you please tell me what works best?
    Thread by: Pumpkin King12, May 25, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming