Search Results

  1. Pumpkin King12
    1. Jeremy
    2. Ymerej
    3. Myrejex
    4. ............
    5. Sloth

    Neh, I don't think I have a name for the fourth one there....
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Pumpkin King12
    Dude, was that Romi Paku as Zidane? I could be mistaken, but that yell near the end sounded much like her.. And I find it that characters played by her in Japanese usually get pretty good voice actors in the American version :)
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  3. Pumpkin King12
    In'ei quickly dodged to the right, even though he knew Ynohtna wouldn't really kick him over something like that, but it was just instinct..

    "So, is anyone else here? Or is it just you and Ren?"
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Pumpkin King12
    "Heh heh, sweet! It'll be good to see her again.. So, you two like boyfriend and girlfriend by now?" In'ei asked, smiling a bit and crossing his arms..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Pumpkin King12
    "Um... How am I supposed to know? Just tell me.." In'ei said, in a jokingly angry kinda voice..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Pumpkin King12
    In'ei gave Ynohtna a high five, "So.. What are you doing in a place like this anyway?" he asked.
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Pumpkin King12
    "Hm? Don't you recognise me? It's me, ya know, In'ei.." he said, hoping to be remembered by his old friend.. It had been about three years since they'd last seen each other..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Pumpkin King12
    Suddenly, a dark hole appeared in the ground near Ynohtna, with some Darkness flowing out of it. In'ei then emerged from the hole, with it closing up afterwards..

    "Hm, it's been a long time, Ynohtna.." he said as he stretched his arms a bit..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Pumpkin King12
    Tch, I'm guessing you got this joke from the Smosh Food Battle, right? Yeah, that was a funny one...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Pumpkin King12
    Hm? I remember reading a Nomura interview where he confirmed that the secret ending took place in the past... I'm prob'ly wrong though, just wanted to be sure of that information I guess...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 16, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Pumpkin King12
    Ya know, maybe I'm just not too good at fighting Sephiroth, considering I found it to be nearly impossible until I reached Level 82 or something....0_o

    But then again, I have improved much in overall skill since then...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Pumpkin King12
    Hey, mind if I join up now, or has this thread pretty much died out already?
    Name: In'ei

    Gender: Male

    Age: 15

    Appearance: Slightly long brown hair with dark blue highlights in it, dark jeans, navy blue T-shirt, leather boots, fingerless gloves, and sometimes where's a long dark blue hoodless coat. Click here to view.

    Personality: Has two personalities which are both quite different from each other, one being more serious and quiet, and the other being more happy and almost immature. Though both sides of him are often very indecisive.

    Interests: Technology, Music

    Other: Comes from the world of Hollow Bastion. Also, the coat mentioned above is usually only worn when in more serious mood.

    Element/Weapon: Can disappear into the ground wherever shadows are near, but reappears when touched by light. He wields a dual-sided sword, which he can summon and dismiss at will.
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Pumpkin King12
    A 2 hour movie..? I seriously doubt that.. If they did make a KH movie, it'd hafta be some kinda side-story, or what happens to Sora after KH2, considering the fact that all the cutscenes in KH2 make up about 10 hours...

    And that's not including all time of traveling and battles...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Pumpkin King12
    Hm.. I think I remember my mom reading ome kinda magazine article about it when I was like 7, but I'd never heard of 'Square Soft' back then, so I just figured it was gonna be some kinda game where ya play as Mickey, and that was enough really to get me interested I guess...

    I take it that you were delayed a bit to play it then, as X-2 game out quite a while after KH did...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Pumpkin King12


    Crap no, seriously, even if you were of age, it's absolutely worthless, doing nothing but ruining any possibilities of a good life...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Pumpkin King12
    Neh, as with the last one, no crushes, so I'll just choose a favorite or whatever... Selphie, I guess...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 13, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  17. Pumpkin King12
    I'm honestly not sure what to put here, I'd rather not just settle for None like most of you are... So let's see, I've been called cute quite a few times, and once someone asked me if I was emo, as she claimed that I act like I am...

    I've also been called a nerd or dork before, though somehow it was meant in a good way.. So yeah, I guess I'm just none... *Shrugs and votes*
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 13, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  18. Pumpkin King12
    Hm... It certainly does exist, and the way Wabba just explained it was very accurate.. And for those who have yet to experience this feeling, I feel deeply sorry for you and hope that someday you will find someone who truly makes you feel this way...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 13, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  19. Pumpkin King12
    Endscape - UVERworld
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Pumpkin King12
    Hmm... I have no crushes on any of these peoples, sooo I shall simply choose the one I find the cutest...

    *Votes Yuffie*
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone