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  1. Pumpkin King12
    "Heh heh, come on, Tynoxahn, I thought you'd be better than this by now.." Myr said, with a smirk on his face..

    "Hm, let's try something else for a change" he then transformed his daggers into two handguns, complete with ammo, and began shooting the Heartless that tried to attack him..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Pumpkin King12
    Myrejex walked over towards Tynoxahn "I'm not sure, but even though there's many of them, these Heartless are pretty weak.." he said, as each of his daggers would fly through any Heartless that came near him, killing them quite easily..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Pumpkin King12
    Myrejex teleported to where the others were "Hey, um.. What are we doing here?" he said while looking around the place "Darn it, my powers are useless in this world..."
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Pumpkin King12
    "Mmhmm..." Myrejex yawned "Yeah, U think we're all getting tired now, huh.." he said, now very tired from all that work...

    But in about 15 minutes the next floor was finished, so he added it on, serving as a roof for the night "Alright guys, see ye tomorrow.." Myr thenwalked threw the doors of the unfinished castle..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Pumpkin King12
    OOC:Yeah, he doesn't have the information for his profile saved, so he had to rewrite it, but not sure why it's taking so long..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Pumpkin King12
    "Hm, I'm actually getting pretty far here, the castle's certainly closer to being finished and all, we meet actually have a decent place to sleep tonight.." Myrejex said while still working on the castle
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Pumpkin King12
    OOC: Two elements huh? Not sure if I like the idea, so I'll make it more of a temporary thing, that okay?

    Myrejex grabbed the Earth Crystal the Superior had handed him (Heh heh, my random idea) and began removing rock and dirt from the ground where the castle was going to be placed
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Pumpkin King12
    OOC: Hey, Phisoxa, would you mind taking the element Earth? We're currently looking for someone with that element, so, it'd help alot if you'd take it:D
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Pumpkin King12
    "Hey, lemme see those blueprints.." Myrejex said, someone then tossed it to him, though he didn't care to look who it was "Thanks.."

    "Hm.. Actually, I'm just about done now, I just need someone to dig out the ground about 70 feet deep so I can insert the basement floors..." Myr looked around, remembering that we had no one with Earth as there element.. "Oh..."

    "Uh, maybe Nebx could help out, as he's the closet we've got.."
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Pumpkin King12
    "Pretty good so far, Xain.." he said, turning around towards Xainkar..

    OOC: I'm not too sure of how much percentage should be done by now.. Soo yeah..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Pumpkin King12
    "Heh, it's been two whole years now since any of us have seen each other, we finally meet up again, and I'm kinda surprised that Nebx isn't having some kinda romantic break down..." Myr said to himself, smiling a bit..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Pumpkin King12
    Myrejex looked over at the miniature version of the castle to see where to put what and all, still having much more to go...

    "So the spark ignites
    In time and space
    Limping through this human race
    You bite and claw your way back home
    But you’re running the wrong way

    The future is a question mark
    Of kerosene and electric sparks
    There’s still fire in you yet
    Yeah there’s still fire in you"
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Pumpkin King12
    Myrejex turned his head toward Takarnax "Heh, thanks..." he said, thinking of what Takarnax could do to help "Oh, if you wouldn't mind you could weld together some of these pieces once they're in place, I could do it myself but if you wanna help it'd go by faster" he said while smiling a bit, then getting back to work..

    OOC: Coolness, that'd be awesome! Actually, if you could draw the pictures then I could trace the lineart in Illustrator then put it into Comic Life for the completed version, course that'd take like forever though...
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Pumpkin King12
    "Sure, I'll get to work right away" Myrejex then ran closer to the construction site, and began placing the framework with ease, waving his arms around to were the pieces would go..

    He sang quietly to himself as he worked..
    "If we've only got one try,
    If we've only got one life,
    If time was never on our side,
    Then before I die I wanna burn out bright"
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Pumpkin King12
    "So.. Should I guess I should get to work on the castle frame now?" Myrejex asked, still just following Xainkar..
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Pumpkin King12
    "Right behind ya, Xainkar.. Just get me the materials I need and I'm willing to help out as much as I can." Myr said, following Xainkar around about two feet behind him (That's just what I do, I feel sorta weird when I'm not following someone around :p)
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Pumpkin King12
    "Hm.. I agree with Xainkar on this one" Myrejex said as he came out from hiding, "And then of course, you could always just threaten people for there munny..." he said with an evilish smirk on his face...

    "But then again, the Superior's idea is more of what I had in mind in the first place.."

    OOC: And uh, do we get our numbers yet?
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Pumpkin King12
    Wait a sec.. What about the ending? I only see up to Destiny Islands.. Where's the 13th floor and coolness ending!?
    Post by: Pumpkin King12, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates