I must go to work now. Good day. *feels my soul get absorbed by walmart more*
I cant figure out how to do the quest to get homunculus creation skill....can someone help me?
your being slow tonight, come on, entertain me, keep my mind off thinking about crap!!! D:<
I am LOVING this game, its the best of the three G.U series so far, and thats saying something! Anyone else here playing this game? right now, I'm at (SPOILERS!!!!!!) The part where Ovan asks you to go to the area so he can tel lyou "the truth about everything" right after Yata "Awakens" as an Epitaph User. (END SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I am being banned as I type this. Good bye.
I am going to sleep. good night..
at my work says "Arc" instead of "Jestin" I'm that cool.
I hate you. you suck horrendous failz. that is all
I dont do this often, but im bored. Anyone that wants to talk to me, feel free to add me. shrapnalintheleg@hotmail.com
Go to work today lol.... though I like the idea of money in my pocket, I very much enjoy being lazy =/
I've been damned 5 times on that site now! D=