This just in, Breaking news on CNN! The statue of liberty is being taken down tonight....... in its place.... is Aunt Jemima and she's holding up a chicken leg.
I've been having alot of people contact me saying they dont like my name, so what do you think? Neku Stay Sylar go with something Zack related from FF? I've had a few people say they wanted me to do something related to Zack Fair
Should I change my name back? to: Arc Neku or, keep it Sylar?
someone talk to me!!!! im on yim and msn right now <_< >_>
I just wanted to tell those of you who may have that relied on me, I have NOT forgotten about this place. I have been swamped with work, and the fact that me and my girlfriend(fiance if you want to be technical) are trying to get our own place to live. Most of you may not know, it costs ALOT to move into your own home, let alone your FIRST home....that coupled with promotions at work etc, has drastically diminished my time here, I know I have a responsibility to you all, and thats why I wanted to apologize for my lack of being here when you may/may not need me. for those who have my cell phone number, dont hesitate to call/text me, I'd love to hear from you. those that talk to me on msn/yim/aim/whatever....I will try to be on more often for you folks, I do still care about you all, I do still cherish being an admin here, regards.
******s wild
silly kids, theres no girls in the intarweb.
whats with all of the "end of the world" stuff today?
depression sucks...I hate getting close to people and getting let down....especially when you do everything in your power to make things work, and they tell you "No, my minds made up already" v_v
so....I just got dragged to see "Mama Mia" tonight.....stupidest fecking movie...ever....every time a damn song started it had karaoke-esque lyrics at the bottom... to make matters worse, everytime I started falling asleep, I got my leg stabbed with a pen... I swear...the things us guys do for you gals...
whys batman's mask have eyebrows?
She got into some trouble or something, she was crying when talking to me(or at least sounded like she was crying) and said she wont be online AT ALL for the next month or so, maybe longer. She wanted everyone to know she didnt fall off the face of the earth and die, she just had her comp taken away. that is all.
good music and bands...I'm bored
Pyrɸ and I are a couple... this is no joke guys.....we r srius....don't make fun of us.... you can call us.... Nekrɸ you should all vote for us 4we are real, and not a gimmick
I just bought the GuildWars Platinum edition disc( has the game+ Eye of the North expansion) and was wondering who else plays this on this site....maybe you would like to meet up and teach me the ropes and what not....^^