They are the best :D
Honey. Bears eat? cute!!!! I loves it
With what? ...I hope it wasn't your traditional fly stuffing!
Souffle. Chicken tikka?
Boo Baa! Where is the sun?
Blood is hollow. Cakey cakey?
Xion won't wanna nom me..
Because I have geography homework. Tuesday's coming...Have you got your coat?
And who else are you going to feed me to? > : D > : D > : D FACE OF TRIUMPH x3!
Computer says no. Can oranges dance?
Because OMG! A SASQUATCH! Why did my phone just ring?
Because my bedroom smells like ballons. What if I was meant to be called Rebecca instead of my twin?
Wow....o.o so many, "i's"
Helloooooooo nee-chan
Banned because I just changed my sig :3
Banned for joining in 2007
Oh Mah Jam! *Drops the flea conga line on next poster*