Cream cheese or feet?
Luke, I am your shoe. >.> <.<
I agree with that.
happy birfay how old u turnin
yahoo news betch lol
Is there drugs in my head?
You cannibal. D<
loll I love how people usually have to remind DA to make the thread. xD
I guess I agree with this... but then what would the rules section be there for? :/
Welcome to kh-vids. Hope you enjoy your stay here!
...and I'm hungry. o almighty spamzone, what should I eat? >.>
and the concert is sold out. )x I'm upset.
Shadow heartless? Yes. Fatarse heartless: hell no. Kairi's strong, but she can't take on that much. no training.
Yes, go see your family docter. Leaf abuser.
i suck lol
Voldemort dies. So does Bellatrix. and Wormtail. and one of the twins, i forgot which. LOLLOLLOL.
lol if you say so