It's really pown. poh-own. but i pronounce it pwin
has been working with The Burger King. Soujia Boy = Crono is disguise.
You captured OWH perfectly.
I think if I hear something that involves Death Note one more time, I'm going to scream. The Spam Zone ALWAYS have a obsession with anime every few months or so, if you realized. D:
...yes we like waffles. D:
pwned. xDD
That's a first.
in before even more locks, betch.
I say just close this already. >.>
I'm all on RISK's side except for the murdering part. John, I think YOU'RE the immature for picking at a what? 13-year-old little boy?
This is like a debate. In the spam zone.
Dante x Arc x ┼ Lubz ┼. Dante x ┼ Lubz ┼ Sara x ┼ Lubz ┼ Dethspaynk x ┼ Lubz ┼
was it hard to answer all of those questions?
omgz y u so stupid!?
Trigger, Darkwatch?
risk would be fun. =D
CarbuncleGem x nRa
lol whut mucus
Rosexy x Sara