atm its probably Namine or KH2 Riku, (i dont like KH Riku)
Maybe, it didnt have as much Disney, because people who bought KH had gotten older when KH2 came out, so they wouldnt want it to be too childish. Try and make it a bit more mysterious so people wouldnt get bored
I thought, since it was Disney it would be quite childish, but its not at all! it can be cheesy at times, but i was obsessed with the game, still am.
i think their outfits suit the organization, as they look intimidating and cool at the same time. You do wonder what their normal outfits are though...
I'd like Yuffie, because her weapon is pretty cool, and i'd have to have Cloud as he is mint, but i'd get confused with Sora and his hair haha
I think Riku is stronger, because when they were young, Riku always won. I wont deny, Sora gained loads of experience and skills, also, Roxas defeated Riku, but Riku was able to use the power of darkness to his advantage. AND! In the cutscene after just fighting Xemnas Riku saves Sora from getting swiped by Xemnas's laser things
KH: Demon thing from Fantasia (did anyone else find it hard?) KH2: Xaldin
Kairi annoyed me in KH, the thing that put me off is when she runs across the beach on Destiny Islands laughing like an idiot... But in KH2! she's really courageous! like a totally different person "This time...I'LL fight. You know Sora's completely hopeless without us!"
I got antiform in Disney Castle, i was like, were's Sora? coz he looked like the Shadow Heartless
his shoes dont look as clown like!!!!
Its between Crimson Jazz or Hot Rod for my worst Heartless My worst Nobody would have to be... Dancer or Sorcerer
I liked The World That Never Was, because thats where you beat most of the Organization Members, and it was the last playable world :)
Less Favourite Character: KH Riku - he wasnt nice to Sora, but throughout the games, it has to be Maleficent Less Favourite Weapon: Follow The Wind Less Favourite Org Member: Saix - hes just mean, nasty non-existing man
I chose Demyx, because he looked the most disappointed in dying (wouldn't we all???) but i thought Axels was moving.
Aerith without a doubt - Aerith: Great! Say, Leon, why don't you go work with Cid? I have this place under control. Leon: Are you sure? All by yourself...? (Aerith gives him a miffed look) Leon: ...Er, sorry. It's all yours
I HATED Demyx the first time i fought him at Hollow Bastion - it took me like 5 goes to beat him, then its probs Xaldin cox he just follows you nd circles you constantly!
Axel "My heart wouldn't be in it you know. Haven't got one." haha Cid saying "Well if you ain't in top shape" Leon "I forgot who i'm dealing with" but my fave is Riku when he says, "There is one advantage to being me... something you could never imitate" - thats just ace
I like all the final Heartless you battle at the end of a world, like that dragon thing in Land of Dragons and Mossy Dinosaur thing in Pride Lands but the heartless i hate are Fat Bandits Those red heartless that blows you up loads with mine things Assult Riders with those stupid lightning-shaped staff things that they twirl
I loved Riku & Sora vs Xemnas, especially when i needed to save Sora's ASS using Riku, woop woop! :roll:
lol, well i was fighting Xaldin, nd suddenly i was Mickey,i was like wtf??? but he helped me, so i was happy, i only saw him once thou :(