This rp is sorta like Kingdom Hearts so bear with me>_< What happens is there are multiple elementalists who each control their respective element (and some cross element) and each galaxy/planet has their own, however after awhile the elementalist of creation (the on who originally created the elements) started to deprive other galaxies of their Elementalists as of the elementalists using the power for evil. eventually only our Earth and an Earth-like planet in our neighbour universe had elementalists but each one had no idea who they were, though the elementalists from our earth started to be dragged their through the elemental portals (every elementalist has their own) and got taken to the other earth, however 3 humans from our earth were actually meant to be elementalists for the other earth and were also taken. however each one of the elementalists sent to the other earth continued to return at random times including the three children, this continued for years without us knowing of them but them knowing of us, until eventually the elemental wars broke out, and although it was called the elemental war it actually had nothing to do with the elementalists but of our earth getting jealous of the ohter one and manipulating an earth elementalist to take them there... this occurs 3 years after all of that happened, and all 3 of the children have taken up their rightful element and abilities, our earth was destroyed by the other earth's fire elementalist by accident and now we all share the same earth. Also there is no government since the lihtning elementalist kills anyone who tries to take charge, and the ice one has rarely been seen. also: There are the ones who are elementalists, the Elementalist supporters and the anti-Elementalists. The three children's element's were: Fire Ice and Lightning. and all three have their own soul chain. (a chain that connects your soul to those whom you trust with your life.) Rules: 1. Only two characters 2. No god modding unless you are an elementalist and then when you die you go into the full elemental state (fight like a berserker and get comepletly enshrouded in your own element) 3. No mimmicking other's elements unless you have a soul chain with them. 4. Your not allowed a soul chain, unless both users agree to it... 5. You can use any predesighned character from anywhere so long as it is not taken. 6. Need permission from me to become a lead elementalist. (The most powerful elementalist of that respective element) 7. if you can come up with an element not already taken or reserved then it's yours:D P.S. there are two every lead elementalists of element>_< (Our Earth other Earth...) Taken/Reverved Elements: Fire(other)-Dmaster (ME:D) Lightning(Other)-the darkness grows within Ice (Other)-Demitryx Darkness(Ours)-Unsaintly Saint Darkness(Other)-Random Angel OC form: Name: Original Home: Appearance: Element/Fire arms (yes you get to choose, and you can have both): Initial Weapon: Chain type (Curse/Soul/Gift/All/None): (If you chose soul) Soul Chain connections: (If you chose Curse) Main Curse: (If you chose Gift) Main Gift: If you chose all, fill out all of the above>_< Side (Elementalis/Elementalist supporter/ Anti-Elementalist/ Normal person): other: History: Name: Derek Zomer Original Home: our Earth Appearance: Black tank-top, white jeans and black cape/Cloak Element/Fire arms: Fire, Twin-automatic Pistols Initial Weapon: A great sword wrapped in bandages which he lights on fire... Chain type: All Soul Chain connections: 7/10 of the current elementalists. Main Curse: Beast Allegiance (He can warp into a half-animal type figure) Main Gift: Regeneration (Unlike Naruto's and co. his is simply the ability to continue fighting no motter what condition he's in unless he is either closs to death or is dead...) Side: Elementalist. Other: Is the Fire elementalist of the other earth but was born in ours. Has multiple people trying to manipulate him (E.G. mad-scientist posioned him so he would destroy our Earth...) History: Has major issues with his own power, as of it creates multiple dark sides and split-personalities, he will almost always try to hide his power and refuse to use much of it when he is forced to use it. ooc: Just so you know: i've actually been desiging this since i was 3 O.O
Chapter 1: The one with black wings Childish laughter rang through the air, as the angel children played. Though there seemed to be one who sat on his own underneath some shade. His mother sighed as she went over to him. She could see tears sliding down his face, as he sat there motionless, oblivious to even his mother. She felt a deep pang of sadness when he glanced up at the others, longing clear on his face. She wrapped her beautiful white wings around him, bringing a light smile to his face. “Don’t worry about them; they’re just not used to seeing someone with black wings, that’s all!” His mother reassured. “Once they get used to it they’ll start playing with you!” “Mom that isn’t the case…” He sulked quietly, making his mother frown. “Their parents said that since I have black wings that I must be evil… they said that ‘I should be disposed of before I can cause any harm…” His mother eyes shone with sadness as she hugged her son. “Don’t worry about what they say; you still have me don’t you?” She asked, ruffling his hair. “Yeah, I do…” He replied smiling happily… “Vlad you’re going to be late for school!” Vlad’s mother tolled him, shaking him lightly. “Now get out of bed!” “Why? Those jerks at school are evil…” Vlad mumbled cuddling up to his pillow. “You know I don’t like it when you say that!” His mother expressed. “Well, it’s what they call me!” Vlad retorted. “Vlad… that’s why you’re better, remember?” His mother explained. “You don’t let it get to you and you don’t insult them… it’s what makes you better…” “Fine, I’ll go to school…” Vlad finally gave in… Vlad stared out at the other kids. They were all so happy and playful, but none of them seemed to like him. He cuddled his legs, trying to hide from all the taunts and cruelty of the other kids. He cried silently, wishing he didn’t have to come, when he felt someone’s hand ruffling through his hair. “So what’s your name?” The person asked. “My name’s Vlad” Vlad introduced, turning around to see the person. “What’s your name?” The person wore a black shirt and white pants with sneakers to match. “My name’s Dein” The stranger introduced himself. “So why are you up here on your own?” “Because the other kids told me to go away…” Vlad explained, looking at the ground. “They say that since I’ve got black wings, I’m evil and then they beat me up and tell me to go away…” “So why don’t you beat them up?” Dein suggested, a smile of mischief forming on his lips. “Because mom says that if I do I’m just as bad as them…” Vlad told Dein, looking over to the other kids. “Besides, they’re so happy, why would I want to make them cry?” “So that makes it right for them to beat you?” Dein asked, following Vlad’s gaze. “If you think like that then they’ll just keep on beating you…” Vlad looked at Dein in astonishment. “They don’t care if you’re happy and they’ll think that you’re scared of them if you don’t do anything about it” Dein explained. “So, does them being happy really justify them picking on you?” “I… I guess not…” Vlad agreed, thinking over what he had just heard. “But I’ll be just as bad as them if I make them unhappy won’t I?” “No, you won’t be as bad as them, especially since they did it to you first…” Dein explained, looking back at Vlad. “Well, anyway do you want to hang out after school?” “Re-really?” Vlad asked in astonishment, and smiled happily as Dein nodded. “Yeah, sure!” “Great, so I’ll meet you near the front gate okay?” Dein asked happily. “Yeah, good idea!” Agreed Vlad, smiling to himself happily. “I’ll see you then” Dein smiled and walked off. Vlad noticed the glint of something in his eyes, and noticed that he wore glasses… Vlad sat at the front gates, happily watching some butterflies. He had been waiting for half-an-hour, but he didn’t care. ‘Dein didn’t seem like one to lie, he must’ve gotten hold up’ He told himself. Some more kids ran by, scaring off the butterflies. Vlad frowned as he wondered why he was still waiting, when some kids walked up to him. “What is a stupid little curse like you waiting for?” The first one asked, looking down at him. “Bet the little jerk can’t even speak!” The kid slapped him across the face, making tears come to Vlad’s eyes. “Oh, is the little curse going to cry?” He taunted, rubbing pretend tears off of his eyes. “You should be put down!” The kid kicked him, causing Vlad to bend over in pain. “Heh, does the little curse actually ‘feel’ something?” Another one taunted, hitting Vlad. “Shouldn’t of left home should of he?” Vlad rubbed his bruised arm, crying as they continued to hit him. “Adults won’t put him down will they?” One asked, hitting him in the stomach. “Because his mommy won’t let them, but mommies not here to stop us is she?” Vlad gave a light cry, which was blocked out by his sobs of pain. “What’s that the little curse wants us to stop?” a fourth one taunted. “Well, that’s too bad because the little curse isn’t going to get a little gift is he?” They laughed as they continued to beat him. “Hey leave him alone!” Someone yelled, jumping over the fence. “And what’re you going to do if we don’t?” The first one mocked. “Just this” The figure said, punching the guy in the gut. The bullies seemed astonished at the kid, and decided to leave Vlad and gang up on him. One of them charged at him, receiving a swift kick to the gut, before collapsing winded on the ground. “Think you’re big and tough do ya?” Another asked angrily, brandishing his fist. “Well, we’re just going to have to teach him a lesson now won’t we?” The bullies ganged up on him, yelling abuse at him, and charging at him. As they beat him Vlad realized it was Dein, and smiled as his friend stood up for him. “Heh, you’re ganging up on me and I’m the one who thinks he’s tough?” Dein taunted, as he took another punch to the gut. “Stupid little cowards…” The bullies continued to beat Dein, until Dein was barely conscious. Vlad gave a light cry at seeing this and went to get up, when another bully knocked him back down. “What’re you going to do little curse?” The bully taunted, kicking Vlad. “You’re only going to make things worse for you’re friend!” “Hey get you’re hands off my brother!” a nearby teen yelled at the bullies picking on Dein. “Or you’ll what?” Another bully asked, clearly not having learnt his lesson as the teen hit him in the gut knocking him out. “Now, any of you want to try it?” The teen asked. The bullies seemed to think it over then went to surround the teen. They charged at the teen, each being knocked over by the powerful veer of his wings. “Now then, if you ever touch my little brother or his friend again, I’ll beat you to an inch of you’re life okay?!?!” The teen threatened, staring knives into them. The bullies had taken enough and ran off, the majority either crying or trying to hide their tears. “Dein, why do you do that to yourself?” The teen asked walking over to Dein and ruffling through his hair. “It’s not my fault! They attacked Vlad!” Dein stated, glaring at his older brother. “I can’t let them beat up my friends can I?!?!” “I guess not…” Jake surrendered turning to Vlad. “So you’re this Vlad Dein won’t stop talking about? Well, I’m Dein’s brother Jake, nice to meet you.” Vlad smiled. “Thanks for helping me…” Vlad thanked wiping blood off of his lip. “Don’t worry about it! But, please don’t tell me that they beat you like that regularly?” Jake asked the worry clear in his eyes. “Don’t worry, normally they can’t find me to do so!” Vlad stated, looking Jake full in the eyes. “They beat me like that because of my black wings…” Jake then noticed his black wings and took a step-back. “Well, really it’s nothing to beat you over…” Jake explained, staring at the wings. “Though I will say they’re not natural, it doesn’t give them a right to beat you though…” “See!” Dein shouted, pointing at his brother. “It doesn’t justify it!” “Yeah, I guess…” Vlad agreed, turning to Dein. “So what’re we going to do?” “Oh, yeah!” Dein realized. “Hey Jake, let’s go!” “Okay, follow me!” Jake ordered, leading Dein and Vlad through a few street ways… Vlad could only stare in amazement as he saw the city for the first time. He looked over to Dein, a question in his eyes, and smiled happily as Dein nodded. Jake motioned for them to follow him, and they went through a nearby cave. When they came out, Vlad cried in astonishment, as they came out right in the center of the city. “Here’s some money, do what you like with it.” Jake said, handing Dein some money and walking off. “I’m off to go see Jenna, see you!” “Who’s Jenna?” Vlad asked, staring at the place that Jake had flown off from. “She’s his girlfriend” Dein explained, looking around. “He always goes to see her while we’re here, so what do you want to do first?” Vlad spun around, marveling at everything’s excellence, until he saw something that especially caught his attention. “Can we go to that?” Vlad asked, pointing at a nearby festival. “Sure!” Dein agreed, buying two tickets for it. “Now what would you like to go on?” “Ummm…” Vlad sighed as he spun around, until he saw a ride that made you hover in the air. “Can we go on that? “Sure, I’ve been wanting to go on that but Jake won’t take me…” Dein explained, walking over to it. “So, what do you think about the city?” “It’s amazing!” Vlad replied, enthusiastically following Dein into the ride. “Wow!” Vlad got shot up into the air the second he got inside. He laughed as he just hung there. “Its fun isn’t it?” Dein asked, coming up behind him. “It’s great!” Laughed Vlad, happily floating in the air. Dein laughed along side him happily floating in the air beside him. After that they went on five more rides. Finally Vlad pointed to one last ride. “Are you sure? We’re out of money after this one” Dein reminded. Vlad just smiled. “Fine, let’s go!” Dein ordered happily. The ride was specially designed for angels, with straps for both their wings and their arms. Vlad laughed happily as it spun round and round and then started on a track, doing loops and downhill falls. He noticed a section coming up where apparently you were thrown 5 inches away from the other people on the ride. Vlad smiled happily, looking forward to it. All of sudden he got jolted straight up, adrenaline rushing through him; he saw the part coming up. He immediately felt the rush of excitement as it pulled him up; he smiled happily as he saw one of the other passenger’s was scared. The ride suddenly stopped, and Vlad felt a quick rush of fear, looking up to see what the problem was, however when he looked up he came face-to-face with a girl with brown hair, wearing a pink bow and then the ride suddenly veered downwards… After the ride, Vlad and Dein sat down at some nearby seats waiting for Jake to get there. “So did you have fun?” Dein asked Vlad. “Yeah, it was great!” Vlad thanked. “But did you notice this girl on the last ride who was wearing a pink bow, and had long Brown hair?” “No, sorry…” Dein apologized, thinking back to the ride. “I didn’t really notice anyone…” At that moment Jake came back, smiling at the two of them. “Never get girlfriends who like to ‘shop’ okay?” Jake asked happily. “Especially if you have a good income…” Dein and Vlad just smiled at this. “Well, it’s getting late, so I better get you two back to your parents r they’ll murder me…” Jake explained, leading them back. Dein and Jake walked Vlad back home that night, exchanging their farewells at the door as Dein went inside… -------------------------------------- Thanks go to: Riku's#1fangirl: For starting the rpg that gave me the idea. MasterGamer: for the name 'Jake' Demon-slayerkyle: for the name 'Vlad'
this is a book i started awhile ago, and haven't been bothered writing, so i'll post here to see if you think i should write it. Chapter one: True Friends A boy listened silently, to the sounds of the forest. He loved to listen to the noises of the forest. He loved it deeply, to the point where he was almost ready to just leave and never come back. Almost. There was one reason why he stayed… “Dodge, where are you?” came the voice of a young girl. Dodge turned to see his friend Viper looking for him. She was wearing a dark blue jacket, light blue short sleeved shirt and light blue pants. She soon found him and ran towards him. He smiled wildly, wondering why she always asked where he was if soon after she would find him anyway. Once she got to him she gave him a brief hug and sat down on the log beside him. “I love this forest” Dodge said to her. “I know” she said softly “sometimes it seems as if the forest itself is a person, offering comfort in every way and that the only other thing that it can’t give you is…” “Is the person you love, right?” he said silently. “Right” she replied in the same manner. They both started to feel awkward and were both grateful when the moon signaled them to go home. “It’s getting late and I think that we should get home, I mean come on who honestly trusts two fifteen year olds in a forest on their own.” Viper said hoping that the longing that she felt wasn’t obvious in her voice. He agreed not knowing that they both felt the same longing for each other. They left the forest each wishing that the other knew how they felt but too scared to move upon their feelings. The next day Dodge awoke, not for the first time, thinking of Viper. He smiled as he remembered growing up. They had always been the best of friends, and were almost always together… -------------------------------------- Not very long is it>_< but i'll probably start writing it again now that it's holidays... will someone please comment! i understand that if you don't like it you don't like it but i'll never be able to fix it unless you give me feedback!
Does anyone know a bulletproof way to defeat the final riku? i'm level 51 and my deck has nothing but 6-9s, 0s and one 4 (oathkeeper). i have jack all HP and i've fought everything i possibly can so far (basically i never 'skipped' a battle, my game time's over 60 hours because of that too!) any help? oh, and i'm using VBA and cheats don't work for some reason >_< if you don't know what a VBA is then let's keep it that way.
Well, this world is when 'every' world joins together, meaning you can have any character from any Series/Game/Cartoon so long as they are not main characters (so as to avoid arguments). you can also have custom characters so long as their based on a Character from a vid game/Cartoon, so as to make it easier, every character must have a split-peronal, meaning that, well, let's say Cloud? he has Zach 'and' Sephiroth's consiosness's living in him and even though he regained control and figured out what memories were his and etc, you can make them come back somehow. now then basic rules and stuff like that and yeah... well, i'll just add my own rules anyway: 1. every character must have a split-personal with them. 2. every character must be from a previous existing Game/Anime/Book and such, or have been 'originally' based on someone from them. 3. the split-personal must do something in every post. 4. don't kill other users without permission! 5. a total of 1-5 characters. if you have moere than two then so long as at least to do something a post, ou don't need a split-personal. My Characters: Name: Heiro From/Based on: Bass from megaman battle network. Weapon: a single edged sword. Abilities: can block out sound waves and re-create them in an offensive way. Current Personality: Silent and hard to notice, but if you become his friend, he's quite nice but still very secretive. Current appearance: Well, he's human. he wears the same cape/scarf thingy bass does but the collar covers up half of his face, has Medium blonde hair. he wears brown, 'alot' of brown. Split-Personal: His innersoul (pm for more details on it) Name: Cian From/Based on: a combination of Cress/Chester from Tales of Phantasia Weapon: A Rapier and a Book... yes people a book Abilities: Can summon things and use mutiple elemantal attacks wit his sword Current Personality: Upbeat and basically the 'exact' opposite to heiro, but the same when it comes to friends. Current appearance: Like that of Roy from Fie emblem, but carries a book in a pouch and a pen + a rapier instead of a greatsword. Split-Personal: Clouse (a copy of cloud but a half-demon who once fused with Cian through a blood summoning, he's a good guy just so you know)
Read this please!!!!!! and tell me what you think! Hello people, i posted the beginning of my book before but nobody looked at it so i'm guessing it was boring (even i was bored when i was reading it, and i wrote it!) so i decided that i'd post my favourite bit and see what you think:D it goes through chapter 6-7 so you won't know what's going on but that's you're fault for not bothering to read the begginging! -------------------------- Chapter 6: the mysterious stranger. A few weeks after Eliss’s return (and Meagan’s tantrum) Alex, Zach and Meagan were called to the training grounds on the west of the village. Once they were all there Harry walked out from behind a tree with a young man wearing something was much similar to a cape that had a brim that covered up to half his face. Alex could only make out that he had bright blonde hair and piercing aqua blue eyes. “This man’s name is Heiro and he’ll be replacing me in the third test.†Harry said happily. “So to pass the third test all we need to do is beat him?†Alex said curiously. “That’s correct start when you please†Harry finished. Alex stared at Heiro, he wasn’t sure what to expect from him so he decided to attack first. He immediately enlarged his sword lunged at Heiro. It happened so quickly, Alex could see it happen. Some how Heiro had blocked Alex’s slash and sent his sword flying through the air without moving. A few seconds later Alex was dodging multiple waves of blue from Heiro’s direction as his cape moved in the slightest way. As Alex dodged the last wave, Zach threw his sword to him. Alex caught it and while Zach distracted him and Meagan threw small knives and daggers at him, enlarged his sword and stabbed for Heiro’s heart. Heiro jumped about twenty feet above the ground. Alex saw his sword’s sheath for a few seconds and then another blue wave came at him. He leaped behind a tree, hoping to avoid Heiro’s onslaught. Three started to fall as soon as it came in contact with the blue wave. Alex jumped out from behind the tree and saw that both Zach and Meagan had already been hit. He noticed it in the side of his eye, another blue wave was coming straight towards him. It was too late he couldn’t dodge it. As it came in contact with him, he heard the sound of a sword being drawn and felt his clothes rip and his skin separate as the wave crashed over him… Almost as soon as the wave hit Alex, a dark aura started to pressure down on everyone in the village. Once the dust cleared, Heiro saw that Alex was still standing, if only barely. But something was different. Alex had a dark aura surrounding him. As Heiro landed he saw that Alex’s skin was slowly going as the silver as the pale moon. When Alex raised his head Heiro saw that his eyes were going yellow, like a cat’s eye and his clothes and sword were going bright silver. As Heiro stood he saw that Alex’s hair was slowly growing longer and changing to a dark silver shade. ‘This is going to be a long night’ Heiro thought to himself. A few minutes later Alex stopped changing. Heiro immediately drew his sword, sending a blue shockwave at Alex but Alex charged straight through it slashing at Heiro with his own sword. Heiro numbly blocked it. Sparks flew from both the swords as the energies collided. Alex slashed his sword outwards knocking Heiro’s sword out of the way and punched Heiro in the gut. Heiro numbly dodged his next attack and kicked Alex’s hand sending Alex’s sword flying through the air. As Alex stumbled from the impact Heiro punched him in the gut the kicked him a few inches above the ground, punching him in the face knocking back into a tree. Alex jumped onto the tree and leaped without a weapon at Heiro. Heiro swung at Alex but to no avail, for Alex grabbed Heiro sword and pulled himself to Heiro with it, punching Heiro into a mountain on the way. Heiro got up almost immediately and charged at Alex. Alex grabbed Heiro’s hand and went to throw him, when Heiro brought him down and smashed his knee into Alex’s gut. Heiro grabbed his sword, sheathed and un-sheathed it so quickly it made a blue sound wave charging at Alex. Alex jumped out of the way, grabbed his own weapon and started to slash wildly at Heiro. Heiro blocked blow after blow, pushed Alex’s blade up and punched Alex. Alex barely noticed the hit and dropped his weapon, punching Heiro in multiple places. Heiro tried multiple times to escape but Alex’s barrage wasn’t letting up. Heiro managed to grab Alex’s fist and pulled Alex downwards him punching Alex in the face as he came down. Heiro immediately took the opportunity to leap onto the face of the nearby mountain. As Heiro got his sword ready, Alex charged at him. Heiro blocked Alex’s blow and as Alex’s fist bleeded, Heiro slowly grew more fearful of Alex. Alex had disregarded his own hand now and was hitting Heiro with his other hand and feet. Heiro felt every blow, each making him more fearful. Alex threw Heiro into the nearby lake, jumped in after him. Heiro had now gotten over his fear and was trying to stab Alex in any place possible. Alex ignored this and punched Heiro out of the pool. Heiro barely landed on his feet. Every part of his body was in pain but Alex was acting as if he hadn’t taken one blow. Heiro felt a strange darkness creeping over him… ------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: The Innersouls The dark aura over the village was growing heavier as Heiro changed. Heiro blonde hair and skin was going as black as the night. Black sparks were coming off of him as if he was on fire. His fingernails were slowly becoming claws. His eyes were going red. And he was crouching with his hands on the ground as if he was a dog. Alex slowly came out of the pool. When Alex and Heiro saw each other they charged at each other each with a look of hate in their eyes. Alex and Heiro traded blows, as they attacked each other each was creating their own orb of natural energy in his hand. They threw their energies at each other, creating an explosion of silver and black. As they landed they charged at each other only to be stopped by Harry who was in the middle of them both who created a shield that stopped Alex and Heiro in place. After a few hours both Heiro and Alex ran out of energy and Harry let them fall to the ground, knocked unconscious… ----------------------------------------------------- That was only the begginging of chapter 7 just so you know but the rest of it was what you'd call boring (it was the explanation of what happened to them so meh.)
This book's kindsa long... (38 pages on Windows) so bear with me. oh and i added the 1st chapter into the prologue, because the prologue was too short... ------------------------------------------------------------- The Village of Time: In a land far away a hooded warrior stood in front of hundreds on his own to protect his home. ‘This is what I was trained to do’ he told himself. As they charged he stood his ground, his only movement was to un-sheath his sword. He fought valiantly but soon started to weaken but he refused to lose and charged in a valiant attempt to at least weaken his enemies. He lost and soon was thrown of the bridge. Chapter one: shame and sadness He awoke a few hours later feeling tired and miserable. The smell of burning wood was in the air and he could imagine his village burning. With tears in his eyes he left the village. A week went by and he traveled through village to village only staying long enough to eat and rest. He continued doing this until he came to a tavern. He went inside to get some food with the last of his money. He met an old man in there who seemed kind enough. The old man predicted that he would return to his village and fight of the darkness there. The warrior questioned the old man but he replied simply “Alex you cannot escape this destiny but if you travel to the outer regions you will only find heartbreak and death until you are forced to return” this surprised the warrior for not only had the old man predicted what he planned to do but also knew his name. That night he left for the forest of death seeking a passage away from his so called ‘destiny’ and from the pain this world still held for him. The winter was bitter against his skin but he didn’t care all that mattered was escape. Soon he was too cold to continue and made camp for the night. That night he dreamt of his best and closest friend: Eliss. He remembered when they first met. He was a young boy no older than nine and he had been rejected from the trials academy and was the first in 80years to have no special skills of his own. This had caused many problems for him and he had never had any form of friendship before because those who were willing to be his friends were picked out by others and ‘sorted out’. Once he had lost his temper at the other kids and instead of staying down like normal he got back up immediately and tolled them to stop picking on him and when one of them came up to hit him again he kicked them in the nose. This enraged the others and to Alex one second they were there the next second one of them had punched him in the face. Alex got back up again and another one punched him in the face. This continued until he was ready to just collapse and not get back up ever again. This time however when one of them had disappeared he ended up sent flying by Eliss. Eliss took down the other 8 bullies with ease. That day Eliss had become his first and only friend. He awoke soon after remembering this with tears in his eyes. Truly feeling the cold for the first time he left heading to the forest of death directly. ------------------------------------------------------------------ i'll post the next chapter once i get a couple of replys...
A world where demons have almost sent humans extinct. you can play as the following: Human: Trying to survive. Demon: trying to send humans extinct/ trying to save a human you have feelings for. A Half-Demon: Either siding with Humans or Demons. Human with demonic powers: Either siding with the demons or human or just killing everything If you're a human: Name: Ability: Weapon: Crush: Enemies: Group: Wants: Likes: Issues: Family: If you're a demon: Name: Unique Ability: (optional) Weapon: (optional) Human relationships: (optional) Hunting group: Wants to do with the planet: Issues: If you're a half-demon: Same as human = race: X_X If you're a demonic human: Same as Half-Demon$_$ rules: 1. no swearing unless it's called for. 2. No abusive language (teasing and such) to other users. 3. A mximum of two characters. 4. have fun, or get out:) My characters: Name: Cian Race: Demonic Human Ability: Demon trigger (allows him to activate demon skills and fly via: two demon wings he grows when he uses it.) Weapon: a Sweihander type- demon blade and twin auto-reload demon slayer guns. Crush: none. Enemies: Demons and other demonic humans Group: none (but always willing to help out.) Wants: To remake the world, then to find a reason for existence. Likes: Food, Sleep and being left alone. Issues: A constant loner, thinks depressed thoughts, and is triggerhappy. Family: Mitchell (cousin, Whereabouts: unknown.) Name: Mitchell Race: Demonic Human. Ability: Devil trigger (similiar to Demin trigger but more powerful) Weapon: a random O-katana he found. Crush: none Enemies: everything. Likes: same things as Cian. Issues: hate's everything and loves to kill things. Family: Cian (cousin, whereabout: What's left of Australia.)
Well, i'm new to kh-vids and i immediantly noticed that it had a book section, and i want to become an Author so i was wondering if anyone besides me is writing a book?