Hello there.
Krueger laughed after hearing Anita. "Let's just see how tough you are..." He vanished out of the dream. Smoke came out of Ondia's mouth and traveled to Jason, going inside of him.
Krueger picked Ondia up by her neck. "Ready to die?"
Krueger's laugh died down to a chuckle as he approached Ondia. His wound was still dripping fluids. OOC: I have to go. Watching Freddy VS Jason. =D I'll be back in a couple hours.
Krueger stood up, taking Ondia with him. He tossed her to the ground. "Look what you did..." He pulled the rock out of his head. Green fluid poured down his face. Krueger laughed.
Once Ondia was close enough, Krueger's eyes flew open. He grabbed her leg. "Gotcha!"
The rock pierced through Krueger's head. He screamed in pain. "Ohhh! Oww!!! What have you done!?" He fell over. He wasn't moving.
Krueger walked closer. "What do you plan on doing with that?" He laughed harder, as if he was mocking her.
How are you?
That is understandable. xD
"It's one thing to say you are brave... but it's a completely different thing to BE brave..." Krueger chuckled.
Ondia's grandmother transformed into Krueger. "Come give Freddy a hug." He chuckled and began walking to her.
Krueger smiled, satisfied with his work. He laughed as he vanished. The dream melted away. OOC: Important detail. Everyone that Krueger kills, goes to hell since he is gathering souls for Satan.
Krueger laughed even harder as he stabbed her in the chest again and ripped her heart out.
Krueger laughed at the sight of Rita in pain. He stabbed at her chest.
"Yes me." He grinned, an evil twinkle appearing in his eye. Krueger slashed at Rita's stomach.
It was hell.
Not really. The hangover was terrible.
xD Can't remember much of it.
Krueger appeared in front of Rita. "Hey babe. Miss me?" He laughed.