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  1. sora awsome11/10
    You heard me talk about something awesome! piz? :guns:
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 17, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  2. sora awsome11/10
    OK so there this girl on another internet website who a is such a piz don't get mad me for calling her this
    a *****! she always get what she wants,And anything that not the way she wants she gets mad and make my sigg say oh she so sexy(i'm not goin to say her name)
    And she always got something to say and cuz of her she got abuch of ppl to HATE me i cry cuz of it
    and nobody got the guts to say anything to her! i'm the only one but evey time i do she wins the fight!And then i get hated even MORE! There where new ppl and they hate me!
    And i got banned cuz of her and her friend! there only 2 ppl who like her and who talk to me!
    sorry i just need to rant a lill sorry
    and sorry if this don't go here hehe sorry
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 15, 2011, 32 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  3. sora awsome11/10
    Once there was a boy name.Sora bron is a faw away place.Where people have Keyblades,And magic powers. And where dreams come true.His two best friends hikaru and kaoru.Went to school.Sora feeld like nobody was there for him..Till
    A girl face bright his day.Her name? You ask? hmm? Well you'll just have to find out..If alexis is not to lazy to make this story?You think she can do it? don't get your hopes up XD
    Hmmm well this story is told by me tamaki.The head of th-
    Tamaki"oh sorry ok here it is t-"
    Hikaru and Kaoru"THE HEART OF THE HOST CLUB!"
    Namine"-sighs-warning thier may be alot of damns,hell,and pie in the story"
    Honey senpai"AND CAKE"
    Namine"epic fail XD"

    The first heart

    Namine walked into the room to see abuch of rich kids fighting over nothin.
    She let out a deep sigh."Wow."She said as she lelf the room.
    I just want some where i can be alone.She said as she walked down the halls.
    Sora runing to his class room.I'm gonna be late! he yelled as he runs and past Namine.But...He stops and turn two. . .

    Tamaki" Welcome poor man to our host club.No that not it"
    kaoru"hey boss maybe we sould call Na-"
    Kaoru"..Fine.....You know it was cause of you right?..You where kissing K-"
    Kyoya"ok stay calm every one we all where there when it happend so we know what happend so j-"
    The all stop and turn to. . . .

    Feel free to tell me it suckd.But hey at least i tryd? Right?
    But i liked how it came out so that what i say! XD hoped you guys liked! More infor is coming up more in the story btw! Have a nice day
    Oh and play this song when your reading the stroy [video=youtube;T94tovL9ocs][/video] It go's with the story.See ya later!
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 15, 2011, 28 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. sora awsome11/10

    Help Personal

    would it been cool if you guys had a place to discussions, help and advice?
    i think it would idk if you guys already have one...I'M STILL NEW HERE OK? :guns4:
    lol but really it would be cool if you guys had one and sorry for not posting alot
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 14, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. sora awsome11/10


    My brother pc is working now i took it to best buy.But i do need a antivirus.
    And i want to get Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus but i don't know how to download it and i don't know where i can download it any help? Thanks you guys are the best!
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 9, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Technology
  6. sora awsome11/10
    The way.(Sora Awesome Songs.)

    Ok this is where i'm going to post all my songs most likely nobody even likes them and nobody even read them but what the hell-fake smile-Enjoy reading this or singing it or whatever.

    Oh oh.
    Oh oh.
    I woke with a smile on my face.
    Everything was going fine that daaaay.
    I saw you.
    You told me.
    You just want to be friends.
    Heart break down.
    Didn't know what to say.
    Break me down.
    A broken sky.
    A broken heart.
    I open my eyes.
    Said nothing and cried.

    Heart broken down.
    Broken sky.
    Broken life.

    Everybody got somebody to love.
    But when it comes to me.
    It nothing.
    Just a broken heart.
    Come and tell me everythng.
    You said to her.
    Tell me why oh.
    Tell me why.
    Tell me....

    Broken hearts...
    Broken skies...
    Broken life

    Hoped you guys liked.If i did't spell anything right tell me and i'll fix it:crashcomp::lol::sly::<3::cheers: XD
    Have a good day or night or whatever lol
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 9, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. sora awsome11/10


    I'm not leaveing cuz of anybody or anything.
    I just want to leave.
    I don't know why. '
    I just want two so..I'll see you all later!!!-gives everybody a goodbye pie-
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Jul 26, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  8. sora awsome11/10

    Pc help

    My bro pc just got fixs but now it keep telling me to download something calld "Win 7 Antivirus 2012 here a video i took of it

    can anybody help me with this>?
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Jul 24, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: Technology
  9. sora awsome11/10

    Tell me

    Lala.Sing with me.I know we been in alot of fights.I know what i did.I'm sorry about it.I wish it never happned.But i guess it faith taking us to our destiny.Sing with me.Lala.Tell me everything is going to be ok.Tell me that thieir no mistake .I know this world is not the best but there is a way to fix it.I don't know how.But i know we will find a way how.
    My mom always told me fight your own fight.Never come crying.So i lived by that rule and look where it gotta me.I been crying.I lost everything.I lost my best friend.I miss my family ohhh.I feel like i'm not love.I feel like their no tommrow.
    Every song i made was never good enough.They just look at the spelling in it.So i gave up on it.He told me it not the spelling.It the words in the song.But still nobody cared.So here i am now.So here i am now.Somebody tell me

    Ya i know it sucks.Just tell me what i did't do right and i'll fix.There have to be like 40 mistake:(
    Hoped you liked it..i guess
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Jul 17, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. sora awsome11/10
    A story about a girl and a boy come to life a girl name Lilly and a boy name Dustin they both had the Keyblade but one was dark and one was light they were denistney to meet. Along the way they meet some new friends, Anna she is nice but can be rude at time to time,Lee he was born in new york but moved to Hollow bastion. He can fight but not that good,And Sora not Sora Sora he still a nice guy but a bit of a lady man so he a a@@ hole.Lee did't like Sora that much they fight alot in school.
    Anna live'd in Hollow bastion with Sora and Lee they went to the same school.The school of keyblades it was a school for kids with magic powers,and the Keyblade masters. The teacher are mean they did't like kids at all.

    Sorry if i did't spell Dustin right and when i say come to life i just was thinking it will be more awsome if i say that lol.This is just the into of the story.

    this is just the into i know it sucks any thing i did''t do right tell me and i'll fix it:type: or i'll just kill u:guns: lol jk jk
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, May 12, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. sora awsome11/10
    Ohh woah! One true media.She kind and nice.She can sing, dance.She one true media.She got every thing! Everbody loves her but i see she. No true media.Huh girl you have to see that some day you'll be wishing you where me.But till that day she the one true media. i'll be wishing i was her...Wishing i was her. I see she were to much make up.She so cool.She gets every thing.She got everbody to love her.she got the boys.She one true media.She can get the best she every thing i want to be.....Now i see one thing.I don't want to be some thing im not...I want my hair down. I want to to not were any make up.I miss the old me.Im no one true media. Im a girl having fun not watching every one.Not singing.Not being happy.Im not true media but im...Im a rock star a pop star im going to be some thing but not a.True media nooo true media.

    Hope you like any thing i did't spell right tell me and i'll fix it:D:type:
    Sorry i have not been on im been out of town and im been in the car for 2 days:( and im going home in two day:( Any ways hope you like'd
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Apr 24, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. sora awsome11/10


    Where can i find free final fantasy 13 clips?? cuz i want to make a hope and vanille video on youtube thank's. :ff10sora:
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Apr 11, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. sora awsome11/10

    You are love

    Listen to me when i say.It who you are.It who you be. Are you listening.
    Just listen to what I'm saying.A long as you've got friends and failmy.You'll be fine till' the end of time.
    You are love.Listen when I say.You are
    love. Remember you are love.Listen when I say you have family.Listen when I say you are welcome.. HomeIt who you are.What ever you do you can come home.Where you'll be love'd.Where you can see your family.

    This is a short song it not done yet.If i did't spell something right just tell me and i'll fix it:type:. Hope you like:rockband: lol
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Mar 16, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. sora awsome11/10


    i think this go here i hope so :censor2: anways i make kingdom hearts chat room's on youtube when i have NOTING to do so that all the time i have no life lol
    So i make kingdom hearts chat room and i have NO idea. so any idea's for my chat room
    i'll make sure to put a thank you in the chat room :type:
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Mar 14, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. sora awsome11/10

    I pray

    I pray for everbody. I pray for some day the war will end, and everybody will be happy. I pray for Japan. I pray for all kids with no food; with no water. I pray for everybody. There's so much war going on and for nothing. God gave us life, we can't fight. So lets stop fighting, for a better day, for a better world. For a better life.

    Hope you like. Anything I didn't spell right, tell me and I'll fix it :type:
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Mar 13, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. sora awsome11/10
    Hi im alexis im new here i love justin bieber and big time rush lol and i love kingdom hearts i play it when i was 5 then 5 years late i start playing again lol. i hope kh3D will come put soon um....I don't know what to say and i suck at spelling so
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Mar 10, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures