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  1. sora awsome11/10


    For the familys.
    For the friends.
    For everybody.
    Who lost somebody.
    To 9/11. .
    For the people who tryed.
    Tryed to help save the people.

    Oh no no.
    This can't be.
    Oh no no.
    This can't be happening.
    How could this be.
    How could anybody sleep.
    Knowing what they have done.

    The firemen.
    Who died trying.
    To help.
    To the familys.
    Who lost their mommy and daddys.
    To the friends.
    Who lost they best friend.

    To the people.
    Who are in war.
    To people.Who lost their familys.
    Who lost their friends.
    To everybody who cryin.
    May god be by your side.
    May god show you the light.
    We will never forget..
    But we will never.
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Sep 11, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. sora awsome11/10
    Okay i think it go's here. . So where were you when 9/11 happend?
    Me i was 1 and i was in new york cuz my mom lill sis was getin marryed.So we went there for the wedding.Then my grandpa put on the tv and seen what happend.My mom told me this.So don't say you were 1 you can't know that.Sooo where were you guys when 9/11 happend? and sorry if does not go here
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Sep 10, 2011, 32 replies, in forum: Current Events
  3. sora awsome11/10
    . . My brith by sleep is NOT working!!!! go to gamestop and BUY me a new one before i call Sora on you
    Jk Jk lol
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Sep 8, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. sora awsome11/10

    True friends?

    What are true friends? Do they help you whenever your sad? When you get into a fight.Would they get up and help you? And fight for you? Would they lie to you? Would they not talk to you when your need some one to talk to? I don't know what a "True" Friend is.Can somebody piz tell me!And i'm not dumb i just don't know what the hell a true friend is
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Sep 8, 2011, 23 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  5. sora awsome11/10

    Sweet Dreams

    Okay so i don't like the name.So if you have a better name that fits the story better piz tell me.

    Namine looks arond the room.She start to think about what she done.But she trying to fix it.She is goin to fix memories.She start to think.Diz walks in."Namine.Do you know who Aqua,Terra and Ventus is?" Asked Diz looking down at Namine."No''Rplyed Namine.
    Namine start to think."Hmm"

    ~MeanWhile In Sora Dreams~
    Sora wakes up in ouran."Wher- Where am i?"Asked Sora.Just then a boy poped out of now where.''HI! I'M HONEY! WHATS YOUR NAME!"Yelled Honey senpai runing arond Sora.Tamaki walked into the room."Awww poor boy.He don't know he in a dream.WE MUST FILL UP THE PAGES!"Yelled Tamaki."Or we can just let him find out for himself"Said Haruhi looking at Tamaki.Tamaki looked at Haruhi.."OR WE CAN JUST GO TO HOLLOW BASTION AND HAVE SOME FUN!"Yelled Tamaki daceing like a dumb a@@."Welcome to my world"Said Kyouya.
    Sora looked at everybody"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU"Yelled Sora trying to get up.Just then Bell walks into the room."STAY DOWN!"Yelled Bell jumping off a table.She summon her keyblades.Out of nowwhere Lee and Leo.Came out and summon their keyblades.Tamaki took Haruhi and ran into the another room.Sora looked at everybody.''What is goin on?"Asked Sora as he gets up.Bell looked at Sora."You fight heartless? GOOD CUZ THEIR HERE!"Yelled Bell.As the heartless came in Sora summon his keyblade.Lets dance said Lee and Leo.

    Yea i know it short but i wanted to get something out there before my mind makes up another story:) Hoped you guys liked!
    Have a nice day!
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Sep 8, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. sora awsome11/10
    A girl with long brown hair.She had brown eyes.She was homeschooled for 2 years.She lost all her friends.She was not happy.She didn't have friend any more.When she made friends.She always had a fight.And where they really her friends? Maybe.She loved Miley Cyrus in school.But other didn't.They made her cry.The only one who liked Miley cyrus to.Forgot everything about her..She was heart broken.Her mother said"You'll never going to see them.So don't cry"
    It didn't help the girl.She was only 8? No.7. She had another friend.Ken! and Ant!That where their nicknames.The girl gave them.They where her brothers.When ever she was crying at school.They would make her smile.And she had 3 other friends.Ash,Olivia.She forgets the other one name.They would be there for her.They made her smile.She was happy.Her family is aprat.And she cryed her self to sleep..Cuz she knows it was cuz of her. . .She feels like she has no family..No family what so ever.
    All she wants now..Is a few friends.And somebody to hold her.To tell her.The darkness will go away and the light will be there.All she wants..Is that.Why can't she have that?Then she stops.Her eyes open.She looks up.And says"I know what i done!..But really? Why is this happening to me?"
    Tear filled her eyes.2011 Sep 5.She take a page from her note book.And says what they call her.And what she thinks of her self.She don't cut her self.She takes her nails and put them in her arm..Why?
    She does not even know..But.She plays a game..A lill game..And when she plays it..She smiles.
    She happy.She watch a show.That only show that would make her smile whenever she crying.
    The lill things make her happy.Makes her feel loved.Why? She don't know. . .So what if she or he or You.Or anybody is sad.Or has nobody.Let the faith and the light take you.To something.And watch and you'll see that.The lill thing makes you happy.

    Hoped you guys liked.Have a nice day!
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Sep 6, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. sora awsome11/10
    i got called a "fail troll"abuch of times and nobody would tell me what it meant and now one of my EX friends is a troll and he said that i was easy to trolll..Some one tell me what a troll is!
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Sep 5, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. sora awsome11/10

    ~Story Line~

    Sora and Tamaki are best friends.They would do everything together.But one day when Sora went to see Kairi.Tamaki came with.When that happend Evil Riku.
    Tryed to take everybodys hearts.And use them for darkness.But what Riku did not know was.The hearts he took where in Sora.So the only way for Him to get the heart where to kill Sora.But Sora would not let that happen.He was not goin to let Riku take their hearts.But everybody was in deep sleep.So Sora gave his heart up.There-Fore.
    He died.Tamaki was very very sad.So was every one who knew Sora..Haruhi asked how did Sora died.But everybody said.Ask Tamaki..Tamaki told her.and he start to cry.He would Play a song.To Sora whenever he was sad...

    I knwo it sucks but hell with it.
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Sep 4, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. sora awsome11/10
    I'm making a story with Xion,Namine,Roxas,Sora,Kairi,Riku And some new ppl.
    It about what happend IN Sora dreams while Namine was trying to put back his memories.
    So in the story he see's Kairi Riku Xion Roxas and new characters in the story i made.
    Sora is the same but a lill mean at time to time in the story.While Sora is sleeping Namine try to see if she can make Sora know Ventus,Aqua and Terra.But she failed cuz of Diz.
    Diz does not want Sora to know them just yet.Anyways.Sora met new ppl.
    He mets a girl name,Bell,Lost.She not to sweet.Nor to mean.She not to fat,Nor to skiny.She just right.She makes fun of the ppl she cares for.But go's a lill to far some times.
    Then we have Lee and Leo(The Twins)Sweet,Kind,Hot,Never lie,Try not to have a crush on Bell.
    Last we have,Hope(Nick name is Hopeless).He never back down from a fight.But always lose the fights,He the only one who would stay up.But he would always ending up falling.
    As for Sora.He still the same.Same hair.Same smile.Same Keyblade.Yep still hotie Sora :)
    The story takes place in Hollow bastion,New life,And ouran(Very lill of Ouran)
    Xion will be in Sora dreams,Sora will fall for Xion in the dream.But this is his dream.So not real.
    As Sora memories come in.Sora will not know who any of the ppl he met are.Like this.
    Say Sora has 4 cookies.And i gave him a cake.That one cake means he lose 1 cookie.
    But if i give him 5 cakes.And lose ALL His cookies.I'm not good at
    Sooooooo.Do you guys think this story is woth making Or should i just del it?
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Sep 2, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. sora awsome11/10

    Do you. .

    do you like cake?
    do you know justin bieber?
    do you like jay-z?
    do you know beyonce?
    do you like pie?
    do you want to a puppy?
    do you have a puppy?
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Sep 2, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. sora awsome11/10
    Goodbyes hurt.

    A girl walks into the room.And she see a boy with glass's on.He had brown hair.And blue eyes.He comes up to her and says hi.
    She looks at him.She replys."hello".The boy with the blue eyes,Looks at her and says."I'm new to this school.And i'm trying to make some friends."He said as he smile at the girl.The girl looked at him with a big smile.She seen in his blue eyes.That he was sweet.Well that what she was thinking.Till. . . .He start the lies. .But that more into the story. The next day they talk again.
    He tells her his name."My name is Taylor."He says.The girl looks at him.She thinks.Taylor.I. . I know that name.She stops.
    "My name Rihanna.Nobody calls me Anna."She said smiling at the boy.Taylor looks at Rihanna."Well i'll call you Anna"Taylor said with a smile.Was taylor falling for this girl? Was this girl falling for this boy? Rihanna and Taylor.Cute.But was the girl going to be in a lie? Will she end up with her heart broken?Will she be with him forever?
    Hmmm. . Maybe.

    The next few days past.The to never talked.He was never at school.Then she fell for another boy but he was 2 years older then her so she got over it.Just then. . Taylor came back.But. . He was not the same. .He wanted to kill himself.
    He wanted to take a knife and end it all.He said that his mother beats him.He says that he was in a home where he has no mother or father.But he just said. . This is a lie he is telling.But the Rihanna was busy making sure Taylor was okay.She never smiled.She would just run to see him.To make sure he okay.2 months past.Taylor said that he got into a car crash.And he died.He says he seen his mom.She played him a song.BUT HE SAID HE HATES HIS MOTHER.HE SAID HE LIVED IN A HOUES WITH NO MOTHER OR FATHER!. Is this a lie? a month past.Then the lies came out. .

    A girl who is 12.He lied to.A girl who wants to die for him.And he lied to his own girl friend. .He lied to the girl who loved him.The girl who came just for him.A girl who was there for him.He lied to. . No this can't happend to this girl.She been sad.Very Very sad.She start to think about cuting her self.She told him everything.And he went off and lied to her.
    Lill Rihanna ask god why he did this.Rihanna start to cry.Why Taylor.Why.She crys.Then a month pasts. Everything was fine.
    But Rihanna was the one saying she sorry.She sorry for yelling and fighting with him.Why did she do that? WHY!?
    She not the best right now.She crys,Her brother beats her,Her mom and dad fight,Her sis wins everything.Why?
    Why must she be in this mess? What did she do? Some one tell me. And all the girls he hurt.Everybody that he hurted.
    The forgave him? How? HOW?! He was thankful.

    4 months past.No war.No fighting.
    A boy liked Rihanna.They where friends.Then a month past.And they became more.She was happy.Really happy.But 2 months later.He broken up with her for another girl? Rihanna didn't know what to do.She start to yell and fight and cryed."When your ready to say your sorry i'll be here"Rihanna said as she cryed."Good cuz i'm not goin to"The boy said.
    That broken Rihanna heart.Now she lost all hope and faith.Why is this happening to her? Only her. .
    She told Taylor.Taylor did't know what to say.But Rihanna got over the break up.Then the boy tryed to get Rihanna again.
    He "missed" her.But he still with his "Girl friend". Rihanna spoken.Just leave me alone.I'm sick of you and everybody.You should know why.Rihanna said.
    The boy got up.
    THAT! What the boy said.Rihanna looked down."Your right." IS he?Really? Is he really right to say that to her.He hurted her.Then they became friends?!Poor girl.She just want somebody to hold her.And tell her that everything is alright.And she got. . This. .And she was the bad guy? She was the b***? I don't get this!Rihanna was just a girl.With nothing.And she just wanted a somebody to hold her.Some one who cared.But i guess she could never have that.I guess this is how her life go's. . .Taylor looks at Rihanna.Anna? Rihanna layed down on Taylor lap.She start to sing."Tell me that you love me."Taylor smiled"I love you"He said.Rihanna smiled"Lier"She said.Taylor looked down at Rihanna.I'm not lying.He said."Proof it"Said Rihanna.

    Taylor kissed her lip lightly.She smiles.A REAL smile she showed. Rihanna was happy.But he already had a girl friend.He is dating a 19 year old and he 15.But if their inlove.

    Rihanna said to her self,I will say goodbye some day.I will say what should have been said.I will some day.But. . . .

    Good byes hurt.

    Say what you want i don't care.I'm happy with what i made and nobody is goin to take it down.Any how.This is a story i made about.Well i'm not goin to tell you who it was REALLY about but it a good story right? Lol.
    Have a nice day everybody!

    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Sep 1, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. sora awsome11/10

    Kiss Me

    Sora walked into the room to Kairi kissing Riku.
    Sora open his eyes.WHAT IS GOIN ON HERE!? Yelled Sora.
    Riku pulled away from Kairi. Sorry bro she needs an real man.
    Kairi looked at Sora.Sorry Sora.Said Kairi.
    Sora walked at the room.
    How could she do this.Said Sora talking to him self.
    Sora looks down.I should have know.She n-.Said Sora before being cut off.
    Hey Sora yelled Namine.Sora smiled.Hey Nams! Yelled Sora.
    Namine walked up to Sora.Hey whats up? Asked Namine.
    Sora looked down.
    Are you okay Sora? Ask Namine.
    Sora looked at Namine.
    She cheated on me.
    Said Sora.
    Namine looked at Sora.Who cheat on you? Asked Namine.
    Kairi did!!! Yelled Sora.
    Oh i'm sorry.Said Namine
    It okay.Said Sora.
    So whats brings you here? Asked Sora.
    Nuthin just want to get my homework done here.
    Sora"oh cool."
    Namine"yea not really=_="
    Namine looked at Sora.
    Damn your cute
    Said Namine.
    What? Said Sora as he smiles.
    HUH? Wha? OH i did't say anything sorry
    Said Namine.
    Sora looked at Namine.
    Yes you did.You called me cute:o.Said Sora.
    Ummmmmmmm well um...Namine said.
    Well look at the time i gotta g- Said Namine as she start to run.
    Sora smiling.He said"She is kinda cute and she really smart."


    Well this story been sitin in my notepad for god only knows how long.
    There only 3 parts of the story so don't get your hopes up.
    And i'm still doin host club.Like i said this is an 3 part story.
    So i hoped you guys liked.
    Have an Nice day!
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 27, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. sora awsome11/10

    . . Where my money?
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 25, 2011, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. sora awsome11/10



    . . . I say darkness lol :guns:
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 20, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. sora awsome11/10

    wheres my pie


    XDXDXDXDXD Sora and Riku went to an bar and :cheers: and Rike fell inlove and sora was like :gunwtf::spam2:
    Then They all live happly ever a- wait WHERES MY PIE!
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 20, 2011, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. sora awsome11/10

    Why You So Stupid?
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 20, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. sora awsome11/10
    I want a Sora and Haruhi siggy or just an Sora with his keyblade. So if you could do that it would mean alot to me And i will pay you in. . . .I will give you a pie or a cake or even a pie/cake! But really If somebody could make me an Sora and Haruhi siggy it would mean alot to me piz and thank you :) Have an nice day
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 20, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  18. sora awsome11/10

    Deadline is new years day Piz follow the rules If you would like to be judge PM me Good luck and Have fun!
    Rules.No being rude No being nude.
    No making fun of ppl in the video
    Must be an anime,Tv show, or an MMD
    PJ is an project job so just another word for Video contest lol
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 18, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Playground
  19. sora awsome11/10


    I don't know XD
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 18, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. sora awsome11/10

    I'm so sad

    I'm so sad right now.I can't stop crying.This year was just...Ug.
    I lost 3 ppl in my family 2 i cared for the last one died today and i did't know her that much and my mom and dad won't stop fighting and ppl hate me and..I just feel like i have no more hope..
    I startd thinking about cuting myself and i tell ppl not to...Piz help tell me what to do.
    Thread by: sora awsome11/10, Aug 18, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Help with Life