Well.You know how somebody is bi.And they don't know how to tell their family..Well..I need help with that.I was born Bi.And to me.It not a big deal.To me.It not like.OMG HOW WOULD I TELL EVERYBODY I'M BI! Cuz i'm happy being who i am.But the thing that i need help with.Is telling my family cuz...They hate gays.They think a girl should only like boys and a boy should only like girls.So should i tell my family that i'm bi.Or just keep it to my self?
私に最後にもう一度キス。 あなたの私の吸血鬼の騎士 離れて歩いたりしてはならない あなたの信仰から マイハートの騎士 Yes another anime with Kingdom hearts. If you don't like it walk away haha. [video=youtube;e1URYT6C84I]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1URYT6C84I&feature=player_profilepage[/video] Into for the story(I'm working really hard on this story! So if i mess up on something piz tell me!) ~Meeting Zero Sora is new to the school.He has forgot everything.Even Namine. Now how he forgot everything..Well nobody know yet.Anyways Sora don't know one thing.All he knows it.One day he sitin down and asking who the girl of his dream,Who is his best friend.Then next thing he know it.He almost got bite by a vampire.ALMOST! But Luckly Zero was there.He was looking for Yuki.Like always. The story takes plance in. Japan,Tokyo.School has not started yet.So everybody is on their summer break. Zero looked at Sora."You should be more careful next time."Said Zero. Sora looked up at Zero."Wh- Who are you and what was that?" Asked Sora with open eyes. Zero looked arond."My name is Zero and that was a vampire an level e'' Sora got up and looked at Zero"An level e" This is all i got right now cuz i hit the back space and the page went back and the things that where said..Are gone >..> SO i'll fix it tommrow cuz my pc is about to die and i'm piss off
View attachment 28832 Um Is this just happening to me or??
I liked window movie maker better then window live maker cuz..window live maker sucks.And i wanted to know can i download window movie maker for FREE! On window 7
[video=youtube;vypmbx8Awns]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vypmbx8Awns&feature=player_profilepage[/video] Sub to me i'll sub to you I had nothing to do and i made this then i got lazy and ended lol ~Story Line! Namine likes Sora but sora is dateing kairi.When Kairi is done with Sora.Sora try to kill himself.Axel told namine "You know you chould had save him'Said Axel.Namine looked down"It to late now'She said sadly.But axel never told Namine how he didn't die.So one year pass.Namine went for a walk and seen sora.Sora ran to her.Namine finaly told him how she really feels about him.Sora feels the same way NOTHING OWN BY ME ALL RIGHTS GO TO RIGHTFUL OWNERS! I DO NOT OWN THE GAME OR SONG Enjoy
should i buy sims3 world adventures? or sims 3 medieval? XD
I'm making my first mep.And i wanted to know if any one wanted to join it? [video=youtube;h1V-Ex_DAYA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1V-Ex_DAYA&feature=player_detailpage[/video] It better then all the another diseny crap they have now adays lol Anyways here are the rules Spoiler Rule,No being rude no being nude,Must be anime,It can be a diseny anime,Parts must be 10 secs long,No yaoi or yuri (How ever you spell it). The deadline is new years day cuz that when it 2012 and thats the new year and i might be moving to my back up user. When you are done with your video piz post a download link of it.Make sure the download it free(Dur) And the download must be on mediafire.com. If you want to join but don't have a youtube user.You could always just email me at soragirl4ever@yahoo.com and give me the download link It can be any video editing software.Btw i'm new at this so yea haha Again i'm new at this so yea. And i'm deeply deeply sorry if this does not go here.Have a nice dau
whats up party ppl!
空の"Hello"リク"何?"カイリは、"やあみんなが"そら"はちょっとカイリ"リクは、"私は残すことはできますか?"ソラはリク"BYE正常(Okay)"カイリ"神私はあなたが嫌い"そら"そら私はあなたに教えてやる必要があります""ITはカイリ何ですYESを?"カイリがソラ"I LO -待って何?""私はロクサスが大好きです"カイリは"YEA MEとROXYは、今年のように付き合って!"ソラはカイリ"ミー! - 葉の部屋へ"RKU"私はとても幸せだ""あなたは大丈夫男?"ソラは"..私は私の人生を嫌い" 終わり! Spoiler Sora"Hello" Riku"What?" Kairi"Hey guys" Sora"Hey kairi" Riku"Can i leave?" Sora"Okay bye" Riku"God i hate you" Kairi"Sora i have something to tell you" Sora"YES WHAT IS IT KAIRI?" Kairi"I love Roxas" Sora"I LO- Wait what?" Kairi"YEA ME AND ROXY BEEN TOGETHER FOR LIKE A YEAR!" Sora"I'm so happy" Kairi"Me to!-leaves room-" Rku"You okay dude?" Sora"..I hate my life" The end! Poor Sora
What do you think of vampire Yuki
What do you hope to see in Season 3 of vampire knight?
Do you want Zero and Yuki like together..Like Boy friend and Girl friend or do you think they should just be friends?
In the ending of vampire knight guilty Zero said he must kill yuki cuz she is a vampire.And in the manga she has to run from Zero.I really don't know cuz my friend told me this.So what do you guys think?
Do you think they are making a season 2 of vampire knight in english?
What do you guys hope to see in kh3DDD
When i was 8.I sucked at spelling.And this year my spelling been geting better.But my family thinks i'm a dumb a@@'s.My mom buys me five year old book.And my dad yells at me when i don't spell something right.And my lil sis is the best.She spells everything right.And my family thinks she the "Baby"I helped with the houes when i was her age.But anyways My mom got my a 3 year game.called"Spelling!"..And she tells me to play it... Things she went and buyed me "A jb book" A book for 5 year olds A video game for spelling How do i tell my family that i'm not a dumb a@@'s and that i'm not five any more.I know how to spell.And to not to yell at me when i don't do something right.One more thing what does it mean when your dad and mom says this Mom"So when they don't do somehting right they are my kids.And when they do something right their your kids?" Dad"Well so far they never did something right" What does that mean?
TALK ABOUT ANYTHING! as long as it random :)
[video=youtube;da2RU12Z058]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da2RU12Z058&feature=player_detailpage[/video]\ Yea..I had nothing to do so this was bron lol. MAKE SURE TO VOTE!
I..Went...To..New york..And..Seen....Justin bieber.lol