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  1. Antidote
    *WARNING* Don't read if you get bored easily XD FEAR THE WALL OF TEXT!

    Nyeh. I've never really told anyone about this, or asked what they think of it, because I've been too scared people would find it weird or stupid, but.. I keep a notebook beside my bed, and when I have ANY kind of dream I write it down. I started doing this because my sister told me one day that a dream could hold a certain message, or mean something significant.. It really got me thinking, and so when I've had a dream and I write it down, I just read over it and try to.. figure it out =/ It's starting to get very weird, because almost every night I have this recurring dream where I'm in town, and there's nobody there except me and a friend I no longer have. They keep talking to me in it, but for some reason I'm hesitant to answer, but I really want to because they were really special to me, but I just stand there frozen and I'm sometimes nervous in the dream :S The friend eventually just looks at me in disappointment and shakes his head, before walking away. But I don't try to stop him. The thing that bugs me is that, how to I explain... Sometimes it feels like I'm dreaming, but at the same time aware of what's going on, like almost urging myself to talk to them in the dream. The point where my friend walks away is where I usually wake up suddenly and scream "TALK TO HIM!" or something =/ I guess after that LONG speech I have 2 questions; am I a weirdo for keeping a dream journal, and do you think there is significant meanings to the dreams you have XD?

    Thread by: Antidote, Mar 26, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Discussion
  2. Antidote
    Having just posted a song I was listening to of theirs, I just wanna ask if anyone here knows of them? Personally, I found out about them through Muse, and damn, they rock! I just cannot get enough of them ;D They are a breath of fresh air in the music scene and I'm addicted to a lot of their songs. If ya'll haven't heard of them, you guys should really visit here and check 'em out;

    House of Cards and One Last Kiss are among their best highlights. There'll be so much more once their album is out on the 27th March. I can't wait :D Tell me what ya think if ye get a chance to listen, yeah? :)
    Thread by: Antidote, Mar 14, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  3. Antidote

    ^ Watch it. It's so friggin' hilarious. It's a video that includes Naruto characters, but the voices are from other movies/programmes.. but they fit the characters perfectly! Lest we forget.. I just pee'd myself O_O

    EDIT: Sorry everyone. I thought this thread just got old and died XD Just follow the link and when you're on the page click watch movie
    Thread by: Antidote, Feb 24, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Antidote
    Sorry if this is old, and if you guys already know, but it's on Youtube and they also have it over at for viewing. Or here:

    It's like 7 mins long. wow it's amazing!! Roxas and Marluxia have a crap load of HP! WATCH IT! :D

    EDIT: Yeah.. I kinda forgot to say this - *fangasm**fangasm**fangasm**fangasm**spaz**spaz* *squeals like girl* x100 xoxoxoxox

    Thread by: Antidote, Feb 22, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Antidote


    What did yall do on this glorious Valentines Day? :3 Get yer valentine something saaaweet? *puke*

    Erm, as for me, I got my valentine a DVD, card and chocolates! I'm just back from her house and boy it wasn't a pretty sight to see T_T she has this flu sickness thing, and she was a mess! White face, gloomy, messy hair you name it :p! She kinda cheered up when I sprung into her room brandishing gifts, and she said "aww i wana give you a kiss" My feelings at that point were a cross between "I love you, but EW stay away from me woman!!!" :p .. she didnt get me anything!! :'((( her excuse was 'i was too sick, but i'll take you into town when i'm better and buy you whatever you want, but dont go overboard on me!' I was like (*ponder* hmm I'll make her buy me Okami, wahahahahaha

    Anyway that was my day, as if you actually read it all! Haha.. So what about everyone else? :D /ramble over.
    Thread by: Antidote, Feb 14, 2007, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Antidote
    :3 Okay, so I've been trying to think of names the Org. members could have without X's, to make them women XD I've only thought of a few so far, so suggestions as to what the others could be called are welcome :p

    I. Xemnas - ?
    II. Xigbar - Gabri (not sure on this one, it kinda sucks T_T)
    III. Linda
    IV. Neve
    V. ?
    VI. ?
    VII. Isa (pronounced eye-zah >_>)
    VIII. Lea
    IX. Demy (duh :'[)
    X. ?
    XI. ?
    XII. Ralene
    XIII. Rosa (XD)

    Nyahh! Marluxia, Zexion and Lexaeus are too difficult!
    Thread by: Antidote, Feb 9, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Antidote
    Haha, ok, so the title may be a little confusing but this is for you to post your opinions on what you would've liked to be in KHII: FM+, that won't be D:

    I personally think a Sora vs Axel battle would've been...yes :3 The perfect place to fight him would've been when he appears after the 1000 Heartless battle, just before Saïx appears. Sora could be raggin on at him about Kairi, and Axel could be like, "yoo wnt sum bijj!?" and then a battle could ensue between them :'3

    I also would've liked DI to be playable 3:

    Anyway, if you like, post what you woulda wanted them to add.
    Thread by: Antidote, Feb 3, 2007, 24 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Antidote
    Okay, first of all; this game is NOT like Neverending Sentence, since you can put a full stop at any time and start something new. What you do is post 3 words to add on to what the poster above you said. You don't have to keep copying and pasting what every single person posts, either XD Just add 3 of your own simple words. It can be gory and dirty (but not too much XD) or just plain weird.

    I'm just using an example here, 'kay?

    Me: One fine day
    Other user: Sora was touched
    Another user: inappropriately by Kairi


    When someone above you leaves a sentence open, like:

    Me: One fine day
    Another: Sora got killed (open sentence)

    you can add a full stop to the users post and start something new.

    (Sora was killed.)

    New poster: Meanwhile, Riku was...


    GAH, my fingers hurt T_T.. This has kinda confused me, and I don't think I needed to go into so much detail.. But it's just incase someone doesn't get it XD

    Anyway, I'll finally start!

    One day Sora
    Thread by: Antidote, Jan 28, 2007, 34 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Antidote
    ..but how the hell do I install Brushes to GIMP? I was reading over Misty's tut, and I decided to install GIMP just this minute so I'm a newbie at it. I no know what to do :'( OMG HELP ME PREASE!!!
    Thread by: Antidote, Jan 18, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Help
  10. Antidote
    ...that this is the best Super Move EVER in any game!! I bet the guy died happy ;)

    Hehehehe. :D
    Thread by: Antidote, Jan 15, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. Antidote
    Okay, this is driving me nuts -_-'. I can make (mediocre) sig's, like the one I have. I have Photoshop CS2, and the most I can do is download cool fonts, crop images, make them black and white (with exception of maybe eyes and hair) like in my sig, or like my Ino sig I made for a friend.

    Here is some examples to the extent I can do sig's (if that makes sense):

    I really wana make sig's like this:

    or even like how Rufus makes her fantastic ones.

    I'm really sorry about all my rambling, but I just want a tip or something from someone who knows. Am I even using the right program? I'd appreciate it if anyone could answer
    Thread by: Antidote, Dec 12, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: Help
  12. Antidote
    It's only 2 weeks til Crimbo! 14 days! ^_^ YAY! *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* Oooh, that's got me hyper now.. It's 12 pm, I wana open advent calender for the 11th :'{

    What.. has everyone asked for/demanded for christmas? ^_^

    I don't care as long as I get my Naruto DVD's and the feelings album and the killers new album since I aint got them yet.. ooh and chocolate and clothes and new Zelda game!
    Thread by: Antidote, Dec 10, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Antidote



    Ahem.. Anyway, watch and enjoy if your an Evanescence fan. Amy is goooooh-jussss in the video, and don't even get me started on the angel voice :'O
    Thread by: Antidote, Dec 4, 2006, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Antidote
    Uhh.. If it's possible, can I please have my username changed? I hate this baby name I have and want a new one. If you say no or you can't do that, it's okay. But if you can could it be changed to Sorrow ? Pleeeeease :'[
    Thread by: Antidote, Dec 2, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Antidote

    5 dolla! -

    ^ You'll never look at the Lion King the same again! :eek:
    Thread by: Antidote, Nov 26, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone