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  1. Antidote


    Kidding this time <-- Have to make that clear. <_<;
    Thread by: Antidote, Jun 15, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Antidote

    Bumping old threads, waiting for angry replies, deleting his post then posting a new comment saying, "who bumped it?" Uh-huuuuuuh...
    Thread by: Antidote, Jun 14, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Antidote
    Does anyone else other than me find the music vid for this song insanely hot?

    I'm currently repeating it obsessively. I can't get enough of it O_O Not only is it a great song, the video has my fav. actress Evan Rachel Wood in it (his new gf). She's like.. half naked throughout most of it, stimulating sex with Manson (supposedly real), and also writhing around and moaning. She's such a whore.. I love her! The whole vid is basically a huge burn to Dita Von Teese XD

    I like how it's not as heavy as his previous stuff, but it still has his same unique sound. I love the guitar licks in the song, as well as the background music.

    I can't wait until Eat Me Drink Me is out. I'll definitely be buying.

    Anyone else a fan?
    Thread by: Antidote, May 26, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Music
  4. Antidote
    I'm looking for songs where the vocals are almost haunting..

    The kind of song that is like breathy, and can either make someone happy or sad when they listen to it. Sort of like Let Go by Frou Frou, or basically any song by Imogen Heap. A lot of people will have heard that song, and I'm sure you'll know what I'm talking about. It's hard to explain what I mean, but I hope someone understands.

    I only know of Frou Frou and Sarah Mclachlan.

    Can anyone recommend some?
    Thread by: Antidote, May 23, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Music
  5. Antidote
    Anyone here a fan of this anime? >_> Probably not. No one's ever a fan of anything I post XD

    On another forum, out of thousands of members, myself and one other person know of it and like it.

    It's an anime that's currently only airing across Japan, but it's been subbed of course =D It's a harem anime and the genres are Shounen & Comedy. I think girls would like it, also.

    Basically, it's about a boy called Samatarou Kamiyama, who is the son of God. He and his family must live in the human world to learn about them, and for Samatarou to become a better God when the time comes to succeed his father. It shows you his everyday life with his guardian angel (and also childhood friend) Tenko. One day when he's at school, he falls for a girl called Kumiko Kumori, and he wants to prove himself to her on his own, but his family always meddle with his affairs and they control what Kumiko does. She's usually a quiet girl, but one instance when she's being controlled by Samatarou's dad, she asks him to meet her behind the school, and she takes off her shirt and jumps at Samatarou shouting, "Hold me!!" it's friggin' hilarious when they manipulate her and make her do embarrassing and crude stuff XD

    The ep's are all on YouTube or Crunchyroll. It's a great series. Here's some images:



    Thread by: Antidote, May 20, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Antidote
    Before I start.. *hyperventilates*

    Anyway, post the games you have for whichever consoles you own. =D I'm interested to see if anyone has the same as me, or is into the same genre of games as me.

    I honestly don't know what I'm getting myself into by posting this thread. :p I'm scared that big lists of games will put people off the topic. =/


    Kingdom Hearts
    Kingdom Hearts II
    Kingdom Hearts II: FM+
    Devil May Cry 1
    Devil May Cry 2
    Devil May Cry 3: SE
    Final Fantasy X
    Final Fantasy X-2
    Final Fantasy XII
    Narutimett Hero 3
    Shippuuden Narutimett Accel
    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
    Prince of Persia:Warrior Within
    Prince of Persia: Two Thrones
    Tekken 4
    Tekken 5
    Tekken Tag Tournament
    Silent Hill 2
    Silent Hill 3
    Silent Hill 4: The Room
    Haunting Ground
    Project Zero (Fatal Frame)
    Forbidden Siren
    Resident Evil 4
    Bloody Roar 3
    Bloody Roar 4
    King of Fighters 2000
    King of Fighters 2001
    King of Fighters 2002
    King of Fighters 2003
    King of Fighters XI
    King of Fighters: Maximum Impact
    King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2 (2006)
    Guilty Gear X
    Guilty Gear X2
    Guilty Gear XX:Slash
    Dark Cloud
    Dark Chronicle
    Hitman: Blood Money
    Soul Calibur 2
    Soul Calibur 3
    Dead or Alive 2
    Jak and Daxter
    Jak II: Renegade
    Jak 3
    Jak X
    Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex
    Crash Twinsanity
    Marvel vs Capcom 2
    DBZ Budokai 1
    DBZ Budokai 2
    DBZ Budokai 3
    DBZ Budokai Sparking! (Tenkaichi)
    DBZ Budokai Sparking! Neo (2)
    Super DBZ
    Bleach Blade Battlers
    SSX Tricky
    SSX on Tour
    WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2006
    WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2007
    Yu Yu Hakusho Dark Tournament
    Resident Evil Outbreak
    Resident Evil Outbreak File #2
    Shadow Hearts
    Shadow Hearts Covenant
    Shadow Hearts: From the New World
    Shadow of Colossus
    Drakengard 2


    Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
    Super Smash Bros. Melee
    Soul Calibur 2
    Resident Evil 0
    Resident Evil 1
    Resident Evil 2
    Resident Evil 3
    Lost Kingdoms 1
    Lost Kingdoms 2
    The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker Special Edition
    The Urbz: Sims in The City
    Starfox Adventures 1
    Starfox Adventures 2


    Fifa 2006
    Fifa 2007
    Tekken 5: DR
    Gitaroo Man
    Bleach: Heat the Soul 3
    Bleach: Heat the Soul 4
    DBZ Shin Budokai
    DBZ Shin Budokai 2
    Sims 2


    Animal Crossing: Wild World
    Final Fantasy III
    Bleach DS 2nd: Kokui Hirameku Requiem

    PS (got rid of it and most games)

    Resident Evil 1
    Resident Evil 2
    Resident Evil 3
    Soul Blade
    FF VI
    FF VII
    FF IX
    Crash Bandicoot 1
    Crash Bandicoot 2
    Crash Bandicoot 3
    Crash Bandicoot Tag Team Racing
    Thrill Kill
    Parasite Eve
    Parasite Eve 2
    Silent Hill
    Tekken 2
    Tekken 3
    Thread by: Antidote, May 19, 2007, 38 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. Antidote
    Yeah, I'm sure some of you would've seen some of the music vid skits they've made, but I've only just saw a few of them and they are freakin' hilarious XDD

    You've gotta watch these if you haven't already. They're only just over 2 mins long.

    Britney and Madonna skit -

    Gwen Stefani Sweet Escape skit -

    ^ I love that one, especially cos she has guys dressed up as her Harajuku girls XD

    Anyone else know of some good one's I can watch? XD
    Thread by: Antidote, May 15, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Antidote
    Just out of curiosity, has there ever been an instance where you've watched an Anime series and or movie that fits the categories in the thread title?

    I don't want people saying Bleach or Naruto. Yes, they do have instances of violence, but nothing that disturbing.

    I'd say for me it has got to be Chōjin Densetsu Urotsukidōji. More namely Birth of The Overfiend (as there are many in the series). I first saw it a few years ago when I was about 7 or 8, and I didn't really get it then. I forgot the name of the movie and the plot, but I could always remember a very graphic scene from the movie, which in turn lead me to finding it again when I posted on another forum about the particular scene.

    I'm not gonna say what the whole story was about, but in a nutshell it's about a war between humans/demons/beasts/man-beasts and has swearing, fighting, extreme violence, tentacle rape <-- that's the disturbing scene I remembered that involved a schoolgirl and her lust demon teacher.

    Anyway.. Have any of you ever seen a physically disturbing anime? I ask because other than this movie, I've never heard of or seen any others like this.
    Thread by: Antidote, May 13, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Antidote
    Yeah.. I remember a time when there were only a few premium members here. I aspired to be one. It used to be cool. But now it's so... uncool. I feel dirty even thinking about it.

    I'll take as long as I can reaching 1,000 posts. Thanks a lot, people-who-spam-in-sections-other-than-Spam-Zone-where-your-post-counts-get-boosted-even-though-your-posts-were-useless-and-irrelevent! *takes breath*


    Love me.
    Thread by: Antidote, May 12, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Antidote

    I have the urge to ask for another username change. . . again

    I don't like Gohan T_T I promised to be good and ask for no more name changes, but I can't help myself <_>

    I'm contemplating going back to Lithium.. but NO! It's too late :3 I need something else.

    Should I.. ? I need to find a good username. One that I'll stick witttt. Ya get meh, blud? (XD) D:
    Thread by: Antidote, May 10, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Antidote
    Ich werde gebohrt, so ich dachte wir könnten spiel a dieses :)

    Haha, yes! Let's play a game :D

    Okay, so, all you gotta do is pick a quote from ANY character in any Kingdom Hearts game. Type it in, or copy/paste it from a script, but before you post delete any ONE word from the line and replace it with pants XD Simple, yes?

    I'll start, obviously, with an example.. if you need one :p

    Beast: You! Get out of my castle!

    now it changes to;

    Beast: You! Get out of my pants!

    Try and make them as funny as you can (no, duh) ;)
    Thread by: Antidote, Apr 28, 2007, 111 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Antidote

    God damnit!

    Yeah.. So, I have a question, but I dunno if anyone knows the answer o_O It's a problem about making sigs. The reason I can't is because, for some reason, a while ago something happened with my comp and my Brushes folder just disappeared completely :O So, I've never been able to make a sig for that stupid reason. I thought if I tried installing GIMP or PS, it would return, but no..

    So uh, does anyone know how to resolve that problem? XD Meep?
    Thread by: Antidote, Apr 28, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Antidote


    Okay, first of all *looks obsessively through Music forum to make sure this hasn't been created* Mhmm...yeah... uhuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh.. Nyeh! It hasn't so this thread is mine! >:[ *obsession tick*

    So, yeah.. Any Paramore fans here apart from little old me? =D I've loved them ever since I first heard em' 2 years ago. Love their first album, and can't wait until their new one, RIOT!, comes out :O! I also can't stop listening to their new single Misery Business *more lewd gyration*.

    Anyone going to see them in concert this year? I'm definitely gonna see them on the 28th May at ABC Glasgow, and HOPEFULLY the 30th at Underworld in London. I wanted to also go and see them in Anaheim, I thought it'd be alright since my aunt lives in Cali, but no.. Stoopid parents. Gah! I love this band so much and, and..anddd @_o *foams at mouth* *bashes head in with brick* X_x

    EDIT: If you ain't heard of 'em, check them out at Ya dig?
    Thread by: Antidote, Apr 27, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Music
  14. Antidote

    'Kay, so I'm desperate for a Nine Inch Nails sig. I've hunted like a madman trying to find a render, but there doesn't seem to be any.

    So I ask this: Is there anyone out there who can make sigs that don't have to be renders? I'm not sure if you call 'em stocks or anything (I suxx at sig making and no nothing of it XD)

    If so, could I have one of this pic -

    Along with that, all I need is the text saying: 'Without you, without you everything falls apart', and of course, my username. I'm not sure about effects and brushes or whatever, but if you feel the pic could use some, just add what feels right to you.

    It'd be awesome if someone could actually pull this off for me =D Sorry if it's asking too much and is a bit demanding. ='[
    Thread by: Antidote, Apr 22, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  15. Antidote

    Just thought I'd share that. <_>

    UH ♥

    Thread by: Antidote, Apr 22, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Antidote
    Yeah.. So, basically what one thing could you not live without from this list? And yes, I'm being evil and only letting you select one XD

    Don't feel obliged to vote on the poll, cos it will probably not contain what some of you would need D: Instead, just post the items, then you can choose more than one XDD

    The poll has been made with options suitable for chicks && di-...boys <_> :'D

    And.. yeah, it does have some obvious choices. MONEY D:
    Thread by: Antidote, Apr 17, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  17. Antidote
    Gah! My gaming collection is starting to get dry.. Apart from me buying KHII:FM+ recently and FFXII in November, the last game I bought was DMC3.. and that was at the start of 2006 or something.. O_O!!

    Soo, basically can any of you point me in the direction of some good titles that you own or have played before.. I need some new stuff for 'boredom' days ¬_¬

    Bear in mind I LOVE my dark, deep, gory games >:] I'm quite morbid so I need blood and violence, etc to keep me insane. I'd like to try out some new Fighting/Sport/Shooters. Those are my favourite kind of games. <_>
    Thread by: Antidote, Apr 10, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. Antidote
    Riiiight.. So, I've just started Reverse/Rebirth and have been levelling up Riku. I notice you can choose to raise his HP or AP, but his AP can only go up by 1 each level. .

    My question is; is there much point in boosting his AP? Like, do you get more Soul Eaters later on that you can equip him with? It's really confusing me... I mean, 1 AP per level!! Forgive me, I never did complete GBA CoM, so Reverse/Rebirth is kinda new to me. It's just confusing since Sora's AP went up by 25, so I don't get Riku's AP situation.. T_T Gah! *implodes*
    Thread by: Antidote, Apr 7, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. Antidote
    Ok guys, this isn't a very pleasant topic, I know XD But, when you think about it, if you were to die; which method would scare you the most? I usually have nightmares involving my greatest fear or dying ALL the time, so I was just curious to see what everyone else thinks. If the poll doesn't contain a method that you fear, post new ones I missed out D:

    EDIT: Oh yeah, mines would be buried alive D': Panicking deep under ground, knowing you won't get out. Then you run out of air >_> *shudder*
    Thread by: Antidote, Apr 3, 2007, 42 replies, in forum: Discussion
  20. Antidote
    T_T I'm liking the jazzed up new look the site has, but I'z no longer able to click on 'Today's Posts' to find all the recently posted-in threads :'{ It will take a man-bimbo like me quite a long time to get used to having to look through certain forums seperately to see which has recent posts which I'm interested in. nooooooooooooooo! hard work xD
    Thread by: Antidote, Mar 28, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone