:D Yeah, found a new band that I love now a few weeks ago, after hearing their song constantly on the radio while in Art. The band is called Band of Horses, and their song Is There a Ghost? is one of my new obsessions. Click on the song name if ya wanna hear it. The lead singer sounds just like Ozzy in his Black Sabbath days I think :P The awesome heavy guitars come in at about 1 minute, and makes it sound even better than it already was to begin with :3
What worlds do you think'll be in BBS? And do you think there will be a lot? o: I'm sure on one of the interviews on the front page it said there'll only be 2-3 new worlds? D: Bah. Anyway, Sleeping Beauty's castle has been confirmed (prolly not what it'll be called, but I dunno a name for it), and I've kinda got a feeling a Snow White world would be in, solely going by the Princesses of Heart. Basically all of them had a world in KH, now that chick from Maleficent's world is in, so.. uh, yeah. It'd make sense, really, since originally they were gonna show all the princesses getting kidnapped from their respective worlds in KH. *ramble* :DDD What're your thoughts/guesses? I'm actually empty on ideas, apart from the one above -_-'
look like Lene Alexandra? :3 samsamsamsam Moohahaaa<3 >:D
Must get Premium. "King's Apprentice".. lol, no. Unacceptable. LOOOLOLOLOLOL. I'm ashamed. D: Tis all.
Quite an epic band, if I do say so myself :B I had heard of them before, but never really gotten into their music until a couple months ago. Anyone else here heard of 'em? Everything about PORCELAIN is awesome :D She's hot, she's got the 'rock' voice that female lead singers seem to lack these days. It's raspy, edgy, husky.. SEXY! :DD You can check out their myspaz here. You gotta hear "F***s Like A Star" xD I'm currently obsessed with it. Tis goodness. The intro to the song makes me LOLWTFIMB.
The Scottish accent has been voted the sexiest in all of the UK! Yay, we're sex! xD Chicks from other countries especially like it :3 That is all. :D
..lol. That's hot. :D
Do want ;___; I mean, look at it! SEKZ. :3?
What do boys like from girls? And what do they like in general? How am I gonna get one if I don't know anything about them? ... O.o I'm a laydee :3 My friend has an ass like a loaf of bread, and I want a slice. :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Hmm. First- Wow at this topic not already being created! <_<; Now then, as you'll probably already know, Konami officially announced SH5 at E3, and gave us a rather disappointing, 50 second teaser, which shows pretty much nothing other than the symbol for the game and a guy talking. Yeah, they like to leave us hanging. Teaser Not much has been said of the details, other than the protagonist of the game will be a guy called Alex Shepherd, a soldier who returns home from war to find that his father and brother Joshua have disappeared, and his mother has.. I'm not sure what they call it, but apparently she's alive, but brain dead? o_O Anyway, after he discovers all this, he sets off to find Joshua, which in turn obviously leads him through Silent Hill and a new town called Shepherd's Glen. That's all that's been revealed so far, and we'll have to wait until the October issue of EGM to find out any more (dammit!) I've noticed a lot over at GFAQs are pretty pissed at the fact that the main character's a soldier, obviously meaning he's a combat veteran. I guess they think that'll take the edge away from the whole, "innocent, helpless being who stumbles across Silent Hill" that all the other titles held, cos let's face it, James and Heather were no G.I. Jones or Jane's XD What's your thoughts on this?
...Have a beautiful body. And everyone see's it. >D /opposesAquarius. :3
BEWARRRR buoys and gorlz. <:3? *whip* *air-thrust* On another note: A part of Lithium is now ded. x.x Devil, I sound so EMU. D: YES!! You're all Love backwards D< Now, let's talk about FAILURE. Some 'owned' too? :3 I couldn't post any more.. cos they iz just too diRrtah? Fiddlesticks! Bi,
:DDDDDDDDD >_>... :D
..Yeah, am I the only one who had no idea Spike were even creating a DBZ: BT3? Let alone it nearly being finished. Go here to find out the latest info. It's not much, just some new features that weren't present in BT2 that will be added to this instalment, and also 5 of the 20 new playable characters that have been confirmed (6 really, if you count Great Ape for King Vegeta) Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Wikipedia is the worst place for sources, and the release dates haven't been confirmed yet, but whatever. It has some official scans on there, so check it out. It doesn't matter if those dates are wrong, and it won't be out until next year or anything. It exists and is in the making, that's all I need to know. Great, now that I know it'll be constant fangasms up until the release just like the previous game. <_<
...но я люблю вас :'3 кто-то говорит к мне. развлеките меня? Я утл ='( 2
I've checked photobucket, and theirs are crap. Infact, none of theirs was remotely violent at all. I wanted to find one that has a scene like Alice's. A bloody one, one where someone dies, impaled, etc etc. VIOLENCE. I thought I'd find some by going to 4chan.. And boy was I wrong xDD I went to /a/, and all it seems to have is an unbelievably large amount of Lucky Star yuri/pr0n. ew. Help pleaaase? :3
Uh, yeah.. I've just downloaded the episodes to my Veoh player and am about to watch them. But before I do, there's a question I wanna ask: I read up on the anime, and also people on the Veoh website were saying stuff like, "do not watch it in episodes 1-14" because the anime was shown in an anachronic order? I've been told to watch the episodes in the following order- 11-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-12-13-14 because that's the chronological order. Is this correct? I don't understand why they've done that. I'm very confused xD I was just gonna watch 1-14. Bah!
<3~ I'm bored. беседа к мне? Btw, I love your sig. What anime is that? x3
Uhm.. Yah, so urm I've not been here for a few days.. And I'm back on now and notice that Roku has been 'banned'. WHY? D: I don't understand the guy who posted in the Departure Lobby, either. I really do miss everything even when I'm not on for a few days. Anyway care to explain to me what's been going on? I'm sick and confused D: