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  1. Anase
    Saix smirked. Everything was going good. He glanced at Rosso, who was filing her nails with her weapon. "And what are you waiting for?" Rosso smiled, still filing her nails.

    "I think I can detect another Tsviet."
    "I'm one. But there is another that has come to my attention."
    "Your side?"

    "I'm not sure. I recall that she betrayed us. I will wait. The hunter always waits in the shadows for that right time to strike their prey with deadly efficiency. As I'm VERY sure you know very well."

    Saix looked away from Rosso, annoyed. "I'm not a Berserker anymore."

    "But you could be again. Think of what you're missing, Saix. The sound of their bones breaking, the feel of their blood all over your hands. Their agonizing pleas for you to stop and let them live.... Pure euphoria."

    "Hmm?""Shut it."
    "Ooh, touchy."

    Saix opened a dark corridor and left the room. He can't stand being in the same place as her. She keeps on reminding him of how fascinating it was to be so... brutal. Why is it he can never go back to that state of mind?

    'Because I was destroyed by my wrath... one of the seven deadly sins... how appropriate.'

    Rosso, on the other hand, smirked evilly.

    'You know you want to. No one will stop you, that's the beauty of it. Why don't you get it, Saix? Why can't you get that through your Nobody mind that you are destined to be... a Berserk Nobody? We can do this forever, you can keep denying it until you finally... snap.'

    (((Could I be Tifa too? She needs to get out and break some noses. XDDD)))
    Post by: Anase, May 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Anase
    (((ack! I return! Great to have you back on the rp FireNanaki! ^_^)))

    Rude looked around at everyone. Saix was a ghost. Xemnas was a vampire. Tseng was a zombie. Elena was an anime cat girl. Roxas was a black cat. and he himself was a...

    "P... I... M... P."

    He was wearing a purple version of his suit with a matching fedora on his head and gold rimmed sunglasses, he even had on gold knuckles.

    "...well, I could definitely use the gold knuckles."

    "Oh really now?"

    Rude turned around to face Zexion but almost laughed out loud. He was still wearing his organization cloak but he had bloody bandages on his upper left arm and right forearm, around his torso and neck and on his left cheek and over his right eye but... that's always been covered.

    "...Don't you say a word."
    Post by: Anase, May 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Anase
    What in the world? Demon Sniper? I've never even heard of it and I beat Star Fox Assault. I've unlocked other stuff though, but it's been, like... three months since I've last played it.
    Post by: Anase, May 11, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Anase
    Saix was mad that Sephiroth was scolding him like he was a child. Rosso decided to return and pretend to be sorry. "I am so sorry for making you mad... but that's the game called life. And I play it good."

    "Urge to kill... rising..."

    "Save your rage for Sora and his crew... you'll need it. I'm just encouraging you to be the berserker that you are for the big fight and I believe I should give you a psychological analysis." She walked up to Saix. "We cannot have a decent conversation with you without you acting like an obedient dog and or baby." Twitch. "How old were you when you lost your heart." Twitch.

    "We stopped aging after we gave in to the darkness." "Answer the question."

    Saix sighed and glared. "...23."

    Rosso shook her head and turned away from him, folding her arms.

    "...Grow... up." She wandered off, there was no further need to anger him more. Perhaps later but now... she needs to reload her ammunition of insults, if she wants Saix to be full blown Berserk. 'The madder he is... the better. I won't tolerate weakness. He can try to come back with his own disses but he's just a stray dog, barking brainlessly. Heh heh heh...'

    Twitch. Saix slowly calmed down. "Okay... Let's get this over with so that Rosso doesn't have to be a complete [doink!] throughout this scenario."
    Post by: Anase, May 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Anase
    "Thank you, Namine!" Rosso exclaimed, agreeing with her for the biding time thing and Roxas. then she looked at Saix. "So, while you stay here and kiss up to your superior, I'm off to kill."

    That did it.

    "... oh... you... B[meow!]!!!!!" He summoned up his Claymore and lunged at Rosso. She just smiled and dashed back to avoid him. "Last one to kill Sora is a rotten egg! Nyah!" She stuck her tongue out at him, which only fueled his anger. "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!" "Neener! Nyeh! Nyah!" Rosso continued to mess with him as she disappeared in a flash of red light, Saix followed after her in a dark portal.

    Rosso smiled, the feeling of being hunted when she's the hunter gave her a rush. She might've been messing with Saix and making him think that she was there to help them but infact, she was really trying to get him mad. 'In addition to killing Sora... I can see what is stronger... his Berserk... or... my Bloodburst...' First things first, she takes out Sora then she can get down to business.

    Saix on the other hand, wasn't having it. He had made an oath to not go Berserk again as it brought him nothing but defeat last time, however, Rosso was encouraging it. 'When Sora and his friends are gone... it's going down... you and me, Rosso.'
    Post by: Anase, May 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Anase
    Ah, charlie the unicorn. Forever a classic. ^_^ I've actually seen a couple people act it out at a convention for a skit... with Naruto characters! Sasuke as Charlie the unicorn! XDDD
    Post by: Anase, May 11, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Anase
    "Well now, I believe the plan is coming through nicely but, we shouldn't get too ahead of ourselves, right Saix?"

    Saix glared at Rosso again. "Could you refrain from mentioning our past mistakes? It is highly irritating."

    "Only working with what you give me."

    Saix ignored her and looked around at the villains. Sephiroth. Leblanc. Seymour. Omega Weapon. Namine and Larxene. Somehow, he felt that this wasn't enough. "...Before we can proceed further into the plan, I suggest we simply bide our time, I have a feeling more will appear."

    And Rosso just had to say something again.

    "You have feeling? You're a Nobody, you don't feel anything, how many times do you have to remind yourselves? And biding our time? Please, right about now we could be causing some blood shed and making grown men cry, pushing old ladies down stairs, taking candy from little kids, this and that and be back for cake and ice cream afterwards."

    "...I really don't like you now."

    "Feeling's the same over here, Blue. Oh! I got another one, let's go find your clues!"

    Saix began ignoring Rosso again, she wasn't going to let her make him go berserk. Rosso smirked. 'Oh, I've got mind control over him. He won't do sh[honk!]. I'm having so much fun now, trying to kill a keyblade master and making this guy pms... Killing two birds with one stone.'
    Post by: Anase, May 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Anase
    "Really now," Rosso stepped up. "Sephiroth, it would be wise to assist the Organization. Or else, you'll risk letting Sora pwn you hardcore again. I'm not entirely good on helping them either but... think of the chance to fight Sora again, the rush, knowing that you'll end the life of a keyblade wielder. Just like fighting Cloud, ending all life... everything..."

    Saix stared at Rosso, amazed. She knew her evil stuff. She knows much... but perhaps too much that he's starting to grow suspicious of her. "Rosso... tell me why I should let you in on this."

    "Why? Well... I just want to kill something... it's been so long since I've had the chance... I was born and raised to kill." she walked up to him, glaring. "Do you have ANY idea of what its like to be sealed away under a corrupted corperation for so long that, you just... snap?" she titled her head when she said snap. Saix smirked. "You didn't answer my question. I didn't ask for your life's story, what do I look like? Oprah? Dr. Phil? Take your pick, I have more."
    Post by: Anase, May 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Anase
    Saix breathed to himself. 'Stay calm, don't go Berserk, you won't gain anything from going Berserk all the time.'

    Rosso smiled at Namine's suggestion.

    "That seems like a good idea. Break his heart, he's nothing but a empty shell, change his memories and... ooh, I'm getting an idea. Maybe if you change his memories, put him in the mindset that Riku and Kairi are his enemies then..." she smirked cruelly, the smirked growing with each sadistic idea. "Or you could pretend that you're in trouble, lure him away from Riku and Kairi, do your memory thing and..." she began to laugh maniacally.

    Saix stared at Rosso, an anime sweatdrop appeared on the side of his head. "Ooookkkaaayyyy..."
    Post by: Anase, May 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Anase
    The two caught their weapons and dismissed them. And they nodded to each other in a truce. Saix looked at Namine. "You didn't hear anything, it was just the wind, besides, shouldn't you be drawing up a storm or something?" Rosso snickered, not at Namine but at Saix. "Let the child be, from what I know, she is a memory witch and the other members of the Organization almost had the keyblade wielder in their grasp because of her but... I guess not."

    "You know a lot about us."

    "Had to. If I'm going to help you."

    "Very well. From what I was told by my superior, taking out Sora is top priority. Since some of us like to just get things over with and... stab him." he glanced at Sephiroth as he said this. "I suggest we take out those who are close to him first."Rosso folded her arms and strut her hip out. "Oh? And what will we gain from that besides me bathing in blood once again?"

    "We know very well, how to injure a heart. Sora is in the mindset that his friends are important to him and he will stop at nothing to protect them... especially Kairi. If he loses her, even Riku just to add more drama, he will be too emotionally distraught to think straight and charge blindly into battle... and he will lose."

    Rosso began applauding Saix. "What a marvelous plan, but if I recall, you did that once before... it didn't work."

    "we're killing her this time."

    "Surrreee you are."

    Oh Kingdom Hearts, he really didn't like Rosso's attitude right now and he was starting to get mad but he had to keep his cool.
    Post by: Anase, May 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Anase
    Saix stared at Sephiroth, he's heard some interesting things about him. Then he stared at Rosso. She was a new mystery to him, but he can tell that she's seen many battles, he can even detect the scent of blood from her. Rosso smirked. "My new perfume, lovely isn't it?" Saix shook his head and looked back at Sephiroth to address the sitch.

    "That is true. Sora and his crew are basically just.... well, put simply, we're sick of them and... it's not like we want to kill them, its sort of like we don't want them to be... alive... anymore."

    "Same as killing them." Rosso commented.

    Saix glared. "Point. But I don't know why YOU'RE here."

    "Simple. Ever heard of Deep Ground? Well, just to keep it short, our leader, Weiss, has sent me here to assist you in your task to destroy a certain 5'5" boy with a KEY, an odd weapon of choice might I add."

    "Join the club. I find it ridiculious, but the keyblade is truly, an astounding thing... too bad the wielder isn't it."
    Post by: Anase, May 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Anase
    Saix was in his personal crib, otherwise known as the Addled Impasse. He was looking out the giant window he had while briefly wondering why in mansex's name he got this huge window for.

    "...Still a mystery."

    He narrowed his eyes, sensing another presence in the room. He barely turned around when a red blade came to rest against his neck. "Well, well... this is pure luck for me. I found something in this dark and empty world, and here I thought all of humanity was gone."

    "I'm not human... I'm Nobody."He saw a woman beside him, red hair, red eyes, everything red. Plus, slender figure and an accent. "So I can tell. Hmm, Weiss was right on point about this world."

    "And you are?"

    "Rosso the Crimson. Remember that name well in the afterlife." Saix smirked and Rosso's eyes widen. From the time she snuck up on him, the sharp pointed hilt of Claymore was against her back, right on her spine. He could've crippled her and she would've slashed his throat. Both were even in speed and feralness. "There is no afterlife for me... only oblivion."

    From now on, it was a face-off.

    (((g2g bed now. Need to get up early, working on stuff, surprising, it's not school! XD)))
    Post by: Anase, May 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Anase
    "Perhaps..." he said, all cryptic-like. But it was funny to see him say that when he has a wolf perched on him. Rude couldn't help but laugh.

    (((Eek, I'm making Zexy scary. XD)))
    Post by: Anase, May 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Anase
    Rude gasped and tackled Elena off of Zexion. "Elena! Don't you see that he is NOT A HAPPY CAMPER?!?!!"

    Zexion growled. "Yes... I am NOT a happy camper."
    Post by: Anase, May 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Anase
    If it's final fantasy villains... um, does that include Dirge of Cerberus? If so, I would like Rosso (
    Rosso's from DoC and she's... crazy.) and for KH and to add to the level of sadisticness, Saix. :D
    Post by: Anase, May 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Anase
    zexion reappeared but gravely injured. Rude confronts him again. "Look at you... you can barely stand, why don't you just give up?" The Cloaked Schemer growled, fighting to keep his eyes open. 'I must... destroy... all of them... must... destroy... must...' He checked himself over, wincing at seeing the injuries the Turks, especially Saix had inflicted on him. 'Impossible... I'm a higher rank than him by one... I... shouldn't lose...' he finally collapsed. Rude walked up to him and poked him in the head. "Hey, kid... are you still living?"

    "Go away... let me rest.... let me regain my stren-- no, attack me." Why didn't he think of that before?! Rude's eyes widen. "No way! I never fight a person that's down, it's not an honorable fight." "If you don't attack me... I will only recover and kill you in the most brutal way imaginable."

    "You mean... the kind of death I wouldn't wish on Micheal Jackson?"

    Zexion nodded. Rude shrugged. "Okay, you asked for it. I'm a give you an all time powerful combo." Zexion smirked evilly. Rude attacked him mercilessly, never stopping, he kept slashing and biting until Zexion was looking like he'd gone through a wood shredder.

    "...You're a fool." "What?!" "...Perdition Iris."

    His entire body glowed and his wounds have disappeared. He was surrounded by a violet aura. "Wha-what did you do!?" "I syphoned all of your power that you put into your attacks. From now on, when you attack me, I'll only become stronger with each blow."

    Rude was screwed.
    Post by: Anase, May 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Anase
    Zexion's eye twitched. "You... are SO... PWNED!!!" "Ack!" Zexion bite into Rude's neck tightly, never letting Rude go since he tried to rush in for an attack. He backed up, the assassin nobodies crowding around him to act as a shield.

    "Kid, you've seriously lost it OW!!!"

    Zexion tightened his grip even more. He wasn't playing anymore. He'd snap his neck if he wanted to however, there was a little voice in the back of his head that was pleading for him to stop.

    ' I'll.... destroy.... all of them!'his grip loosened more and more and he dropped Rude and backed up even more, closer to the edge of a cliff. "Kid, watch it, you're about to..."

    Zexion slipped and his claws dug into the ground to keep him from falling. Rude looked back and forth between the nobodies and Saix and gang. "......AW HERE IT GOES!!!"

    He grabbed onto Zexion's paw and tried to pull him up. "Come on, kid! Don't die on me!"


    It was like slow motion. Falling, falling, falling. Woosh! he disappeared into a portal. "......................DUDE, That was not cool... I'm just, gonna shut up now."

    (Ack, Zexy almost died! XD)
    Post by: Anase, May 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Anase
    Two illusions attacked Tseng, one of them swiping him off of the original while the other tackled him to the ground from midair. One bite onto Saix's leg, the other, his neck. an assassin nobody came up from under Saix, uppercutting him with its wing. Zexion went rolling to a stop. He wasn't used to this kind of fighting.

    Physically, no. Mentally, yes.
    Post by: Anase, May 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Anase
    Zexion hissed and covered his nose. This wasn't getting him anywhere. But he came up with something. He always does. He made 4 illusions of himself and they spread out, he then sent the assassin nobodies ahead and underground.


    The assassin nobodies shot their spiked wings up from the ground just ahead of Saix and crew, acting like some sort of spike strip.


    More nobodies popped up behind the first set, the wings going higher and higher as the process repeated. The illusions closed in behind them and the original striked. Zexion lunged and clawed at Saix, managing to slash him on his back down to his side.


    Rude saw this and squeaked. "Holycrap!"
    Post by: Anase, May 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Anase
    Zexion jumped out of a portal and tripped over his own paws... wait a minute... paws?

    " crap."

    he was a dark grey lion with a silver/purpleish mane with part of it was covering the right side of his face. He didn't have time to think wtf happened to him, he instantly picked up their scents and took chase. Along the ground on both sides of him were the assassin nobodies, gliding along the ground with their wings or whatever sticking out.

    The Hunt was on.


    Rude felt like a ragdoll. He saw behind them that a grey lion was coming up followed by some freaky creatures.

    "Um... Saix... you might want to... oh, I don't know, um... GO FASTER!!!"
    Post by: Anase, May 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home