Tifa glared and began slamming the chains against the wall again. "I'm kinda busy here, can I take a message? I'll be sure to get back to you later." She slammed the chains once more, one of the links were starting to bend out of shape. 'Yes! Just a little more!'
Illusion Zexion applauded then snapped his fingers side to side. Rude only anime-facefaulted again.
Rude pointed at Xemnas and Zexion accusingly. "I KNEW IT! YOU GUYS ARE SO EVIL THAT YOU KILL SMALL KITTENS FOR FUN AND PROFIT!!!" "Your point?" Illusion Zexion said, folding his arms and smirking.
OOC: Lol! FF reject! XDDD BIC: Saix sighed again, annoyed. He was doing that a lot lately. "Honestly, Namine... I have no idea." ---------------------------- Rosso merely stood there, watching Shelke move about. "hmph, not even worth going Bloodburst over." She slashed out her hands, sending red sharp air waves to catch Shelke off guard.
The illusion Zexion didn't even fade away or try to resist. He just layed there, staring up at the sky. "...sigh... WHHYYY?!?!?!" He yelled to the sky, shaking his fist in the air.
"Hmm... something is going... I can see it in your eyes Shelke..." Her blood red eyes piercing into Shelke's glowing orange eyes. "You should know that you should never think about anything else other than killing!" Rosso spun around and gave Shelke a roundhouse kick to the stomach. -------------------------- Saix was staring out in the world that never was, the vast darkness everywhere. He was standing by the stairs. That very spot where he had talked to Xemnas last before going into battle against Sora. He closed his eyes, replaying the scene in his mind. "Xemnas. Is Kingdom Hearts ready?" "Very soon." "Then, can I end this charade?" "Indeed." He opened his eyes, smiling that same evil smile back then. "How I've waited to hear that." But it just wasn't the same. That moment it may have been, but... it quickly passed. He walked up to where Xemnas was standing, constantly gazing at Kingdom Hearts whenever Saix went looking for him. He was either here or... The Other Place. (((g2g. sleep very needed.)))
Rosso sideflips and blocks Shelke's sabers with her dual sword. "Namine. Though, I won't spoil to you her abilities or key role in this plan. You'll just have to find out for yourself."
Rude anime face-faulted to the ground. Zexion rubbed the back of his head with an anime sweatdrop and his visible eye curved into a upsidedown 'u' //_n; "umm... yeeeaaaahh... *cough*." Dramatically waving his hand in the air, Rude muttered. "Kakashi-sensei."
"Just a simple tussle between Tsviets." Rosso rushed in quickly and slashed at Shelke with her dual bladed weapon, spinning it in her hands like a fan. ------------------------------ Saix found Rosso fighting with a young girl. Namine was there too. After staring in disbelief for 5 minutes, he shook his head and sighed out of exhaustion (sp). "Don't tell me... I don't want to know. I'll be at the altar of naught." He disappeared.
Zexion poofed from another tombstone as that illusion disappeared. He was starting to use his shapeshifting and illusionary abilities more often now. "I am everywhere here." Even if they attack him, they would only be attacking illusions, the real Zexion was somewhere... far away from them. Rude got up, rubbed his head and glared. "All right, kid, enough of your games, come out and fight! I've got nice uber sweet gold knuckles that I'm gonna beat you to a pulp with!" Soon, more clones poofed out of the tombstones and it looked like Naruto's 1000 clone jutsu. Rude gulped. "...oh crap and a half." The Zexions whomped on rude but they merely passed through him. They didn't hurt him but they sure did freak him out. "I may be VI in the organization but... there is no limit to my power. I am the Cloaked Schemer afterall, I know your every move because..." The illusions disappeared until only one was left. This one moved his hair to reveal his right eye. "I have this!" "OH MY GOD, YOU HAVE A SHARINGAN EYE!!!" DUN DUN DUUUNNNN!!!! Zexion blinked. "what? No, I don't." he took out the contact lens. "Part of my costume." and put it back in his eye.
(((Nevermind. Back again. XD stupid sister, telling me what to do. Bleh.))) Rosso seemed intrigued by the wager. It would benefit her either way in her goal to make Saix go Berserk. "You make a good deal, Shelke. No wonder you were part of the Tsviets." Rosso held her weapon out and shot 10 rounds from the concealed gun function of her weapon. ----------------------- Saix growled in frustration. "what is she doing?"
(((last post for tonight. g2g.))) "Well, well, well... if it isn't the little SND girl. And what brings you here? Surely if you were on our side, we could use your abilities but since you're not... I believe... I'm going to have to kill you." Rosso appeared, her dual bladed weapon drawn. "You don't have that pathetic Vincent Valentine here to protect you, or your sister even. You're all alone." --------------------------------------- Saix stopped walking. He had come up with an idea. "Rosso! get over here! NOW!" ----------------------------------------- Rosso looked up, frowning. "aww, what does he want now?" She ignored him.
Rosso sharply looked the otherway. "I think I should go kill something, err, I mean, check something out." she walked up to Saix and pinched his cheek. "You be a good widdle luna diwiner now." She tugged his cheek one last time before disappearing in a flash of red light. Saix rubbed his cheek, very annoyed. He looks at Namine to address something to her. "She touches me again, I'm biting her hand off." and he walks away. Tifa slumped to the ground, chains rattling a softer chime. "I'm never gonna get out of here... am I? I'm never gonna see them again... Cloud, Aerith, Yuffie, Leon, Cid... everyone..." It seemed like shes lost all hope but her heart was telling her to not lose all of her hope. There's still a chance.
"Whatever!" he threw his hands up, exasperated with everything. He was getting really cranky and stressed out. Tifa tugged on the chains, glaring at them. Saix looked at her, and shook his head. "Still resisting... You have a strong heart... maybe we can use that to our advantage." He looked at the device in his hand and began thinking but Rosso walked in, letting her weapon hit the bars of each cell. Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! "You look very tense... you didn't kill anyone did you?" "shut up, masochist." "Now that's not a very nice thing to say to someone who's helping you get in touch with your inner predator." "I don't want to get in touch with my inner predator," he quickly glanced at Namine, ignoring Rosso. "what's the status of everything so far? I don't want to get too ahead of our evilness like last time." Tifa slammed the chains against the wall, making a loud rattling sound. Rosso laughed. "We can hear you just fine, sweetie. You don't have to interrupt, like SOME people do." Directing it towards Saix who continued to ignore her.
Zexion poofed from a tombstone and sat on it as the illusion threw its popcorn up and disappeared. He caught it and shook his head. "You both are acting like children. Grow up." "That's so not fair dude, you can shapeshift and create illusions and are the Organization's official LASSIE!!!" BONK! The bucket of popcorn bounced off of Rude's head as he hit the ground hard. "Quit calling me Lassie."
Zexion nodded in agreement. 'N00bs are always making fools out of themselves. VII through XIII are proof of that.'
Rude looked at Tseng blankly. "He's so going to get you back for that if he finds out you have video evidence of his... ghostly fight.... pfft!" he laughed again. Zexion decided to sit down and watched, conjuring up a bucket of popcorn. "This is... amusing." Rude glanced at Zexion. "...are you gonna share those?" Zexion shook his head and continued munching on popcorn.
Tifa saw a young blonde girl. 'What is that girl doing here? It's dangerous!' Saix used this chance and dashed towards Tifa, snatching her by her neck and pinning her against the wall. "You need to learn one thing about me... I can kill you... I'm insane... I can rip you limb from limb... with my bare hands... challenge me... and you will see Cloud... oh, I'm sorry, I meant for it to be plural... cloudS. and you'll be playing an instrument far more annoying than Demyx's Sitar." Tifa gulped and sighed in relief as Saix let her go but shoved her back into another cell. He walked up to her, grabbed her wrists and slapped some cuffs on them connected to chains to wall. "Your tears can save you and they can kill you and those you care about, you cry again, you'll be crying forever as I rip out your heart, put it in a paper bag and give it to you." He closed the door and sighed, leaning against the wall. 'almost lost it there... almost lost it.'
(((Coolio... um... she's in the dungeon right? If so, I'll start from there.))) Saix took the device and decided to check on the prisoners, since he's already avoiding Rosso. ------------------------------ Smash! Tifa punched the wall one more time but it was no use. "Okay, let's try the bars again." She did a jump kick against the bars, no such luck. "Owwie... okay... let's not do that again." There was a sound of footsteps and she got into a fighting stance because she could sense this person's aura and it was very strong. she didn't think the bars of the cell would help her or protect her. she knew her limits. "Whoever that is... um... stand back, I am an indepenent woman who knows how to fight, and I'm not talking about pulling hair and slapping but kinda like the Ultimate Fighter show." Saix shook his head. "Really now. But you have no action to back up those words." "If these bars weren't between us, then you'd find out." Here, Tifa mentally kicked herself. 'SHUT UP! QUIT ANTAGONIZING HIM!!!' The Berserk Nobody smirked. "I'll let time be your opponent. I'd say, right about now, Cloud is probably getting pwned." Tifa gasped. "Cloud!? He's in trouble! Let me out of here! I've got to help him!" "with what?" "...Light." "heheheh... Light cannot save him where he is and who he's up against." With that, he left her there. Tifa grasped the bars tightly, shaking them. "LET ME OUT! I HAVE TO HELP HIM!" Saix continued walking. Tears were flowing down her cheeks and fell on her fists. Thats when she stood back, wound up her fist and punched through the bars. Saix whipped around to see Tifa walk out of the cell, her fists glowing with a bright light. "I wanna see Cloud. If you don't take me to him, you'll be sorry." He immediately thought back to what Rosso said. The sound of their bones breaking, the feel of their blood all over your hands. Their agonizing pleas for you to stop and let them live.... Pure euphoria. He shook his head to get her voice out of his mind. 'We might still need her alive... don't over do it, Saix.' "You've just picked a fight with the wrong Nobody."
Zexion glared at Tseng but laughed at seeing Saix's futile efforts to strike Xemnas. Rude looked over at Saix as well and shook his head. "He could use a Snickers candy bar." He suddenly felt the urge to sing the Snickers song but passed on it.