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  1. Anase
    OOC: Yeah, Shelke does depend on mako.

    BIC: Shelke gulped slightly. "Oooooh.... busted."


    "Hydra Life." Zexion whispered.


    The illusions regenerated only more appeared. two more illusions appeared with each one Sephiroth destroyed. (Like the Hydra's heads at Olympus.) Do the math. Hmm... thirty-nine Masamune wielding illusions. Nice.
    Post by: Anase, May 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Anase
    Zexion opened his book. "Time for multiple assault... times 13."


    13 illusions of Zexion slowly rose up from the ground. Each holding a masamune. Now Zexion was using his ability to mimic weapons. They each attacked Sephiroth as he was directing his attention to Demyx.


    Shelke was in the Castle, thankfully no nobodies have tracked her yet, even though she's invisible.

    "I know I'm almost there..."
    Post by: Anase, May 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Anase
    Rosso was starting to get annoyed at Tifa dodging her every move until Tifa finally got in a hit as she backhanded Rosso and did a roudhouse kick. The backhand splitting Rosso's lip. She staggered back and licked her lip.

    "Hmm... been a while since I tasted my own blood... you will regret that."

    she threw six airwaves at Tifa. she brought up her arms to cover her face as her arms got cut up.

    "Too close."
    Post by: Anase, May 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Anase
    Shelke still had her sabers out but put them back in their holsters. she then turned to Sephiroth. "I may be able to infiltrate the castle and if they have a computer, I'll probably perform an SND and see what I can find that will be helpful to us." She spun around once and turned invisible. "If I'm not back in 10 minutes... well... I'm not back." And she took off.


    Zexion shook his head at Demyx then a rack swooped in out of nowhere. (Think the weapons rack in the Matrix) He scanned through the rack of various books. "Book of Yasakani... Book of Orochi... Book of Shadows... Book of Dreams... Book of Nightmares... Yes, I think I'll stick to my Book of Shadows." The rack disappeared as he picked up his weapon. "We're going to have to be cautious since Sephiroth is here and I can sense that the other warriors that are with him are very powerful... and they have strong hearts... that's another good thing."
    Post by: Anase, May 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Anase
    Tifa only had three limbs at her disposal but, she's gotten out of worse situations. Like when Sephiroth slashed her at Mt. Nibel. 'Oh man, that was deep.'

    Rosso rushed forwatd with her dual sword, lashing and swiping Tifa who was doing the five D's of Dodgeball.





    ...and Dodge.

    (((XDDD funny movie. )))
    Post by: Anase, May 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Anase
    "A new threat... so it was that... well, no problem. I should be picking something right about now."

    He opened a small window of darkness and it showed the Dark city below from the eyes of the crane nobody. It showed a group of warriors, led by none other than...

    "...Sephiroth.... this could be a problem."


    Shelke instinctively looked up and spotted a nobody in the sky. She could sense it was relaying something. she took out her sabers, spinned one around and lashed it up at the creature, destroying it.

    "They know we're here."


    The image went blank and Zexion closed the dark window. "all right... now what."
    Post by: Anase, May 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Anase
    Saix leaned agains the wall, trying to regain his strength again. Going Berserk and fighting Rosso in that state completely wore him out. "I'll be ready soon... just need to... rest..."


    Tifa held her fist back, charging up then she swung it forward.


    Football Announcer voice: INTERCEPTION!!!

    Rosso held Tifa's fist in her hand. she looked at it curiously then threw Tifa against the wall. Her shoulder hit the wall and upon impact, her whole right arm went completely numb. "agh... oh crap, dislocated."

    "Everyone else has weapons and you have nothing."

    Tifa stood up and smirked at Rosso.

    "But I wear a size double-D and one b--- alone can kick your butt."

    (((Gawd, I love that quote! XDDD)))
    Post by: Anase, May 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Anase
    Shelke followed a little ways behind the rest. Glancing around cautiously. "It's so dark here... I mean... Nero's darkness was bad enough but this place... brr..."


    Zexion was pacing back and forth in the Hall of Empty Melodies. Things were going downhill for the Organization. 3 traitors and 4 turks. It just doesn't get any better. But something was nagging at him. It certainly wasn't a feeling. He summoned up a crane-like Nobody and sent it on it's way to patrol the World That Never Was.

    "It's not a feeling... it's more like an instinct..."
    Post by: Anase, May 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Anase
    Tifa got in a fighting stance. "You read my mind, Gilg! So what if there's so many of you villains here, our combined light will prevail!"


    Rosso was just side-stepping each swipe Saix had done and it only made him more angrier.


    "All right, Saichan, enough."

    she sent three airwaves at Saix however, he swiped down, his hands engulfed in blue flames again and absorbed the airwaves. Rosso gasped. "Now that's just not right!" Saix pounced on her and he was about to bite her but she held her arm out and he bit her forearm instead. He had such a strong bite that her armor cracked a little. "Such feriocity... wonderful!"

    With her free hand, she grabbed at Saix's neck and rolled over, now she was pinning him. He reached his hands up and grasped them around her neck. Both had bloody murder in their eyes. Saix would rip her throat open and Rosso would snap his neck. It was all down to who would kill who first.

    "If... I had the intention... to kill you, Saix.. then... I would've done it... when I first met you... you would've done the same... predator to predator... hunter to hunter... berserker to berserker... there is respect in that aspect of ourselves... we respect each other..."

    His grip loosened and he just layed there, he let go of her arm and made a low growling sound. Rosso smiled and let him go as well then her smile faded. "...but you are one CRAZY NOBODY!!!" she threw Saix against the wall, got up and disappeared. Once she was gone, Saix returned to normal and he smirked.

    "You just showed me your weak point, Rosso. Once we're through... I won't hesitate to use that against you... You still have a heart, I don't. We are nothing alike."
    Post by: Anase, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Anase
    (((Last post for the night. laterz. )))

    Saix growled and snapped at Namine but Rosso rushed in quickly, grabbing him by his hood. "He's not completely sane, so I'd advise not petting him like the dog he is." she then looked at Sephiroth. "And please, don't doubt my abilities. After all, it takes a beast to tame a beast." she blinked and shook her head. "And I just insulted myself. Oh well." She threw Saix away but he flipped and landed in a ready to lunge position.

    "He's not using his weapon, so my guess is that his fingers are as sharp as knives now, despite him wearing gloves. Marvelous."

    Saix lunged at Rosso, clawing at her but his hands were ingulfed in blue flames. Rosso leapt back, eyes wide in surprise. "And he can conjure up blue flames... this fight just keeps on getting better and better. why don't you guys handle the escapees while I calm wolf-boy down. This shouldn't take long."


    Tifa dusted off her gloves and punched the air a few times.

    "All righty, I'm ready for anything! Bring the bad guys on!"

    'Agh! shut up, Tifa! You're gonna get yourself killed.' she yelled mentally to herself.
    Post by: Anase, May 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Anase
    Awesomeness. I want Zexion and Shelke pweesh! woot woot!
    Post by: Anase, May 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Anase
    Tifa sighed and sat down on the ground. Bad guys, EVERYWHERE. "I just wanna go back home... and get a drink. Frozen margarita, woot woot." she said, the optism in that statement totally gone.


    Saix clawed at the cage and began pacing.


    Rosso smirked at Shelke.

    "I would never, Shelke. But, I believe it's high time I get down to some personal business." She backflipped away and picked up her weapon. She then waved at Shelke. "Adieu!"

    She disappeared and reappeared in front of the cage where Saix was contained. She smiled as she walked up to it. "Well, so that is your true form. I never would've thought you'd be so... lycany. Oh? And what is that?" she nodded at a red and black jewel on his forehead. "That's a bit different... But alas, I'm guessing us villains can't get anything done without you going rabid... you're jeopardizing our plan Saix... you've been doing it from the very beginning, all because you were acting like a pansy and not getting angry. Very disappointing and since I triggered your berserkness, I guess I have to fix it... I WILL fix it... only... there's going to be a slight problem with the outcome of your non-existence."

    Saix roared and lunged at Rosso, his arms clawing out of the cage, she stepped back and laughed. "That's a good dog, get angry, hate me, despise me, rage is all you need... but... save it for the good guys. they are your enemy, Not me. I am all but a teacher... class is in session. BLOODBURST!!!"

    A red aura shined around Rosso and she cut the cage in half. Saix leapt out, ready to maul her. "Do you know why they call me the Crimson, darling?" She spinned her weapon around and got in a fighting stance. "Let me show you!"

    'I'll test him, then I'll bring him out of his berserk state, but that jewel will remain, just in case. We still need him... well... I still need him, for a purpose that is just so evil my head would explode if I even began to know what I was thinking... huh, that made no sense. Hee hee...'

    (((Rosso is creepy. XD)))
    Post by: Anase, May 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Anase
    (((g2g too, fixing stuff with my sister. Anase presents the new Berserk 5.0! *throws confetti* XDDDD)))

    Rosso encouraged it further.

    "Blood... screams... death... more blood... don't you just, miss it... now, SUBMIT BERSERKER!!!"


    Saix's head snapped back and he let out a wolf-like howl. He slowly turned his head to look at Namine. "Namine... run."

    His hair changed from blue to red and his eyes glowed gold, steam was pouring out of his mouth as he breathes. He took off running on all fours.


    Tifa's eyes widen as she feels an overwhelming power.

    "Umm, guys, I think we should REALLY go now, I have a very bad feeling that something vicious is coming."


    "...Good boy." she whispered.
    Post by: Anase, May 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Anase
    "You can't be ghosted forever, you know that Saix. I mean, really, the only thing that could hurt you right now is the Camera Obscura from Fatal Frame... but that's a totally differen't scenario so, you're lucky." The illusion faded away. Rude tipped his pimp hat to the side. "Man, they got issues."
    Post by: Anase, May 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Anase
    "Heck naw." Tifa replied, using the Jaws of Life she pulled out of nowhere, prying Cloud off of her.


    Saix narrowed his eyes. things were going downhill.


    Rosso smirked, she knew Saix was getting more and more upset and tense about the situation. "Saix, I know you can hear me... It's about that time you went Berserk."


    "No... I won't." he collapsed to his knees, covering his face with his hand over his scar, it was getting bigger.

    (((Hoo boy, he's about to lose it. XD)))
    Post by: Anase, May 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Anase
    Tifa seemed skeptic but she nodded. "Okay, you check out. Now then, can ya get my friend over here her weapon back, while I bust her out." Tifa walked up to Yuffie's cell and kicked it hard, knocking the door down. "Let's roll, Yuffers. We gotta stop these guys before something horribly bad happens and the bad guys win with their insanely long victory monologues."
    Post by: Anase, May 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Anase
    Tifa looked down at her wrists and the broken cuffs and shurgged. "Right... but I still don't trust you, and what are they planning anyway? I find it kind of odd that final fantasy villains are popping out like unwanted pregnancies on prom night."
    Post by: Anase, May 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Anase
    "Yuffie? Is that you?" Tifa said then shouted out. "HOLY MANSEX, I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY ACTUALLY CAUGHT SOMEONE AS KLEPTOMANIC AS YOU!!! IT'S A SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM!!!" Then Tifa glared at Gilgamesh. "And after my little encounter with that scarred guy, I really don't trust any bad guy regardless if they gone good and one, two, THREE!!!"

    She slammed the chains against the wall again and the links broke, but her wrists were still cuffed together. "Awesome progress, I'm getting there. Hang tight Yuffers, we're gonna get out of this alive."
    Post by: Anase, May 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Anase
    "All righty, I guess the Underworld is a lovely place of battle and death... WHERE THE F[honk!] IS ROSSO AT?!?!"


    Rosso rolled her eyes, she could clearly hear Saix's spaz attack. "PMS City, Saix."
    Post by: Anase, May 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Anase
    Saix hunched his shoulders and slowly looked behind him to see Sephiroth and Cloud. He held up a flag that said "wtf?"

    "Okay... why isn't he dead yet? I mean, presistence is a b[meow!], but this is just ridiculous. AND I AM NOT LISTENING TO ROSSO'S ADVICE! THAT CRIMSON SHEDEVIL CAN GO TO THE UNDERWORLD FOR ALL I CARE, STICKING PINEAPPLES UP KEFKA'S..."

    He breathed in and out, slowly. Trying to calm down.

    "Easy Saix... don't go Berserk... just, have a stick of gum whenever you have berserk tendencies..."
    Post by: Anase, May 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home