(((Randomly popping in.))) Shelke shook her head and ran in with her dual sabers, standing in front of Roxas. "Don't. Not yet." She looked back at Roxas and covered her right eye with her hand, nodding. (((Hmm... wonder where Zexion is? hinthint ^^ upup.)))
Rosso laughed at Vincent's predicament. "You were going to do what now?" Tifa was upset. "Cloud?! What in Paris Hilton's closet are you doing!??!!?!" And Saix was just leaning against a wall, eating Sea Salt ice cream. "This is so good it makes you wanna slap yo mamma."
Tifa shook her head and stood up with a look of determination in her eyes. Saix and Rosso were about to attack Chaos when she held up her hand to stop them. "It's still Vincent. Let me try." "Umm, F.Y.I., we weren't going to reason with him, we were going to kill him--" "Rosso... let her do what her heart commands..." he leaned close to Rosso's ear and whispered, "He'll kill her and then we move in and kill him. Two birds with one stone." The Crimson smiled. Tifa lowered her hand and looked at Chaos. "Vincent... I know you're in there... fighting... keep at it. We're all with you."
Tifa shook her head and saw Saix and Rosso going into their crazy mood swings. she then looked over and saw Chaos claw through Gilgamesh. Even though he WAS evil but was good and helped her bust out, she couldn't help but feel sad. "...All this time, I've been acting so mean to him... I'm heartless." Saix and Rosso looked at Tifa and said sarcastically in unison. "Join the club." "Join the club."
Rosso dropped Saix and brought out her weapon, she knew that it was going to be too late to strike so she closed her eyes, However, she felt her weapon stiffen in her hand to block. She moves her eyes to see Saix awake and looks down at the handle to her weapon, Saix had a hold of it. "...Saix..." "Don't think this means anything... but I will need your assistance... for once. My Berserk and your Bloodburst. Are you up to it? Rosso seemed surprised by him saying that. "But I thought you made an oath not to..." "I didn't say when it was necessary though." She nodded. Saix went Berserk but not the full blown state and Rosso went Bloodburst. The two had their weapons out, side by side. Tifa fell back, still in shock of what Rosso had told her. 'No... he... he does at least talk to me... once in a while... once a year... once in a lifetime...'
Rosso looked up and saw Chaos coming at them very fast. She then looked calmly at Tifa. "Listen girl, get out of your shock of the painful truth and wake him up." "........" "Lockheart... really, it was no big deal." "............" Rosso looked back at Chaos and actually started to panic. She remembered her last encounter with the beast and she was nearly wiped out from the blast if she hadn't fled the scene. She knelt down and grabbed Saix by his shoulders, shaking him. "Wake up, Saix! We have a big red problem!" He was still knocked out. "Wake up, D*** YOU!!!"
"Well that is pretty silly of him. Take me for example: I traded away my human weakness for power long ago. It is the path I've chosen and it is the path I'll tread... until I've sucked all life from these pitiful worlds..." she glanced at Saix, smirking. "Isn't that what you all did? Gave up your hearts for power? Knowledge? Sin? Hope? So many reasons..." She appeared beside Tifa and knelt down, putting her hand on Saix's forhead. "...and yet... you remain heartless... you remain emotionless... you don't even exist so there's no reason for him to hold back... I keep telling him that." "Well maybe he does have a reason not to go all out." Tifa said. "He said he didn't want to make the same mistake last time and he's kept true to it until now... he tried Rosso... unlike you, you have a heart and you can stop anytime you want to--" "Exatly!" she snapped, standing up and glaring in Tifa's face. "Anytime I want to... I want to... think about that before you start running your mouth. You are just upset that Cloud doesn't even so much as give you the time of day because all he's thinking about is that flower girl!" Insert glass breaking. Tifa stood there, shocked.
Rosso was leaping rooftop to rooftop, still not finding anymore people to kill. "Oh well... I might as well head back and kill that one girl." "I'm right here!" Rosso looked down to see Tifa dragging Saix. she set him down and got into a fighting stance. "Come on, Crimson. It's you and me. Girl fight." "...Foolish." She leapt down and began walking towards Tifa but set her sights on Saix. "I knocked him out pretty well, if I was him, I'd be angsting over losing his homeworld to meteor... but he doesn't have a heart... strange though that he feels a connection to that place of nothingness." Tifa looked down at Saix then back up at Rosso. "You're cruel." "I try my best."
(((Ack! What happened!?)))
"A different dimension kinda... there was nothing... books everywhere... and then spotlights... and a meteor attack... I barely got out of that one..." she began sobbing. "I was so scared... I thought I was going to die in there... please, don't let him drag me to that place again!" (((Blargh! g2g! laterz.)))
A dark portal opened and Shelke was trying to crawl out of it but something was holding her back. "Somebody! Help! Ah!" Zexion dragged her back in and the portal remained opened... after a moment, Shelke came flying out and the portal closed. She sat up and rubbed her head. "Ohh... that was a strange place..."
"Somebody's in denial." Tifa said in a sing-song tone. Saix was still KO'd. and Rosso was off somewhere killing somebody while singing "I'm walking on sunshine" but trashed that song and went for "I'm singing in the rain."
"Well, long time no see, darling. Catch!" She threw Saix at the group, or more precisely, Tifa. "Oof!" She sat up with Saix over her stomach, weezing. "hhhheaaaavvvyyyy..." Rosso waved at the group. "Ta ta, there's so much time and so much people to kill!" She leapt up to a roof and began leaping to another one and another.
"That's good news, well, I've got deadweight here so now what'll we do? Ensure the mass genocide of the entire population of Radiant Garden? Even thought you already killed half which were random pedestrians." Rosso said with a smile on her face. Man, she was cruel.
"...Nice entrance. I thought you'd guys warp in a burst of light and feathers that have fangirls squeeling non-stop but I guess that will do." Zexion glared and sinked into the ground. His hand appeared right below Shelke and he grabbed her ankle, dragging her into the ground. "Ho snaps!" Shelke disappeared.
"Yep, we're pretty screwed!" she said sarcastically.
"You should be!" Shelke snapped, wiping at her eyes. then raised her blades. Zexion stood in front of Xemnas. "I've got this." He stared at Shelke then made weapons appear in his hands. they were Shelke's sabers only they were violet. "You copied my weapons." "Copied... Mimiced... still the same." "All right you Mime." "....I am not a mime."
Saix summoned Claymore. "I can't let you do that." ---------------------- Rosso looked away sharply and smiled. She then looked at Tifa. "If you'll excuse me, I have something to do." She disappeared. Tifa puched a nearby wall, cracking it. "Darn it!" Rosso reappeared to where Sephiroth and Saix where at. She placed a hand on Saix's arm. "You don't want to fight Sephiroth, Saix. It's not a very pleasant thing to do in one's lifetime." Saix snatched his arm back and snapped at Rosso. "I pretty much don't give a f[squeak] now! I don't have a heart to stop me. And you need to quit trying to make me mad, I know what you're doing and so Heartless help me, I will destroy you if you do it again!" Rosso simply smiled then punched Saix in the stomach, knocking him out. She caught him and looked at Sephiroth. "If destroying this world would do us some good then have at it. I personally don't care otherwise."
Shelke drew her blades, always on guard. "The power of nothingness you say?" Here, she lowered her swords and looked down at the ground. "...I've already had a taste of that... and... it wasn't a pleasant experience..." Zexion appeared, book in hand. The conversation interested him. she looked up, tears weld up in her eyes but they didn't fall. "I should be 19 this year! But I'm trapped in the body of a little girl! What they've done to me... nothingness pales in comparison to what they did to me..." "Nineteen? Holy cow." Zexion said, blinking. He held up his book again. "Hydra Life." Then lowered it. "I'm only sixteen..." Shelke blinked as well. "...you sure do look sixteen." -------------------------------- The illusions regenerated once more. Pretty soon it's about to look like the battle of 1000 heartless in hollow bastion. but... 39 illusions taken out... regeneration like Hydra... 117 illusions. (((O_O I wonder if it will get to that! 1000 zexions. XDDD naw, I'll stop at 200, just to be fair and nice and not god-moding. )))
Tifa also looked up. Eyes wide. "Oh... Holy Mother of Materia!" Rosso looked up also. "...Meteor... hehee..." ------------------------------- Saix opened his eyes and saw a giant Meteor in the sky. He shook his head. It would certainly destroy everything. "...I don't exist... it shouldn't matter to me..." 1... 2........ .................................3 "AW FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS RANDOM, NON-EXISTENT AND HEARTLESS!!!" He got up, almost recovered to full strength. He portaled to catch up with Sephiroth and glared hardcore at him. "Oh Sephy... destroying this world wasn't part of the plan." (((Dude, I'm listening to Dark Chest of Wonders by Nightwish. It makes for awesome world depending, good vs evil, final battle music. XDDD)))