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  1. Anase
    My sis has been giving my parents subtles hints and... I think they're in denial of it. XD

    Thank you very much. That helps a lot. ^_^

    my sister got a tattoo of a bee on her foot. I guess it represents the first letters of her kids names. Brock, Ezekiel and Elijah. My other sister that's getting me the tattoo will also get a tattoo herself and it will be her son's hand prints on her back on her shoulder blades.

    My sis's tattoos are representations of their kids, that's really nice and they feel really good about it. Heck, they didn't go through 12 hours or more of labor for nothing. That's the worse pain.
    Post by: Anase, May 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Anase
    Either somewhere so that my parents don't see it right away and go mental on me and my sister or on my arm.

    Meh, my parents will find out sooner or later. XD
    Post by: Anase, May 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Anase

    My sister is getting me a tattoo for my birthday and I'm slightly nervous about it. I mean, I'm already aware that it'll be stuck on me for life and my other sis told me how it was like to get one cause she has one, so, my mind is kinda at ease with it. And I've made a short rhyme for it.

    It has to be something you really like, cuz it's gonna be on you for life.

    So, any thoughts?
    Thread by: Anase, May 22, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Anase
    True, true. Blame the music industry for allowing such vulgar music like that... I think... I don't know... *shrugs* I've heard worse. My cousin actually owns several cds of that kind of music. But I guess its to what extent of perviness. *shrugs again* I need chocolate. XD
    Post by: Anase, May 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Anase
    Tifa lowered her hands and held her head. "I... don't really know..." Saix smirked, nodding his head.

    "I mean... he's still Cloud... and... the promise we made when we were younger... and the incident..." she put her hands over her chest where Sephiroth had slashed her. "He came when I was in trouble... I could never hate him... I could never hurt him... I... could never leave him... because... he was always there..." she tackle hugged Saix and cried in his shoulder. The Berserk Nobody squeaked as they fell down and was utterly confused by the moment. 'Urge to go Berserk... rising... get the heck off of me, I am NOT your pillow to cry in.'
    Post by: Anase, May 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Anase
    Pervs... brr... yet another piece of our already insane society. XDDD

    I've got a friend who is our group's official hentai pervy perve mac etcetcetcetcetc. And that is why, everytime I see him, I throw a paperball at him and when he unrolls it, it says Perv in big bold letters. ^_^
    Post by: Anase, May 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Anase
    Saix shook his head and sat down. "Everyone is off on their own little vendetta and what not and Sora is on the flippin savanna filled with flippin singing animals and an emo lion king in flippin africa... There's something wrong with that."

    "Maybe it's the way you're sentencing it. That's what makes it sound wrong." tifa suggested, finishing painting her nails and putting her gloves back on. "So, are we gonna fight or what?"

    The Luna Diviner waved her off. "You're not even worth it. Cloud is too busy going gaga over Sephiroth and why would you want to waste your heart on someone so self-centered? thinking all the worlds have to stop for him and watch him grieve in his own self-loathing and guilt."

    "But, he's not like that--" Tifa defended.


    "So... you're saying... that I'm just... sloppy seconds... right?"
    "I didn't say that, you did Tifa. and you COMPLETELY missed the point."
    "No, you did say that."
    "No I didn't."
    "Well now I have a VERY PERFECTLY GOOD reason to kick your @$&!"

    Tifa gave Saix a nice right hook to the face. He let her hit him and it did nothing. "Now why did you go and do that? Taking out your anger on me is only going to make your heart dark and full of resentment."
    "I DON'T CARE!!!"
    Post by: Anase, May 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Anase
    (((Last post for tonight. laterz.)))

    "Saix, you really need to do something about that jewel/charm thing on your forehead, it's creeping me out."

    "I don't care what you think and... aren't you supposed to be fighting me? Afterall, I AM a badguy."
    "...Sae Kurosawa."
    "that's the level of creepiness you have. Sae Kurosawa from Fatal Frame 2 Crimson Butterfly."
    "OH! I don't even want to hear the word 'Crimson'."
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Anase
    "The Pride Lands? Oh for the love of Kingdom Hearts..." Saix held his forehead, shaking his head but felt the jewel that was on the center of his forehead. He had completely forgot about it. Tifa was curious as well and touched it. "what is that?" Saix glared. "Don't touch me and it appeared on me when I went Berserk and I have no idea what it is... but... Rosso seemed to know."

    "Well there's no point in finding out now, since she's gone... and Riku... BREATHE!!!"
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Anase
    Saix shook his head. "I have no idea... For once, I can honestly say that... I'm out of ideas."

    "Well why don't you guys just give up?" Tifa suggested, standing up and dusting herself off. "Really, you guys are on a rampage against one person. It's not healthy."

    "I'm starting to regret saving you." Saix mumbled.
    "So why did you?"
    "Because we could use you." that slipped out. "No. I mean... wait a minute... okay, I'm getting an idea... aw, nope lost it."
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Anase
    Tifa gaped at the scene. "Holy crap... that could've been me too..." she looked at Saix and blushed slightly. "um... thanks." Saix stared at her then dropped her. "ow. Dude, that was uncalled for!" "I'm Heartless, what did you expect?" "Well then... why did you save me?"

    Saix looked away. "Because it was cowardly that Rosso was using you as shield."
    "Okay... but if I didn't know any better, I'd say you saved me because--"
    "Up! up! up! Did I ask for a reason to save you? No! Drop it!"

    Rosso stumbled, holding her wound trying to stop the bloodflow. She glared at Sephiroth. "This... isn't the end... I will return..." she then glared at Saix. "And you... my precious dog... I'll get you my pretty... and your little Lockheart too! Ahahaahahaahahahaa!!!"

    Saix smirked and held his hand out. A bright pink light shined and flew out of Rosso's chest and Saix held it in his hand. soon, Rosso started to fade away in red particles. "What?! what is this? Why am I... fading?"

    Saix smirked. "Now you really don't have a heart... and if you become a Nobody... I'll be waiting and I will kill you... isn't that something to look forward to Rosso?"

    "You... how could you, Saix? I... I..." and she disappeared. Saix made the heart disappear into a small portal of darkness.

    "You, Crimson, have just been owned."
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Anase
    Zexion sent out a ice shard spell and Shelke held up her sabers to block but she fell back. Zexion ran up to her and kicked away her sabers and made his own sabers appear in his hands and pointed them at her neck. "You know, I just might do it too."

    "You better not." Shelke hissed but it sounded more like a command, very suspiscious. (sp)
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Anase
    (((Yes! Kill Rosso! She needs to die. and we're still in Hollow Bastion.)))

    Rosso's eyes widen and she grabbed Tifa, using her for a shield.

    "What are you doing? Let me go!"
    "You're dying with me! You have nothing to live for anyway!" Saix rushed in and swooped Tifa up in his arms, bridal style. Rosso gasped and glared but that soon changed to shock.

    "...Happy sailing, Rosso."
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Anase
    "Oh really now, Sephiroth? Well, did you know that once this was all over, Rosso was planning to assassinate you?"


    "You didn't think I didn't know about Deepground's ways, did you? Well let me freshen your memory... long ago, Zexion looked up information about you all and your priorities. And the number one thing that you were assigned to do was... eliminate anything related to the Jenova project. and who is Sephiroth's supposed Mother?"

    "And is it true that you got greedy and thought that you could control me and take out Sephiroth with our combined strength but knowing full well that we would both die by his hands because Sephiroth absolutely POWNZERS all existence!"
    "That's nonsense! OBJECTION!"
    "OVER-RULED! Because, That, my dear Rosso... is conspiring to assassinate both parties."

    Tifa gasped. "Oh my god."
    "Oh my god."
    "Yes.. oh my god... I'm that good. Phoenix Wright ain't got nothing on me."

    (((Saix is a ace attorney! LOL!)))
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Anase
    'I've got to do something or else... illusion, I need to fight you!'

    Zexion appeared with his book and glared at Shelke. "You know I won't hold back."

    "I don't care! I need to stay in!" she attacked Zexion with her sabers.
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Anase
    "No need to tell me twice!" she got back into a fighting stance. Rosso twirled her weapon around, ready to fight as well. "Now things are starting to get fun." she felt sharp points against her back. "...Saix, what are you doing?" Saix held Claymore against Rosso's back. "Indeed, things are getting fun... you see Rosso... you've made me mad too many times... and now that the World That Never Was is gone... I snapped... completely."

    "So quick to blame others... it was Sephiroth's doing you know."
    "And you're the easiest to take out."
    "wha-WHAT?! Saix, I really don't want to kill you, seriously, you're an ally, I would never, ever--"

    Saix grinned maniacally. "Like I said before... I know your weakness... and it's your heart. Your heart tells you to keep me alive so that you could twist and turn me to your every will and whim... well... I'm nobody's attack dog anymore... I am nobody... and soon... you will too."

    Tifa looked back and forth from the two. "Who side are you guys on!?!?"

    "....Saix.... don't you..."
    "Begging for your life? Funny, I did the same thing... long ago... we are alike, Rosso."
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Anase
    Shelke stiffened and glanced at Genesis, wearily. "We were fighting in some sort of... World of Shadows... I injured him and... ugh..." she held her head, feigning weakness. "I'm too exhausted... I don't know what happened..." she looked away and smiled evilly. 'Too easy.'
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Anase
    Tifa blinked and fell back again. she held her head and moaned. "Ohh... I'm stressing out WAY too much."

    Saix threw away the stick of his sixth sea salt ice cream and picked up Claymore. "Now you know how I feel."

    "coughcoughMalePMScoughcough." Rosso said between fake coughs.

    Tifa looked up at Cloud, glaring. "Cloud William Strife! Snap out of it! You're acting like a little girl at an N*sync concert!"

    (((XD fake middle name! XDDD N*sync concert! ROFL!)))
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Anase
    Shelke shook her head again and shook the sabers in her hands. 'I really don't like dirtying my hands but I now have the element of surprise on my side. I can keep up this form for as long as I like... but... I have to hurry...'
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Anase
    "...oh snap." whispered Tifa. This time, he won't listen to reason so he'll have to listen to her fists. She got in a fighting stance, when Rosso saw what Tifa was planning to do, she fell on the ground, laughing.

    "Oh, you foolish girl! He's going to kill you five times before you fall down!"

    "Well I don't see you doing anything and Saix is over there, eating his third sea salt ice cream!"

    Saix merely shrugged and started munching in his fourth ice cream. Tifa looked at Chaos Vincent and took a deep breath. "...whew... okay... I can do this... Nnn." she winced as she ran forward and swung her right fist at him.
    Post by: Anase, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home