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  1. Anase
    "Yes it's Rosso and now that I finally killed Tifa, I am FREE! And I don't care anymore! YEEESSSS! It's good to be back to my emotionless, berserky self. So, now that you're in a weaker body... good luck. I'm outy to killz some peoplez!" He waved and opened a dark portal and disappeared. Tifa/Rosso clenched her hands, fell to her knees and punched the ground.


    Dark portal opened and saix sticked his head out. "Talking to yourself is a sign of insanity." He disappeared again.


    (((ugh, babysitting nephews again. laterz pplz.

    EDIT: Nevermind, back. )))
    Post by: Anase, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Anase
    Saix glared at Luxord as Tifa was still coming up behind him, still talking stuff about him. "ANNNNND, If I didn't know any better, I'd say you---"



    +Instant Replay+

    Saix turned around, Claymore in hand, put his hand on Tifa's shoulder and stabbed the hilt of his weapon into her stomach.

    +End Instant Replay+

    Tifa stared at Saix, shocked. but not because of what he did but... the look on his face. He looked like he'd just killed his own mother.

    " you liked me... didn't you?"

    he nodded, closing his eyes and pulling the weapon out and gently laying Tifa on the ground. "But... you just wouldn't give up... your heart maybe light however... it only led you to death... Now you know why I can't change. I have completely given up on changing... I will never get my heart back... if this is the way I was destined to be... then... so be it. I hope you learn that in your next life."

    she shook her head.

    "If you give up... then you gain nothing... but if you strive for it, with everything you have... then you just might get something out of it................................"

    she closed her eyes and stopped breathing. a pink light shined and flew out of Tifa, disappearing in a bright light. But at that moment, another pink light flew out of a portal of darkness and flew into Tifa. Saix could see Rosso smiling and applauding him.

    '...Thank you!'

    A red aura flew out of Saix and into Tifa. Her eyes snapped open and she grabbed at Saix around his neck. "Rosso!"

    "Miss me again? I've been waiting for you to kill her so that I can control her body. My heart was waiting in the darkness for the perfect time while I chilled in your mind... I kept pushing you and pushing you to kill her and at last, you did it!"

    Saix dropped his weapon.

    "But I still have use for you... this body might not suit me well and I want my body back. think you can do that for me?"
    "...How dare you..."
    "How dare I? Because I am more evil than you... now, about getting my body back, where can we go to retrieve it? the Dark Realm? Underworld?"
    " can't."
    "You can't get your body back... it doesn't work that way."
    "But.... no... this can't be... But how come I didn't become a Nobody in the first place?"
    "I'd say you didn't meet the requirements to become a Nobody. So you pretty much screwed yourself over.... you're stuck in that body forever."

    Tifa/Rosso let him go and stepped back, shaking her head numerous times.
    "This can't be! I planned everything out so well and there where a few set backs but I succeeded!"

    "And you ultimately failed in the end. Just give it up, Rosso."
    Post by: Anase, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Anase
    "AWWWW CRRAAAPPPP!!!" she fell, looked down and saw that she could hit the ground in mere seconds but it's not the fall that kills you, it's the impact. "WITH MY LAST DYING BREATH... I CURSE SEPHIROTH--- oh crap."

    Saix appeared and threw Claymore at Tifa, missing her completely. he looked around and stiffened. Tifa saw this and blinked.

    "where are you going?"
    "...I need to... get away from here... there's something... nostalgic about this place..."
    "Oh no you don't! I'm tired of being the victim here!"
    "And I'm tired of saving you! Fight back for crying out loud!"
    "You don't have to save me! I thought you were heartless!"
    "OH! NOW I'm heartless?! Well you... nevermind. Good bye, Tifa Lockheart." he walked off.

    "Don't you walk away from me! Saix!" she jumped out of Vincent's arms and began trailing behind Saix.
    Post by: Anase, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Anase
    "No... I'm not... I need mako... I don't think I can last much longer..." She said in between coughing up blood. 'Just get me somewhere... where I can make good use of the situation...'

    "...I've been fighting nothing but illusions... he's somewhere... he could be close by... that boy... very close..."
    Post by: Anase, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Anase
    Tifa squirmed around and kicked her legs. "Let me go!" she then looked down and clung to Sephiroth. "No! Don't let go!"

    Saix shrugged and began eating yet... sigh... another sea salt ice cream.

    'You are now considered an addict, Saix.'
    'And you've BEEN considered a psychopathic b[bark] to the highest degree.'
    Post by: Anase, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Anase
    ((( Oh, okay then. whew, thanks. )))

    Shelke fell to her knees, Zexion spell had cut her all over but there was a trick to it. The cuts weren't visible. The cuts were within. and she was internally bleeding. she coughed out blood and glared.

    "Too much... that was.... too much.... too powerful... I warned you."

    Shelke used her last ounce of strength to charge at Zexion and stab him with her sabers. He faded away but it was only an illusion. the young Tsviet knelt down, catching her breath.

    "Okay... just... need to... rest for a bit... rest..."
    Post by: Anase, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Anase
    (((Eeek! what is going on?! I missed so much! X_X )))
    Post by: Anase, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Anase
    Tifa eeped and hid behind Saix. "Protect me!" Saix looked at her with a raised brow. "...What?"

    'Oh let Sephiroth kill her, she is getting highly annoying, telling you to change and you have emotions and other stuff.'

    'I should... but I won't.'
    'Excuse me?'
    'Keeping her around just fuels the fire.'
    '...Saix... listen to what you are saying... have you gone mad? ...or... gasp... oh my god... you like her!'
    'NO I DON'T!'
    'Gawd, talk about crack pairings. This has to be the most insane crack pairing of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts ever since AerisXMarluxia, YuffieXDemyx, XaldinXLulu Though that one might not count because they nearly have the same hair style and eye color and pwn, ZexionXFuu/Fuujin, And let's not forget the yaoi ones. XigbarXYazoo, AxelXReno, KadajXRiku but they look alike, XemnasXSephi--'


    ((( O.o..... um... no comment.)))
    Post by: Anase, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Anase
    Saix fell to his knees, the attack doing serious amounts of damage to him, he just might fade away on the spot however... he was surrounded by a red aura and his wounds were healing.

    "What is this?"
    'Thank me, later.'
    "...So... you really are in my mind..."
    'Yes. Finally you're not in denial and you're not going crazy. We are one.'
    "...that sounds so wrong on so many levels."

    Tifa poked him in the head. "What's so wrong on so many levels?"

    'What is it with people poking my head, it is highly irritating.'
    'I know, it really is irritating. It sorta makes you want to just... go berserk.'
    '...Nice try.'

    (((g2g. laterz again.)))
    Post by: Anase, May 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Anase
    OOC: Yes, Saix is going crazy. He's hearing Rosso's voice. Creepy.

    Saix shook his head to get rid of the dizziness and glared at Kairi. He applauded her. "Wonderful job, Princess but... you just signed your death warrant."

    'Nice empty threat.'
    'Shut up, Rosso.'
    'just being honest, darling.'

    Tifa nervously scratched the back of her head, I mean, it's like looking into a mirror here. "I'm Tifa Lockheart and that guy that is totally male pmsing, is Saix, one of the badguys, but he's not all that bad, He saved me from getting shanked by the long silverhaired guy with the long sword so... I guess that clears it up."
    Post by: Anase, May 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Anase

    Tifa pointed at Saix, "Doink!" and laughed. L.D.'s eyes were like swirls now.

    @_@ "Anyone.... get the number to that.... gummi ship?"

    'Ugh, apparently he hasn't mastered the art of simply moving to the side.'
    Post by: Anase, May 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Anase
    Tifa looked over at Rinoa and blinked in confusion. "Wow... that's freaky..."

    Saix blinked in confusion also. "Yes... um, very bizarre."

    'Practically like twins, only Tifa's the one with big--'

    "Uh, Saix, are you ok?"
    "...weren't you just getting pwned now?"
    "Lighthearted hopeless romantic."
    "You know... you sorta look like Scar... from FullMetal Alchemist..."

    Saix anime-facefaulted upon hearing that.
    Post by: Anase, May 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Anase
    Tifa sidestepped and leapt away from Cloud. "Women and children first!" she cried, running away only to bump into Saix. "Aw, crap."

    "Yes, aw crap indeed."
    "umm... uhh..." she then pointed behind Saix. "Look! GIANT MOON PIE!!!"
    "Wooterz!" Saix whirled around and pounced on a giant moon pie. Tifa scratched the side of her head, not counting on there REALLY being a giant moon pie. "...okay, that works too."
    Post by: Anase, May 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Anase
    "Oooh boy..." Tifa whispered, she then dropped Cloud, stood in front of him and mimiced Gandalf. "You shall not pass!"

    Saix rubbed his cheek and was about to attack Chaos but froze.

    'What? I... can't move...'
    'Miss me, darling?'
    ' effing... way... Rosso?'
    'Yes, guess where I am?'
    ''re supposed to be-'
    'I am you. I am in your mind. I am dead but... I exist in your subconscious... if you have one, but then, I'm just contradicting my existence.'
    'What do you want now?'
    'what I came here for... you, darling, or rather, your power. You see, with my Bloodburst, combined with your Berserk... you'd become more powerful than you could ever imagine.'

    L.D. shook his head and her voice was gone. "...I... must be going crazy... not like that's a newsflash, now where was I?"

    "Shut up, Rosso!"

    Saix was going Berserk... mentally.... *cough*
    Post by: Anase, May 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Anase
    (((Yikes! almost forgot about this. *slams head on keyboard* @_@ )))

    Zexion healed himself and got out his book. Shelke narrowed her eyes. "This isn't working, I need to stop being such a pansy and let you injure me."

    "About time, so, how would you like to get hurt?"
    "Zephyr Blades, page 342."

    He turned to the page and looked through it, nodding he began the cast the spell.

    "Breeze Harbor technique... Zephyr Blades!"

    A gust of wind erupted and hit Shelke, cutting her all over. 'Crap! I should've gone with Magaera's Vengeance... no wait, that one's just as bad.'

    "you have to feign weakness! that's what Shel--- I mean, you do! You rely on mako! act like it!"

    Shelke glared.
    Post by: Anase, May 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Anase
    (((Yes indeedy. ^_^)))

    Tifa woke up, rubbing her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, were you finished?" she looked beside her and shook her head. "Cloud... for crying out loud, be normal, like everyone else around here."

    "All right, you're awake, time to die." Saix threw the ice cream stick away and summoned Claymore again. Tifa looked both ways then grabbed Cloud and dragged him away as Claymore slammed down on where he was. "Get up, Cloud! I won't be dragging you everywhere!"

    "And yet, you still care about him. You'll never learn."
    Post by: Anase, May 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Anase
    Tifa smacked herself in the forehead and grunted. "Gnnrrrghh... Why doesn't anybody stay dead anymore?"

    Saix appeared behind her and swung Claymore, striking her in the back and sending her flying. she hit the wall and slid down to the ground. She shook her head and looked up at Saix in a daze but you could tell she was not a happy camper. "What the heck was THAT?!"

    "Just being evil." he said simply, like his and everyone's mother knew it.

    "But you can't hit me! I'm a girl!"
    "Part of the package of being evil."

    He portaled next to her and Tifa stood up to punch him but he ducked. "You see, Lockheart. There has to be a balance of light and dark, good and evil. Otherwise..." he rose up and elbowed her in the stomach, sending her rolling across the ground. "Things just wouldn't work out."

    "cough... well if you're so concerned about balance then why are you trying to kill off the good guys?"
    "...I don't have to be concerned. I can't be concerned. How many times do I have to tell you?"
    "But you're only fooling yourself. You do too have emotions. Just like when you saved me from getting shanked by Sephi--"
    "KILL IT!!!"

    He slammed Claymore on the ground, right next to Tifa's head. Her eyes were shut tight and she opened one of them to look at the weapon embedded into the ground next to her head.

    "I am a Nobody. Always have, always will be."
    "..w-well... wha.... what about before? Before you became one? Surely you weren't always liked this."

    "...If you're trying to psyche me out, it's not going to work. Before I was officially part of the Organization, Xemnas put the new members through various trials to make sure they were pure Nobodies to the highest degree. Trials that required our mentallity, spirituallity and physical strength. Trials that reminded us not to listen to reasons acted by the heart because we have none... Sometimes we had to use what we knew in our past lives to succeed... for example, Axel is a deceptive little hedgehog, that hints what he was like before becoming a Nobody. and Luxord... well... he gambled a lot in his past life and... he got lucky or perhaps... luck was not on his side... and as for me... I know very well how to injure a heart---"

    Tifa was fast asleep with a little snot bubble growing bigger then shrinking smaller every time she breathed. Saix slowly picked up Claymore and dismissed it, he leaned against the wall and held his head.

    "No... I'm just going to leave it alone, stay calm, have some more sea salt ice cream." he began eating ice cream again.

    (((PHEW! Long post, ugh, been gone for a while. ^_^; )))
    Post by: Anase, May 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Anase
    Awww, you're so mean to Saichan! T_T But Xigbar being his chew-toy... ^_^ hawtdawg, that's rockin! XDDD
    Post by: Anase, May 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  19. Anase
    Yesh, I am absolutely insane for doing this.

    ^_^ I couldn't help myself. Thanks fer loving the insanity of Saix and Yuffie living together. XDDDD
    Post by: Anase, May 27, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. Anase

    And The Rock theme song was playing as they were walking down the street, dressed like that and having short asians kick them and...




    You pwn. *goes to laugh some more.*
    Post by: Anase, May 27, 2007 in forum: Archives