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  1. Anase
    The two sighed again and slouched in the benches, leaning against each other, but when their heads touched, Zexion received a slight jolt and saw somethnig in his mind. The two moved away and blinked.

    "What was that?"
    "I don't know... what did you see?"
    "ShinRa stuff... you have the files in your head?"
    "That's how it works. I think I can share them with you."
    "um... here... hold still."

    She held his head and pressed her forehead against his. Images flashed in his mind of ShinRa, Jenova, Soldier, DeepGround and...

    He pulled away, blinking in confusion. "All of that... is that real? Is that what they..."
    "Seems like it."
    "Well then... we should head to Hollow Bastion and hack into Ansem's computer."

    The two got up and Zexion created a portal. they disappeared and reappeared in Ansem's study. Shelke began to walk in the hall that would lead them to the computer but Zexion stayed behind.

    "Zexion? What is it?"
    "This place..." he looked around. "It's been so long... but... in that other room... it spells false to me for some reason."
    "What makes you say that?"
    "...I remember talking about it with Xigbar... that room... not the computer room but... that room..."
    "Come on, Zexion. Let's just get the data and we'll leave, okay?"

    They walked in and reached the console. Zexion booted it up and typed a couple things then he turned to Shelke. "This is as far as I can go. The rest is up to you, Shelke. You dive in, get the password, unlock whatever it is that Xemnas is hiding, get as much as you can and dive out. We have little time but don't rus--"
    "It's okay, I'll be as quick as I can. I promise. I'm counting on you again to be here incase I don't come back in time."
    " there's one more thing about this computer... instead of the regular networks you're used to diving in, you'll be going in another world. Space Paranoids. There will be programs that you'll have to fight. I'll do what I can from out here but it's all on you in there."

    Shelke nodded and stood in front of the machine. She looked at Zexion, grinning.
    "Beam me up, Scotty."

    She was surrounded by a blue aura and a residual image of herself flew out of her body and dived into the machine. Zexion created as many illusions as possible, littering the castle.

    "Illusions... to any hostile encounters that dare set foot within this castle... regardless if it's ShinRa or the Organization... Kill on sight, sound and scent."

    The Illusions all opened their books and stood on guard.
    Post by: Anase, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Anase
    Zexion merely smirked. The elevator doors closed, trapping the two remnants in it. Shelke turned invisible and snatched Zexion away, climbing up on top of the elevator. She took out her sabers.

    "Aren't we on the bottom floor?"
    "I think there's one more floor below this one."
    "Okay, that works. Cut away."

    Shelke slashed at the cables and the two held onto to them as it slingshotted them up and let the elevator fall one floor. They were going too fast and would've went splat on the ceiling but Zexion created a portal and the two disappeared in it.

    They reappeared in Aeris' church and sat down in the benches, panting.

    "that was too close... Why didn't you do that before?"
    "I told you, I needed complete concentration... I was only able to get us this far."

    Shelke sighed in looked up at the ceiling.

    "...I'm a fugitive now."
    "You're not the only one... Xemnas will kill me."
    "He wouldn't."
    "Easy for you to say, you're useful to ShinRa. They wouldn't destroy you. You are gifted."
    "But you are too! Shapeshifting, picking up scents from long distances, wielding different kinds of magic, scheming?! You're a valuable asset to the Organization... and... I'm a valuable asset to ShinRa..."
    "'ve just realized it now."

    The two looked at each other and said at the same time. "We're nothing but tools to them."

    (((Now, I'm going to sleep. g'night folks.)))
    Post by: Anase, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Anase
    Zexion and Shelke ran down a hall and began climbing stairs and ran down another hall towards an elevator. They ran in and pushed the button but the doors wouldn't close.

    OOC: Movie cliche? XD

    BIC: "Come on!" Shelke cried, kicking the buttons. Zexion knelt down on the floor and turned to a nature spell in his book. He placed his hand on the floor.

    "I am totally ripping off Marluxia with this but here goes... Thorns of divine roses, grow in all your deadly beauty."

    Rose thorns grew out of the walls and floor, litering the hall and yet, the doors are not closing. Shelke blinked and looked at Zexion. "This is so movie cliche, ain't it?"
    "True, true."
    Post by: Anase, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Anase
    clouds of darkness popped up all round the room. (kinda like when a shadow clone disappears in naruto.) "Shelke, it's about to get really cold in here."

    Zexion opened his book and looked up summons. Shiva the Ice Goddess? "Yeah, that should--oh." he read the fine print below the summon. "...stupid fine print, oh well. North winds, heed my call. Freeze!"

    The entire room got colder and the floor turned to ice and icicles were formed. Soon, Zexion and Shelke were ice-skating. Zexion made more invisible illusions.

    "Aren't you portaling us out of here?"
    "To get to Hollow Bastion from here, I need complete concentration and I can't open a portal with bullets flying everywhere and a klepto remnant running around."

    In the confusion, the two finally left the room, running.
    Post by: Anase, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Anase
    Zexion looked up at the ceiling at the Xemnas clone then back at Yazoo pointing a gun at him then at the possibly sugar-enduced Kadaj. They were surrounded. this was not good.

    "Aw crap and a half."

    His eyes widen when he felt Shelke grab his hand. He looked at her and she smiled. Shelke stared at the three and grinned. "I am Shelke the Transparent. Peace."

    The two suddenly turned invisible. all everyone could hear was two sets of footsteps. Zexion smirked and decided to add more to the trick. Now there were many sounds of footsteps all around the room going in all directions.
    Post by: Anase, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Anase
    The two stopped and froze. Shelke looked like she was about to have a panic attack but Zexion stood in front of her, protecting her incase Xemnas tries something. Shelke is his only chance at finding out the truth.

    "Hi, Xemnas... *cough* yeah..."
    "Does he know?" Shelke whispered. "Maybe. I have been going about this non-discreetly." he whispered back.
    Post by: Anase, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Anase
    They arrived at the place and Zexion wasted no time in getting Shelke in the mako shower. As it began, he kept pacing back and forth in front of the tank, shaking his head.

    'I shouldn't have rushed her... If she can't do this then everything I've done will be for nothing.'

    Sometime Later...

    Shelke emerged from the tank, looking like she just woke up to a bright sunny day and was all charged up. She saw Zexion's expression and put her hand on his shoulder.

    "...I shouldn't have rushed you. You could've done it at your own pace."
    "No, it's all right. After what I found in there... it was worth it... Take me to the other computer you mentioned."
    "Ansem's computer?"
    "Yes. I'm interested in this whole thing more than ever now."
    "Very well... uh oh."

    Zexion sniffed the air. "What is it?"

    "You remember the three scents I picked up?"
    "The remnants?"
    "...I think they're on to us. We have to hurry."
    Post by: Anase, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Anase
    Definitely Demyx. Cute, adorable, childish, Xiggy-following, Dem-dem. XP
    Post by: Anase, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Anase
    Exactly! And having the Organization butcher instant messaging and cause mayhem in Six flags.
    Post by: Anase, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Anase
    O_O Holy shinikes...

    That is great. Don't worry, foxxie, you're still just as great. I mean, who could make Xigbar Xigalicious? Demyx a mini-Xigbar? and Saix so loveable?


    *cough* Sorry, the last bit was fangirlish. XD
    Post by: Anase, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Anase
    "Yes sir."

    Zexion sighed in relief. That was close. The blue light on the helmet faded and Shelke took it off. "Done." she got up out of the chair...

    "About time. Now let--"

    and she collapsed to the floor. Zexion rushed to her side and picked her up.

    "Shelke?! Hey, what happened?!"
    "...tired... mako..."
    "Aw great. Hold on..."

    He went into Lassie-mode and sniffed out a vial of Mako in the room. Lucky for them, it had a syringe. He gave her the shot and she was a little better.

    "That won't be enough."
    "DeepGround... mako shower... underground..."
    "Underground... oh boy, here we go."

    He opened a dark portal and the two were gone.
    Post by: Anase, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Anase
    Zexion flinched and winced. He had to come up with something fast.

    "Getting some... intel... nothing to be concerned with. Just doing something on the side that will be useful."

    'Come on, Shelke. I've got Xemnas on my back.'
    Post by: Anase, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Anase
    Zexion leaned against the console, watching Shelke's progress from the monitors. He had to admit, the girl was special.


    The Cloaked Schemer saw a small light on one of the monitors. Special indeed.

    "Right here, Cyber Fairy."
    #Very funny. How are things out there?#
    "Clear but I am picking up new scents... three of them... it's like there's three Sephiroths running around."
    #...oh snap.#
    #Here, this is what I found along with some other stuff.#

    On another monitor, a window popped up with some files. Zexion skimmed through them quickly, raising a brow in disbelief.

    #You see?#
    "So those are his remnants. I thought he was gone for good when he jumped into the lifestream. His influence is still in existence in those three."
    #He'll come back.#
    "And we don't want to be here when that happens. Shelke, just hurry and get as much as you can."
    #I am but it's taking too long to decode locks on some files. 15 minutes, I should be done.#
    "You've got 5."
    #Way to put peer pressure on me.#
    "I was like that too so don't think you're the only one."
    #Roger that.#
    Post by: Anase, Jun 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Anase
    OOC: Hope you get better soon, Siver_Bullet.

    BIC: Tifa was looking around at all the insanity, shaking her head in disbelief while Saix was eating another sea salt ice cream, holding a flag that said 'Namine Pwns!'.
    Post by: Anase, Jun 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Anase
    They arrived at the ShinRa building via corridor of darkness. Zexion stepped out casually and held out his arm as Shelke flew out of it but he caught her. "How do you put up with those corridors?"

    "No hearts."
    "Oh... right... well, let's get to work."

    the two walked over to a computer. Shelke began typing things here and there as Zexion watched in curiousity. "For a young girl, you know a lot about this."

    "For a young boy, you know a lot about things too."
    "I don't have the helmet I need to perform the Synaptic Net Dive."

    Zexion held out his hand and conjured up said helmet. Shelke blinked and smiled, taking the helmet, she connected the cable and put the helmet on. "This may take a while, as Shinra has a vast network. I need you to be here in case someone shows up and I'm not out in time or else, we're screwed."

    The Cloaked Schemer nodded. Shelke smiled and layed back in a chair.

    "I'm counting on you, Zexion."

    The light turned blue and Shelke went motionless as the monitors glowed. Zexion stood there, confused. "'re counting on me... you shouldn't... I'm Nobody to count on... Nobody."
    Post by: Anase, Jun 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Anase
    Tifa/Rosso glared and leapt away, she was stomping around in a rage.

    "Saix! Come back here! We've got business to settle! AND IT'S PERSONAL!!!"

    Tifa/Rosso turned around and was hit in the chest by a pink light. Saix stood there, smirking evilly. "What the heck is wrong with you?! You seriously have lo-- uht... lost... ooh..." she stumbled around, holding her head. "Get out of my body!"

    "So... it really is working. And all this time, I was just guessing."
    "GET OUT!!!"

    A red aura flew out of Tifa and Rosso took form but she was transparent. Another pink light shined out of the Tifa and flew into Saix's hand. Tifa fell to the ground, dizzy. "wooeeee..."

    Rosso glared at Saix but the glare turned into shock as his grip tightened around her heart.

    "I break your heart, you will never return."
    " wouldn't dare."
    "...I would... because I don't have a heart and I don't give a d[squeak]. How many times do I have to repeat myself."
    "No, don't you--!!!"

    Saix crushed the heart in his hand and it glittered away into the wind. Rosso's transparent form was fading away. "With my last dying breath... I curse you Saix!"

    And finally, she was gone for good. Saix did a peace sign as the final fantasy victory fanfare played. He took out Claymore and smiled.

    "all right, enough with the treacherous shebang. It's time we settle this once and for all. good vs evil, light vs dark."

    Tifa got up and got into a fighting stance, smiling. "Heaven or hell... let's rock."
    Post by: Anase, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Anase
    Zexion disappeared in an aura of darkness and appeared at the edge of the chasm, on his knees. He was exhausted. staying in that form, getting pwned by his own illusion and pulling off that last escape from certain doom. He looked down at the lifestream and shook his head.

    "...phew... he'll be back.... he always comes back... probably stronger than before..." he sat back and looked around at the demolished reactors and sighed. "The mako reactors... they could have been useful... I should've killed him right there on the spot but that would've required much more of my power..."

    He summoned his book and opened it. "Hear me, shadows. Release the one binded by darkness."

    a small puddle of darkness appeared and Shelke surfaced. She weakly opened her eyes and saw Zexion, she took out her dual sabers. Zexion closed his book and turned to walk away.

    "Where are you going? Aren't you going to destroy me?"
    "...Shelke... I need your help."
    "My... help?"
    "I was planning to use the mako reactors because they would be useful to the Organization in some way but there has been a change... I noticed that change when I confronted Sephiroth. You all are so blinded from the truth of ShinRa."
    "I know what they have done."
    "Yes because you are one of their examples of how messed up ShinRa is. They are just as heartless as the Organization but they are growing stronger than us. And they see us as a threat. You may not agree with me now but... both parties are at error."
    "...What do you need my help with?"

    Zexion's expression went serious right there.

    "...I want you to perform an SND into ShinRa's mainframe and Ansem's computer in Hollow Bastion."
    "...For what? what will I find?"
    "...The truth... on both sides."

    After some deep thought on the matter, she nodded. "Okay. I'll do it."
    "But I still don't trust you. I'm just going on by my girl's intuition."
    "Understandable. Since we're already here, we'll start with ShinRa's mainframe. Do you know where the main computer is?"
    "Um, the main ShinRa tower, I guess."
    "Let's go."

    He opened a dark portal and stepped through, Shelke was reluctant but went through anyway.

    (((Gosh, plots are getting awesome. ^_^ and that is true. Seph always comes back, he's like a cancer, can't get rid of him. )))
    Post by: Anase, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Anase
    Tifa/Rosso dodged most of the bullets but got hit in the arm and leg. she dived behind a rock.

    "Careful! You're damaging her body!"

    She then smacked herself in the forehead. 'Why did I do this? Why? Things just aren't going my way.'

    (((g'night pplz. got schtuff to do in the morning. )))
    Post by: Anase, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Anase
    Tifa/Rosso rubbed her head and punched out the card.

    "I will not leave that blue-haired, keebler elf and legend of zelda reject alone! I will not rest until he is out of existence."

    She then remembered that he technically didn't exist so she felt crunchy.

    Post by: Anase, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Anase

    Shelke slowly looked up at Sephiroth and smiled sadistically. She plunged her sabers into his chest and twisted them.

    "Right in front of you."

    she kicked Sephiroth away and put one hand over her right eye. She was surrounded by darkness and once it faded away, Zexion was in her place.


    BIC: Zexion moved his hand away from his eye, flipping his emo hair.
    "I am such a good actor... didn't count on seeing me so soon, did you?"

    He looked around and nodded to himself. "thanks for bringing me here, I probably wouldn't have found it on my own anyway, despite my tracking abilities." he walked around, smiling to himself. "The signs were so obvious but I guess you didn't see them... Not even the biggest sign of them all." he stopped and looked at Sephiroth, still smiling that smile of his. "Didn't you find it odd that Shelke knew every single one of my spells and acting so... out of character to what she normally acts? The switch occurred when I dragged her into the World of Shadows back in the World That Never Was. I shapeshifted into her and faked that escape from the World of Shadows, and I also have to admit that my illusions acting were good as well."

    The smile faded and he shrugged. "Heck, I may be an illusion too. You never know."

    OOC: GAWD! I think I might be the first person on the rps to actually use Zexion's shapeshifting ability. *does a little dance* Wow... so unexpected. and it's my last post for tonight. cliffie. laterz
    Post by: Anase, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home