... I'll be a meanie now. But if you can't handle these problems alone, go to a therapist. People have the wrong idea about it, really. I know where you're coming from. This year I completely broke down. I couldn't do anything but crying. Everything, my complete body was hurting. And yes, I went to a therapist. And I feel so much better now. So if you keep having these problems, consider seeing a professional. They are not scary, they will not give you pills the second you walk into the office, they will not think you're crazy... It has helped me so much, and if you can't help yourself, keep the option open.
I think you should not approach it like you are now. That has a couple of reasons: 1. You're too young to think about moving in with someone. No offence, but you are in the time of your life where you have the biggest personal changes. I've been 15 too, 5 years ago, and I was a totally different person then. You should allow yourself to grow and mature some more before making decisions like this. 2. Even if Australia and the US share the same language, the culture will be different. So will the environment. Moving in immediately is not a good idea. You might have to try to stay there for a couple of months first, socializing with people and finding places where you can find a job/study/whatever you're planning to do. You can get a three month visum for Australia if you want to. Try the lifestyle for three months before making your mind. Consider these things while telling, or not telling, your parents. Don't do anything rushed, that's the worst thing to do. Not only to others, but mostly to yourself.
Well, I think there's a huge possibility Streetpass might be intergrated with said multiplayer. After all, it's a great system that should be used a lot more if you ask me.
If I do forget, be sure to stalk me back to here, I'm really a derpy person sometimes. Thanks guys!
*carries to puppies*
*tackleglomps* Yes, I did have to do that. ouo
This post is a post ouo
Oh, it's still there! Sweet! ouo
I am bisexual myself, but I don't care if someone is not bisexual. I've heard people say that bisexual is like gay but pretending you like the opposite sex, but let me assure you that that's not true. Also, having loads of friends who have different sexual preferences has really opened my eyes about everything. When I was younger I thought there was straight, gay and bi. Now I know that there are a lot of different kinds of sexual preference, as there are a lot of different people. And, let me just say, I'm ok with people not liking anything else then heterosexual, as long as they respect people who are not straight. As an atheist, I respect religious people. I look up to them, for believing in something so strongly. It's like love, in a way. So respecting each other's sexual preferences is the same. Respect the choices and values of the persons around you, and they will respect you. As simple as that, I guess.
Yeah, I know, I'll read the rules carefully. Twice, since I'm quite forgetful.
Bye bye! ouo
Here you go ouo: http://mmdtutorials.deviantart.com/ This group has like, all kinds of tutorials, from model-making to animating. However, please note that MMD is a Japanese program, so it might (read: probably will) be buggy if you have a non-Japanese PC. I could explain in detail why this is happening, but I don't really feel like it, so try this first.
Hello again! I kinda left/forgot this place... So... I'm back now... I think... Anyhow, I'm eentje's sister, almost 2o, live in the Netherlands... Big nerd, bit strange... That's it.
Pokémon Black and White, The Sims Medieval, Portal 2... Especially the last one. I can't wait untill playing it.
Yup, it is... I kinda failed xD
I dunno...Maybe too much popcorn?
I'm done! It's here... I hope it's clear enough: Click
I will! I need to fix the sketch and then I'll scan it in
I lost my design... xD So I have to do it over... I'm actually doing it know... but I draw very slowly orz
[video=youtube;eTmCs2eiOsY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTmCs2eiOsY[/video] This is a Brazilian cab driver imitating Micheal Jackson. HE IS DOING A DAMN GOOD JOB THERE!