It does, but I'm too busy watching ponies be awesome.
I never saw the English dub apart from movies... Only the Dutch and Japanese ones... But Season 9 had a different licence than the previous series, so I think that's why the dub changed.
Spoiler [video=youtube;q-JuZmJoKIw][/video] I was scared of this thing when I was younger...
I once heard a story of one of my teachers... She was watched by a man and a woman from her bedroom. They didn't do anything, and didn't look very strange, they just watched her. It went on like that for some months when they suddenly disappeared and never came back. She never knew what happened. I believe her, and the other stories I've heard. I don't see why I shouldn't.
Mike, I think you are looking at this from the wrong perspective. Instead of looking at how others think about you, you should look at your own feeling about you first. It might sound stupid, but those are very closely connected. People around you can feel you are not happy, even if you try to hide it. It's a natural thing. Confident people look for confident people to hang out with. Changing the way you think about yourself is a hard thing to do, and you might find things about yourself that hurt or scare you. Sometimes you need to be harsh, towards others or yourself, to become a happier and more balanced person. Sometimes it's just time to say 'OK. It's enough. I need to focus on me now. Not on anybody else.' I know this is very hard. It hurts to think that. Like you are leaving everyone behind. But in reality, you're making your own life, and the lives of those around you, far better if you take that step. Your life is all in your hands. Don't forget that. You're old enough to make your own decisions and choose your own path. And society might give you stress, but in the end it's your life, and not the life of society. You are not forced to do what they do. Think about it, sometimes being selfish and taking a step in the other direection might be the right thing to do.
My favourite scene, I immediately knew what it was. It's been ages since I finished the game, but this particular scene leaves me in tears every damn time I see it. The beauty, the elegance, the emotion... Of course, I'm talking about the sending in Kilika, in FFX! Spoiler [video=youtube;jJPhSapqRtw][/video] That game was magnificent alltogether, but this scene... I love it.
Me too. An anorexic one, she doesn't want to eat the food I gave her.
Yeah, that's true. Thanks for answering!
So, I can't help but wondering... You can enter a lot of instant message profile names on your... Profile (I agree, that sounds weird), but no Twitter name. Me, being addicted to Twitter as if it were a drug, would really like something like that to be added. A place to enter your Twitter screenname. Is that possible in any way?
Ohj, lookie! A tutorial for you! I hope this helps. ouo
I'll Make A Man Out Of You in Cantonese, by Jackie Chan
Allow me to set your hair on fire then... *walks off to find lighter*
Well, sometimes you just become a pain to live with... Everyone has a time where they are b***es. It's good that you are noticing it yourself, that means you are willing to change your behaviour. Maybe you might try to be more active towards your family and friends. Start with asking how their day was, for example. Or talk about the weater. A movie or book, or music. It doesn't need to be a life-changing way of starting convesations as long as you actually start one. Also, don't be afraid of yourself. If you get afraid you'll get angsty you'll get depressed and you spiral down untill there's nothing left of you. Taking the first step towards a change is the hardest part, after that it'll only get better.
Official figure-retailers? You have loads of these. My personal favourite is but you have many other sites that retail figures... And if you feel lucky, Ebay? But be warned about the fake stuff there. Bootlegs aren't funny, even if they're cheap.
Oh yes it would! But it sounds a bit too much to ask, especially the OC-part... Fighting together with your friends as teammates would be pretty nice though... Maybe a multiplayer where you can play a friendly Dream Eater would be cool too.
I do? Well, thanks then! ouo
Naw, I don't really have puppies... Only plushe ones... You?
Damn it, a pink one... Bought mine too soon.
My brother's friend -oh yeah call out the whole family network- has a Sora Wisdom Form action figure. It's pretty neat, bigger than my figmas but not painted as well as them. I don't really like any of those action figures yet, since I like detailed faces and well... Yeah... They're not very detailed... They're nice and flexible though! And I'd kill puppies for KH figmas!
Next to eating food with a lot of iron, leave he milk-based products alone. They will destroy any chance of you getting some iron in your blood. The only way to find out if everything about the girl is true is to try it. But it's up to you to decide if you want to or not. Ignore your parents and focus on your own life. There are moments where you need to put yourself first and others second, especially when they will not listen to what you think and feel. The other two colours -distracted- I will conclude with: Think about yourself. What you want, what you don't want. You won't come anywhere if you keep standing in the same spot. I know, I've been there.