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  1. smeen


    Dear person, I believe I must teach you in the way of Vocaloid. For one, they have no ages. For second, Haku is not a Vocaloid.

    Please, GGRKS (if you're a true Vocaloid-fan you should understand this) and if you don't know what I'm talking about tell me so I get to tell you EVERYTHING. And I mean everything about Vocaloid. Because you're in for some teachings.
    Post by: smeen, Oct 15, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  2. smeen
    I'm ok with yaoi, yuri, het... But I don't like everything. A manga/anime/game/whatever needs to have a good story first, else I'll hate it even if there's yaoi or yuri or I dunno what.
    Post by: smeen, Oct 15, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  3. smeen


    I adore Australian accents. They are just so... I dunno, sexy?
    Post by: smeen, Oct 15, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  4. smeen
    Well, to butt in after lurking for a while... You could use this instrumental for Simple and Clean.

    Post by: smeen, Oct 15, 2011 in forum: KHV Chorus
  5. smeen
    You can just go to a page for Chrome Themes, which is here: click this. Click the theme you like, click the 'add to Chrome' button and you have a theme installed.
    Post by: smeen, Oct 15, 2011 in forum: Technology
  6. smeen
  7. smeen
  8. smeen
    Profile Post

    Pretty much yes.

    Pretty much yes.
    Profile Post by smeen for XIII-roxas, Oct 14, 2011
  9. smeen
  10. smeen
  11. smeen
    I'm really against burning things if you don't have the original, to be honest... But it's your choice, right?

    Personally, however, I'd look for a second-hand version of the game.
    Post by: smeen, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. smeen
    I press:

    Context menu
    New > Integer

    and enter:


    Try that. Maybe it works for you.
    Post by: smeen, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Technology
  13. smeen
    Well, that might be your idea, but I don't think you failed as a parent if your children do not listen to you. You failed as a parent if your children throw away their future and have no change to live a normal life. Not if they never listen to you.

    Back on topic (if I wander off too far, tell me, it's called a disorder) I agree parents can put parental control on their TV. An option people should use more if you ask me. (Especially with porn channels)
    Post by: smeen, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  14. smeen
    You can download it here.

    Let me think... Since coding is hard in Chrome, some sites are not supported by it. For a while, Chrome did not support HTML, for example. If sites have not been updated after the update that enabled HTML they might still not work on Chrome. But it's a hit and miss thing, really.
    Post by: smeen, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Technology
  15. smeen
    That might be simple if it was like you say it. But if you've been/are a kid you know that you do not listen to your parents. Even better, you like doing everything your parents tell you not to do. And in this age, where you have working partens, you cannot always monitor what your kids are doing.
    Post by: smeen, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  16. smeen

    For my birthday month, I decided to get Zekrom, since I'm so into Pokemon. Rainbow Dash is a desktop buddy, by the way.
    Post by: smeen, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  17. smeen
    Titanium by David Guetta feat. Sia
    Post by: smeen, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  18. smeen
    1. There's an 'options'-button which can help you clear caches,cookies and everything.

    2. Yes there is.

    But! With school websites, please be careful. We use N@tschool, which isn't compatible with Chrome. So keep that in mind. Also, coding in Chrome seems to be very hard, but there are external fixes for that.
    Post by: smeen, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Technology
  19. smeen
    I agree that it makes it more noticalbe. Also, some songs aren't even enjoyable anymore with cencoring. However, I can understand cencoring at a children's network. Even if it's for teens. It has a different public than music channels.
    Post by: smeen, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  20. smeen
    Well, college is not really fun. Loads of people tend to have the wrong idea about that, but everyone works really hard. Which is acceptable if you think of the amount of money/effort it took to get into college.

    Aaaaaaaaanyhow, trying not to get off-topic here...

    If you feel discouraged, you should try to find out why first. If it's because of the study itself, it might be harder to solve. If it's about the people at college, don't forget that there are more people on the world. You don't need to have friends in your class. Maybe a other class has nicer people around, and your old high school friends might be still good friends too.
    Post by: smeen, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Help with Life