Her new song 'I kissed a girl' had become a hit, topping numerous charts. I like this song, it's catchy and fun. But she may be one of those people who sing one song and then die out [eg. Nikki Webster], so do you think she's a one-time fling or is she going to be the next pop sensation?
I laugh in your face because there is no such thing as popular relating real life situations and you think your better than everyone else HAHAHAHAHAH like this girl in my ECP class asked if she should write "popular" in her list of what makes her unique i was drinking water and nearly spat it out she thinking she was better than people ... i had to hold in my laughter nobody is better than anyone else so take that
he has to have the most random birthdate He was born on the 08/08/90 sure that doesn't sound wierd but.. it is the 08/08/08 coming up and he's turning 18 dam the 8's and it gets worse he was born at 8 am - i checked his baby book this means he is the devil and that we all got the number wrong WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE I AM THE SISTER OF THE DEVIL MUAHAHAHA
Too many name changes are going to blow my head off... AHHH maybe i should get one to annoy you guys XDD
I don't know why but I feel racist, I am just angry at a large group of people who live near me, these people are Australians,[makes sense seeing as I live in Australia] Please Note That If I Actually DO Offend Someone I Apologise & Please PM Me The Problem.... It's just that when I was little, I moved to Australia. I hadn't a care in the world before then, I was a very happy and healthy little girl. I even had my 6-year-old crush... but thinking it was a vacation [I travelled to a lot of places when I was little, including Disneyworld] I moved to Australia. When I first started school, I made a friend with another little girl, and we became best friends and did a lot together. That changed a year later when she backstabbed me and turned all my other friends against me. They laughed at me, mainly of my last name [Is not anywhere in Australia as far as I know of] and my accent [I am English and proud of it]. Well I moved school and have found a nice group of friends after another 10 years of searching... THAT'S RIGHT! it took me 8 years to find a group of people I could call friends Okay so enough of my life story, remember the little girl at the start... well she made my childhood hell. I was teased for my accent. I also hate how everyone thinks it's cold and when I saw I don't feel it... They pratically spit out that it's because I'm 'Pommie'... i've been living in Australia for nearly 10 years.. you think my body would of adapted to this heat... I don't think about the cold... so I don't feel it... it's a nice trick my brother taught me. Also a few days ago... I was very upset and scared about my Grandad, he is in the hospital, with cancer, and theycan not operate on him because of his heart. But non of my 'friends' would comfort me, I was crying my eyes out and all they could about was McDonalds, I couldn't believe it... I know where they originate and I thought to myself, 'Typical Australian' and ran off... I feel bad for thinking that... One of my other friends did find me and she she treated like a mother.. I love her for it. I don't know if she's Australian, but she's one of the only people who cares about me here. but either way I have been practically shunned because of my origins, I am the only English person I know, and I don't recognise any English accents in my school. I wish they would accept me ya know Sorry I had to get it out.... please don't hate me... i had to tell someone... or people... i just had to get it out...
So I feel like singing a song You want to hear it? Too bad - You're Gonna!! I am the very model of a cartoon individual My animations comical, unusual and whimsical I am the depth at funny gags, Comidic fairies I have read From wicked puns, and stupid jokes, to anvils that drop on your head I am very good at fancy dances, I can even feroette Then smack the villian with a fish, I know my cartoon adequete I can make my face all mean, and really give you quite a FRIGHT Then make up with flowers made of real exploding dynamite BOOM In a jam I suggest you stop, and villians in there tracks I'll froze Then I'll sneak up, and utter stop, and paint my hands and honk their nose I am proud to be in such a higher alcaproginy From Daffy Duck, to tweety bird, to babs and bugs bunny To suit my mood I can call a lot of different scenieries Like out of space, and desert scapes and himalayan scenries From this right here I can pull anything anegdible From office desks, and lava lamps and Cathie (ANF) is a CANNIBAL
It Seems Like Yesterday We Were Setting Fire To Rich People's Underwear
In 2020, The Great King of Terror will descend to Earth, Trailed by his army of undead glowworms. He'll eat the sun for breakfast, bringing forth Armageddon The economy will collapse, nations will go to war and Whoopi Goldberg will be given another sitcom. It will be the end of the world as we know it!! A NEW ERA OF MADNESS, SUFFERING AND DEATH!! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I HAVE NO SUGAR!
Well at least I know I am not the ONLY one that's scared of this movies release, but it's gotten so big that it's actually in the movies instead of just being shown in the Disney Channel. So apperently people are actually going to go and pay to see the movie. Oh well is there anybody that's ACTUALLY looking forward to the release... I think I've proved who's side I'm on
im trying to download a vid on this site... but it just says "Watch Now", how come I cant download?
Im kind of bored with my music... would anybody give me any reccomendations for artists they like?
What do people call you? Mine: Site: ANF RL: Cathie CathieCannibal Miss Dotty Mz Cannibalism Freak
If the title doesn't make sense then let me explain... I've seen kids about as old as 8 years old lying about their ages so they can go onto sites like Bebo, Myspace, IMVU... but since their teens sites, curses and alcohol mentioning is obvious to come up.. I mean I know my little brother goes onto bebo and he swears like crazy.. he's sworn more times than me in my entire life and I think it's just the older influences... Agree?
i was watching the news when i saw it, but a man gave birth to a baby girl a few days ago.. though it turns out that the man used to be a woman.. it was interesting to watch the article... but my question is.. if a male's DNA were to change... do you think that more males will give birth?
Has anybody got this game yet - i have it on layby and will be getting it at the end of the week but i would like to know how good this game is
I have exams today Stupid Exams But What Do My Teachers Do To Motivate U My Deputy is all like "These exams are important very important in fact it will change how your life will turn out So try very hard coz if you dont you won't get your senior certificate you wont get a good job and you'll be serving some hotshot guy with a hotshot job and a hotshot car and he'll no yur better than you coz you'll be working at mcdonalds but no pressure
That's right the title is correct-o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl6yZTIrfgM
I used to make amv's but i lacked in veiws so i stopped, i want to go again, but i still want the veiws so like which songs should i use
People ran around freaking out because 6/6/06 had come... that was very interesting, yet embarrassing to watch isn't it amazing how now on the 6/6/08 people have matured, well kind of
It's 12 in the morning... and I hear knocking... this is not some bad poem I really do hear knocking great.... now im scared seriously