I hate you!! i was at work and were doing this world hunger thing were you can donate any amount of money to the charity. A world vision lady came and i'm like "Would you like to donate any thing to world hunger" and she went "I would if it went anywhere" O.o luckily she was the last car [ i was serving in drive thru ] and lucky she went coz i was shouting at her when she went.. She works for world vision and she won't even donate GAH
I got bored and watched Charlie the Unicorn and my friend came on... i thought I might bug him Aleks (him): whats up Cathie (me): Put a banana in your ear Aleks: Why would I want to do that Cathie: it will make all your fear dissapear Aleks: Why Cathie: im charlie Aleks: cathy are you okay? Cathie: im not cathie... IM CHHAARRLLLIIEE ya charlie Aleks: right Cathie: YOUR THE BANANA KING ALEKS BANANA IN JAPANESE IS BANANA Aleks logged out Cathie: o.O
Is what my comp keeps saying, and after a certain time my computer will kick me off the internet.. I don't know what to do to stop it. We have broadband which can only go up to a certain time, then goes to dail up speed so it saves us money. I've been thinking that its all the youtube we watch or its me downloading songs Is it these things?
I was lying on my dad's bed when I started to think about what happened this year. I could imagine myself talking to my best friend in Melbourne, saying that I couldn't trust a certain other friend with my life... then it hit me. What would happen if I fainted. I could see myself falling on the floor, falling unconscience, but I couldn't imagine my friends helping me out for some reason. One or two I could, but they sit with other groups. I could see them imagining I was lying, but if I fell at the start if break would I? I see myself getting saved by random girls from school, or people I've met in the senior year. Boys would laugh, but girls in the year above me [ senior year ]. I could see myself going to the hospital, but not because of the hands of my friends, but by other people I've probably only met once... I don't know... My best friend... if she was still here in Brisbane, I could see her helping me. She's practically saved my life, from me being depressed so me fainting, well she's my hero practically.. my other friends... its a mystery what they'll do
It's Peter Griffin In R/L
its funny XD http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=o2hQGOOR5g0
The new makes us all look bad, seeing as probably all of us are Generation Y, but are we really that bad? Think about it, I mean sure we drink ... heaps [ well most of us ] we crash cars, we have teen pregnancies, but the other generations can be as bad. Every week someone gets killed, mainly by Generation X, we don't kill others, we kill ourselves. Abductions, rape, murders, homosides... usually by people over 30... Generation X. Also I've noticed [ this isnt as bad but still ] that Generation W is rude. Sure we have to be respectful, but I've noticed that they can be mean. I'll wait to cross a street, and the people that don't let me through are all old people... and they all give me evil looks... like I've done something bad. I'll be at work, and they'll demand a discount... they're meant to get discount cards. It does get irratating. The news always make us look bad, but really, it's not just us is it?
My dad just bought me a car out of the blue!! like omg well its mine and my brothers and i dont get my learners for another 2 months but i'll be driving it more anyway haha I'M SO EXCITED!!
get those little vids in siggies i want one
Sometimes when I search something i get something different come up and it does get annoying. Like once i tried to search the latest question time but other threads came up like rp's and creativity corner stuff. i had to wait till someone else posted until i could. This keeps happening and it's really hard to find threads sometimes considering everything else comes up first well the point of what im trying to say is, are we able to change the search engine to something that will take every word we search for and show the threads in which those words contain, so its more direct. it may the site easier...
-.-' this is an ACTUAL anime series the link if you don't believe me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobobo-bo_Bo-bobo well its on cartoon network well its based in the year 300X and the rulers [Maruhage Empire] have sent a hair hunt troop to steal peoples hair and make them bald. Standing against this evil regime is the heroic, but bizarre, rebel, Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo, fights the Hair Hunt Troop with his powerful Hanage Shinken [Fist of the Nose Hair] His team consists of the normal teen girl Beauty, the smelly teen warrior Heppokomaru [Gasser] and the Hajike leader Don Patch [Poppa Rocks]. They all stand in the way of evil and stop it with their "hairy brand of justice" I think this is a bit scary for me... apparently, Bobobo's hair is robotic or something and a chicken lives in it [lil bro saw]. This is going to make me mental if i ever watch it.
I like ice chocolate XP
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-0Ze4cHxSI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sims_3 i cant wait till it come out, it looks so much better than sims2.. though i bet it runs slower haha. In fact I sold my sims games so I could look forward to this one. Release date(s) February 12, 2009 (AU) February 19, 2009 (NLD/SWE/FIN/NOR) February 20, 2009 (INT) hehe finally Australia will be getting a game first
I kind of want to read the rules concerning rep and sections... but it's well not in the rules section, are they still on the site
9/10 people agree that 1/10 will always disagree with the other 9 confusing huh?
I have 1300 posts thats' like 100 times the bad luck which is like a billion in cat years and my name starts with cat so i'm going to have a hundred billion years bad luck i'm going to be unlcuky in the next life and whatever after that theres no end
Thursday I burnt my leg on a motorbike exhaust Friday I fall out of the car Yesterday I tripped over a pram at McDonalds [ thank god i didnt hit the baby ] What am I going to do today... fall into a hole?
im downloading limewire
Bugging me so much about my name change that I want to get one to stop you all... but it's never going back to ANF. I want to be like amber and use my name but i'll feel like im copying her *sigh*
Friends keep trying to hook me up with one guy or another... but I don't know whether I'm straight, gay or bi... does that make me wierd? Well I don't know if I'm ready to date and I've told people that I don't like anyone... but they shove more boys under my nose. How do I tell them to back off without making them whinge more about my life?