by a flying a shoe and i'm serious! I just saw it on the news ooooh it was funny HE'S BAACCKKK
Can someone please tell me who the princesses are.... they get their name changed when i'm gone so i'm utterly confused. I know that... Princess Aurora = Coco Princess Ariel = Rosey
Can I please turn you ito a dinosaur?
Who are you exactly? I know your the big administrator guy, but you never post... it's strange. I'm hoping that you would respond to this positively, coz right now, I find it scary that I don't know anything about you. UGGHHHHH... Can someone tell me his hobby or something
My name is Mrs. White Would you like to join me in the dining hall? I brought my candlestick.'s nice to know that you know SO much about Australia...
How long does an old song advert go for geez.. this ones gone for .... lets see 20 mins so far GET OFF THE FUDGING TV
Bet you can't draw a catfish xD
I have seen this on other sites, but in their profiles they are able to change whether they see swears or ***. It may help some people feel more comfortable and will DEFINETLY stop the whinging. (as some of us are sick of people who whinge about the stars) It's just an idea that I had to get off my chest.
This is the discussion me and my friends are having. According to them, I'm not allowed to give my mum $50 out of my hard earned money to help her visit her parents. My grandad is dying, and lets admit... my nan ain't getting younger, so I told her "If it goes to your trip, I'd be happy to send you". My friends say "Get a loan" My mum can't afford a loan and no matter how hard I try to get it accross, they don't like it. SOOOO People of KHV-Land. What is your opinion... are my most of my friends selfish jerks who just want me to spend my money on shopping trips? Or are they right?
my friend told me to download this software that was apparently fun... yeah it was full of viruses... i only just got this laptop for christmas and i dont want to tell my dad its infected already. What kind of heartless **** would do that to a friend. I need to find a free way to get rid of it... can someone please help me its tryig to steal my credit card numbers... im not allowed a credit ccard yet
Are you even on to answer all these marriage requests?
So long you stupid crappy year It's been 13 1/2 hours since you died weee
Okay I put my name down for a name change in the premmy section, last time i did everyone complained... shouting at me to change it back. I liked this name at the time, it made me feel older which is what i needed, So if anyone has a prob please tell me now Sorry if i sounded whingy, but i'm not having this again Desired name: Catfish
I can't stop starig at my siggy
Today I went to Red rooster and asked for a pop top... and they give me one with a hole in it... she covered it up with her fnger GAAAH
I cant find a good avi... would anyoe like to find one for me
Hay I've been watching youtube lately and I noticed people getting famous for doig random stuff like making vis aboutr random stuff and it got me thinking. i feel like makig a vid of dares... just for fun. it may not go up... i dunno... but i want some fun dares (That will not get me into any serious trouble thank you very much) Just any random dares >XD
Im playing pinball on gaia weeeee i need like 4000 more gold to get my dress then its like 8000 for the matchig hat and the broom GAH
Cant read minds Cant read minds Would you like to see his poker face?