[I was taking this random quiz on Gaia out of boredom, which was gonna get me "hitched" up with another Gaian. I was doing well, answering al the random questions until I got to the last one. What Kind of Person are you looking for? Male or Female To tell you the truth I have no clue, I don't go on dates, but when I do, they're male and I feel extremely uncomfortable when I do. Grrr I hate myself now]
[okay I'm not seriously] I've been losing my voice for the past couple of days to the point we're I sound like a skinny little teenage boy who's voice is cracking... and I'm not the only one to notice... everyone has been laughing at me coz of it saying that my "ball's have dropped". It has been kind of funny, but now I'm been called a transvestite coz of it... wierd Oh and other people have been stealing my food to catch it so they don't have to go to work (Why I didn't think of that I'll never know)
Teacher's are going on strike... AGAIN! Last time we had a strike, we had to stay in school and I got in trouble for watching a vid on my iPod whislt everybody else was talking..... >: ( then again this is apparently a full day thing.
I saw random Akatsuki guys chasing Naruto in a fancy hotel in Brisbane, wait Akatsuki is form Naruto isn't it? Well it was real.... and it was interesting.!
My formals coming up, I want an original dress that NO-ONES ever going to have. So I need a design, but I'm not creative in the clothing area. Anyone want to help?
Steve Irwin The loveable Aussie Battler who showed the good side of the world The Australian Government gave his wife Terri a natural preserve called "Steve's Place" which is now in danger of being torn down for mining. There is this Government thing that mining can come in, but unless we can make it a Federal Issue, they will take over. If you care please sign the petetion http://www.savestevesplace.com/ It's North Queensland with Beautiful rivers and endangered creatures... and they even found a new eco-system in this area which will dissapear if the miners take over.. Please help
I seriously need to see a psychiatrist... but I'm too afraid. I need to be distracted 24/7 otherwise I get very horrible thoughts in my head and I can't stop them. It happened again today, I kept thinking of my mother dying and everybody leaving me, me being alone on the streets, my best friend dying, I ended up on the lying on the floor crying [it's a god thing my friends and I sit in the cozy "Seniors Lounge" with carpet and no younger grades] I believe it may be a reaction to last years depression stage that I think I pulled myself out of. My friends found me after the lunch bell in the English classroom, apparently I was alot whiter than usual. They cheered me up a bit, but it wasn't for another 2 hours until I felt better. If something is on my mind, it usually takes me days to forget about it, and since a lot happens, this doesn'y happen often, but if I can't distract my self, this is what happens.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30213293/?GT1=43001 KFC GOES HEALTHY I'll finally not feel guilty about working there. Though this is gonna cause a few problems as it will take so long to cook it, but other than that, this will create more customers (more problems for me :P) What do you think? Will it create more customers?
it makes you hot don't it?
[this can't be that old, seeing as Australian's have only just heard of this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApBJ7fdLM6w&NR=1]
Does my text look big to you... or is it just my internet coz the size is pissing me off.
I don't understand her, honestly. She tells me one thing and means another. Like the other day we had a senior ceremony and I thought that mum was working like she always does. She never EVER came to my or my older brother's award ceremony's so I thought she wouldn't want to come. She went spaztic when I didn't ring [I do kinda think it's my fault but she should show some intrest sometime]. I only got told the day before, plus I was sick anyway and she knew about that which brings up another point. Apparently I never ring... that's bullcrap... SHE NEVER RINGS. It costs me $40 a month just to find out where my little brother is because she decides that me worrying about his safety isn't important to waste her credit on. Oh and I'm meant to call her if I "Magically" know if she's sick... she knew I was sick and I didn't get a text. I have what she had when she was younger. (I'm not getting into details) and she made it sound horrible... so when I got it, I told her... 20 texts from my friends... none from her. She's even admitted to not knowing me... I can't blame her... she ever asks about me. I know she loves ABBA, Tom Jones, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Packed to the rafters, That ABBA movie (forgot what it's called), Bonsai trees, etc. She doesn't even know what size shirt I am... and what type suits me (the ones she buys chokes the hell out of me). What's funny is that I'm like her size... and I've worn her stuff in front of her... I don't think I can take her anymore... I don't have to stay with her... In fact I stay with my dad every second week. I don't want to hurt her feelings though no matter how much she's hurt me through this year of splits and fights. Man I'm a wimp.
The plastic baby, (My dad named Molly) just scared the **** outta me.... damn just cried. My hearts gone and died now.
Are the funniest d!cks EVER A few months a go, there was a guy in a monkey suit dancing. Everybody stopped what they were doing to watch. Today we had a stupid one. Okay F.Y.I, I work at KFC but we had to shoo one away coz he had beer and he's like "Screw this let's get KFC!" We're just like -.-;
I don't believe it is.. if it boosts your confidence in some way. Well it is only good if you have a good reason for doing it. My friend's friend recently had plastic surgery. She had breast reduction because she was g - cup, which is like the biggest size really. It gave her back problems. now she's recovering as a c - cup and happy.
Well so apparently I had sex with a plastic man and made a plastic baby and I have to name it. I have to take care of it by myself.. that's sex dolls for you. Okay that wasn't right lol... So well in Early Childhood Practics it's a part of our course so I [ONCE AGAIN] have to take care of a plastic baby that cries every like 3 hours or so and this time.... WE HAVE TO NAME THEM GASP it's a girl and I need help naming it.. SO WHO HAS PRETTY NAMES The List: Charlene Abby Lily Phoebe
The chicken or the egg?
I'm gonna burn the Krusty Krab
Let's make the most of it *breathes in* *breathes out* I'm Bored
Sorry if it looks crap, but it is my first attempt. AND... Nobody told me how to use it so I had to figure it out by myself.. *cough Bareri cough* anyways I know it looks like I've slapped a pic on and put *fireworks* on there, but I did put sparkles on before the fireworks. I will try to get better xD CnC would be awesome since I'm a noob oh and some great brush links too xD