It's called "mind in the gutter" EDIT: aww he didn't make a music vid... oh well
What do I do?
[Get Jet Li to kill Robert Pattison] [okay I can't really do that] [but we have to make a movie on a certain event and mine was realted to murder Who better to kill than Edward?]
[Between the long names and the rebellion] Which side will you choose? :lolface:
If I am correct with my coversion, she would weigh 165 pound american. I'm am 55kg which makes me 121 pounds, so a 5 year old weighs 44 pounds more than me.... I would say these parents are evil to feed the girl so much, but they only make $10AUD a day so I have no clue how they can afford the food.
[I got offered a connect admission into a university today. There we're only eight places available for my grade ( I'm a senior btw) and there's about 200 students. All I have to do is write a report on why I want to go there and I'm pretty much guaranteed acceptance, though the rest of the 192 students have to work or their screwed. I'm not even smart so I have no clue what happened. It's kinda funny really teehee]
Play a game of Harry Potter where you can be a Hufflepuff? I dunno I can't find any
With this as the design!!! We will be so hot!
[I'm praying that this poor kid doesn't end up like the others and if never seen again. He's only two....]
Okay, there's these few people who seem to do everything I do after I do it. I mean, I don't mind it if they try something I liked but I mean EVERYTHING! Like... I get into a certain artist.... they listen to them, learn everything about them... talk about them until I'm over them... after I buy the CD's I like a certain book... they read it... try to make discussions... It's dead... I play a game... they play it... won't shut up about it... dead What's sad is that people also literally steal my phone and iPod off me... which they know I dispise because I don't like people touching my stuff... then they kill everything I have on them... I mean come on.... I'm pretty much wasting money here. Even on msn... I've changed my avi and styles one million times because of it. It's even happening on my favourite websites... I've completely changed my style of music because of it. It's not that I don't like talking about these things... I mean... the book series was because someone told me about them... but only talking about it over and over again... makes me attempt to pull my hair out.... thank god my hair is healthy. I just want to be me... I like being me.. but I hate changing me... I can't really ask them to stop, I mean I've tried... it doesn't work, and my new found random anger explodes just make them want to talk to me more.
Long story short, two Radio hosts [Kyle & Jackie O] were fired as they forced a girl to admit that she had been raped. She was tied to a lie detector and was asked if she had any "sexual experiences" by her mother. She was forced to admit that two years ago (she was 12 at the time) she had been sexually abused. I think that what they did was extremely stupid. They shouldn't of asked her about those things, she's technically still not legal (The age is 16 here). They had not asked her before hand.
HAH It's not a vote thread, it's an opinion thread I just wanna know what I should go for in the KHV Awards I dunno... maybe I'm too normal to get a nomination
[The Chamber of Secrets Has Opened] Why was there no fire drill?....
SERIOUS QUESTION Why do people believe things that people can make up so randomly? Some people obviously read newspapers or magazines to predict their future, but some look at the stars themselves to see. Why do they believe in them? I don't want to see any... "Because their stupid" or "Because their gullible" or whatever coz it isn't really answering the question... and I kinda need to know for my art project.
Where people talk in groups and hang with others... the randoms, the otakus, the people who seem normal.. they are all here. but I don't know where I fit... maybe I'm just a noob. Where would I fit?
In art we are doing beliefs and I'm focusing on horoscopes and tarot and thought it would be interesting to get my tarot prediction or whatever... the answers were completely unrelated to my question..... Because I asked if I will get a good job that I want, someone is gonna DIE!
It's come up recently but there has been alot of pain in my legs, but it's pretty much my lower right leg or foot where it feels stretched for about a second, then a lot of pain comes up, making me yelp or gasp everytime ( can't say if I've moved it wierd or not ). The bad pain lasts for about 30 seconds, then a lighter pain comes in for a few minutes leaving me (usually happens when sitting) on the floor for a matter of minutes. Apparently my little brother has had it once, but he's only mentioned it once and if it's the same pain, he'd probably cry. No search engines on my computer are working to an apparent "threat" to nearly every site ( though my friends dad is helping me with that ) so I can't search it, and thanks to my discomfort of doctors and hospitals... I ain'tgetting help from them. Can anybody tell me what's happening?
[Our beloved member Miele (if she still goes on this site) makes dishwashers for a living...]
Well some people know I've had problems over a year and a half... but now I'm just scared. I've been getting really violent lately and at some points, have to hurt myself in some way to make sure I don't hurt others. NO I'm not cutting myself... more like hitting my head against hard things and kicking things until my foot's near broke. I've also been seen throwing things and screaming at people out of the blue. I'm scared I'm going to hurt someone, lose my friends and get back into my old depression. It's not all the time, but it has been coming up a lot lately. EDIT: Wow I've made myself sound crazy, but maybe It's because I've been holding my emotions in waaay too much ~ I dunno it's a theory.