Yet, no-one was there... Would be really creepy if it wasn't quarter to two in the afternoon.
Hello again, I must apologise for my second dissapearance. To those who know me, I apologise, especially to CtR, for leaving before your reply. To those who are new, it's gonna take me some time to get used to you, which I apologise also. I'm not good with names. The reason for my dissapearance was my constant freaking out. There was a lot of changes, most good, but I had to get used to them. I got into the University I wanted (BTW, I live in Australia), and I am becoming Australian in two months in order to afford it. If any Aussie's are out there, please help me with choosing between Liberal and Labor. I offically hate both parties! I'm the youngest in my classes, which is good and bad in some ways, good that everyone seems impressed by my age, (which to me is odd, I am 17), but bad because the legal drinking age is 18 and all my friends go out and I can't go. I just learnt that I passed my first semester at University, which I'm very proud of, I'm also planning on moving onto campus, so I have to get fees sorted out for them too. I've been trying to finish FFXIII for a while, and my save got deleted at Chapter 12, so I've been busy these holidays wanting desperetely to finish. I hope that the members I was close to before I left don't hate me! I do apologise again, and in good time, I still hope to get the question time! Haha. I also have to get used to the layout! It's confusing!
Yet I have no clue what games to get... Finished 358/2 days Got Nintendogs with the DS... can't even get the dog to remember it's name >: ( Any suggestions?
Hey, do you remember me? I can't believe I've been off this site for 3 months. I'm sorry for dissapearing, but I had so much going on, most of it good, that thought it would be easier to go if I didn't say goodbye. In the past three months I've graduated from high school, turned 17, had my formal, and had a life. haha! I have changed mentally and I feel less self concious and more confident. I even changed my hair which I was afraid to do. I also learnt a few things that I'm very good at planning for engagements. Like going to theme parks and stuff. I also learnt that Deceptacons are very very mean. So if you love me, I'll love you and if you don't want me, I'll go again. I dunno... I've noticed a lot of different names so I'm gonna need help. xD
What does that mean?
I was watching SpongeBob and they were talking about famous ancestors, and my dad brings up that I have a famous great-great uncle. So I'm related to John Chard who commanded a supply-depot which was attacked by Zulus There's even a movie about him! He says he's my grandmother's uncle, and where he's born checks out to be where my grandmother was born.
[I'm over these Rainbow names... I want pink back]
According to Wikipedia, you can. I want a DVD from an R3 country (Hong Kong), but I'm in R4 (Australia). I know you can change the region DVD settings on your computer to make it available to all regions, but I don't know how. Does anybody else know?
Everybody keeps staring at me... I don't know why. I'm at the mall eating, people stare. I'm at school, people stare. Even right now, I'm at the library, people are staring. And if I look back at them, they get angry. Coz you know the feeling when you know someone is staring at you. I keep getting that and I catch them doing it, then theyturn evil. I got shouted at for apparently "staring" at one of my starers. I looked for a freaking second. I might be really ugly... but I hope it's not that.
*Triple-zero is the equivalent to 911 services.. it reaches police, ambulance and fire Proves how mature young children can be.
It keeps going on my arm, no matter how many times I flick it off. I'm scared of them... what do I do.
Be Married at a 99c Store? Cheap Weddings [Weddings cost 99c. Takes all the romance out of it doncha think?]
I'm applying for university. Oh god time's gone fast.
The picture hurts my eyes I'm confused as to why they picked Hitler, I understand that it makes them both mass murderers,but the way it's protrayed seems wrong to me.
When someone speaks to me, I usually get negative reaction I get annoyed very easily now.... I don't know why Stupid laws of physics thingy
He wants the teachers and students to have relationships...
Your on a bus, coming home from school. The bus is a public but and the ones here don't have openable windows. It's crowded coz the bus goes to a number of schools, and some smart-ass decides to smoke. It's illegal anyways so while your choking there, someone is finding it funny to break the law. I had to put up with that today, it made me sick
Is it normal to have people you don't know follow you, I mean if I'm following you, you guys would know coz of my login name, but I just got added by like 7 people in 5 minutes who's following me who I can't even guess who they are..
It's a question I've been thinking about all day? Though I've always wanted a little girl named Alice.
Meh... rip off from "What Song are you Listening to?" thread So what did you watch last?