So my Traps go right back to my Field. And you think I had drawn an Effect Veiler? Guess again! I drew out my Watapon! When Watapon is drawn to my hand by way of a card effect, I can summon him to the field in Defense Mode!
Looks like you got my 2nd Fire Trap: This lets me draw a new card.[DOUBLEPOST=1424043466][/DOUBLEPOST] Fire Trap is a Counter Trap.
Fire Trap effect: Negate the activation of an opponent's card effect that would destroy a Spell or Trap Card(s) you control and destroy it. If this Set card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, draw 1 card.
I chain my FIRE TRAP! This negates your Mystical Space Typhoon and destroys it!
TRAP CARD, ACTIVATE Reveal Royal Opression! By paying 800 points, I can negate your Rank-Up Magic card!
No response.
Then it's my move! I start with my Psychic Armor Head! Next, I activate ARMORED GRAVITATION! This lets me summon 4 more Level 4 or lower Armor monsters from my deck! I choose.... Big Bang Blow Buster Knuckle Over Boost And Active Guard! Now I have my own suit of armor! I'll play 3 cards face-down and end my turn. Monsters: 5 Spell/Trap: 3 Deck: 51 Extra Deck: 15 LP: 8000
You wanna play by the 'first turn draw' rules
Thank you, Jaden. So, up for that rematch, Yakumo?
Well, for one....Mischief is OP. Of course, it's not up to me whether a card is banned or not. It's Jaden's decision.
Well, I'm in favor of Mischief being banned. Jaden has final say in the matter.
REMATCH! LP: 8000 Customs: Yes Anime Exclusives: Yes Manga Exclusives: Yes Video Game Exclusives: No God Cards: No Illegal Cards: No First Player: Me Number of Cards per Deck: 60 Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None
Nice try! From my hand, I play BATTLE FADER! This will negate your attack and end your Battle Phase automatically!
Perfect. I discard.... Psychic Armor Head Jet Gauntlet.... Over Boost.... My Body as a Shield.... and Kishido Spirit! And draw 5 new cards.
It's also the perfect chance for me to bring out my new deck! Make your move!
Since I don't plan on challenging Jaden until I become a stronger duelist: LP: 8000 Customs: Yes Anime Exclusives: Yes Manga Exclusives: Yes Video Game Exclusives: No God Cards: No Illegal Cards: No First Player: Opponent Number of Cards per Deck: 60 Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None
Let me say that you haven't lost your touch from past Arenas I've seen, Jaden.
I surrender, Jaden. My plan was to use Pot of Greed to hopefully get Double Summon and Bubbleman. I would then play Double Summon so that Bubbleman would be the only card in my hand and that I could get off his effect and draw 2 more cards. I would then Summon Stratos to destroy one of your down cards, then use Fusion Gate's effect to bring out Absolute Zero. I would then use Mask Change to bring out Masked HERO Acid. Zero's effect would go off, destroying Escuridao, then Acid's effect would activate, taking out your backrow, freeing me for an attack. That Jar Robber got me good.
I guess that's game.
HERE GOES....SOMETHING! Hand: 1 I play my own Pot of Greed! This lets me draw twice! Response?