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  1. RPGgamer
    OOC: I missed a lot didn't I?

    Zexion looks around. 'This day gets more and more boring.' he thought. Zexion decided to just pretend to pay attention. It's not like the teacher would care. 'I really wish school was already over.' Zexion thought

    OOC: I might have done something wrong...I dunno.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 3, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. RPGgamer
    OOC: Sry about the wait, I guess I'll type, but probably don't know what's happening.

    Ash looked around. She was really bored. Wonder how long school's going to take. Ash layed back and decided to check out her schedule.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 3, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. RPGgamer
    OOC: Sry, my computer wasn't working well for a while. MInd filling me in a little bit?
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 2, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. RPGgamer
    OOC: Yes, he RP's, didn't you see his last post?

    OOC: BTW, Sorax, you have to post on KH Highschool, cause everyone doesn't know where the heck you are.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 2, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. RPGgamer
    Grabs a two handed Axe and throws at kairiSoraKeyofLight and No-Reality_Allowed.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. RPGgamer
    1007~ Sry Mish, I'm too use to saying dude now. BTW, sry fox, I messsed up.
    -_-, I was going to do 998, but you already did it.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. RPGgamer
    Zexy! jk XD Just Zexion that lives in nothingness not like in the World that Never Was. Just like somewhere. XD I'm bad at explaining

    (Yep, they are fun to read! All of them! Except maybe yaoi and yuri.)
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. RPGgamer
    OOC: Ok bb! :3
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. RPGgamer
    OOC: No one knows when or how you turned into a heartless. And the castle's already there probably, magically builds itself out of nothingness o.o ok, that was stupid

    "Hm... cool!" Axel exclaimed. He held up his hand and another dark portal appeared. "Awesome!" Axel jumped into the portal faster then Xemnas could say anything.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. RPGgamer
    OOC: Well, next time actually check D:<
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. RPGgamer
    OOC: Yeah, everyone knows.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. RPGgamer
    Jack, cause he was like the only one that did something. Peter Pan, just....flew around making weird noises.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. RPGgamer
    Xigbar picked _ (Let Xigbar choose XDDDD), Xaldin picked 3, Vexen chose 4, Lexeaus chose 5, Zexion chose.______ (Let Niami pick, XD), Saix chose 7, and Axel chose 8.

    "Now what Xemnas? Pick out nickname?" Axel asked stupidly XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. RPGgamer
    OOC: Jees! why do you have to be like that. I'll post teachers later.

    Arlene sat in front of Isa. She looked towards the teacher. It was........(drumroll please)..................................Squall Leonhart. 'What? no way!' Arlene thought.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. RPGgamer
    "7 so far.But..." As Axel said this, someone came crashing in. It was Saix. (To person who plays Saix, please hurry and post, or I might have to switch you.) "Ow!" the guy said. "Who are you?" Axel asked. "My name's Saix." "Well, now we have 8."
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. RPGgamer
    Deep Dive, and battle with Xemnas. These two would probably be awesome, like defeating Xemnas in KH2. and Zexion, he isn't that fast, you just need to know how to dodge it. it would be easier, since you actually have dodge roll in this one.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. RPGgamer
    Arlene quickly followed Saix. They both made it to class on time. "Hey, you know if we have any classes with those two?" Arlene asked Siax

    OOC: Got bored.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. RPGgamer
    Lexeaus, Vexen, Xaldin, and Xigbar look at Xemnas. Together they yell "XEHANORT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" They are very amazed to see him.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. RPGgamer
    OOC: It alright

    "WHAT! YOU MEAN SORA AND KAIRI!" Arlene asked him. She was shocked at this news.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. RPGgamer
    OOC: Don't forget to exclaim. "Ienzo! It's me! Xehanort!" to him. XP
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home