Ignore Ukali, this happens often, and plus she is kinda sadistic. Name: Saix Age: 18 Organization or Titan: Organization Rank: 7 (VII) Element: Moon Personality: Quiet, goes berzerk if angry, serious about a lot of stuff, creepy XD kidding. Weapon: Claymore Theme Song: none BTW just to annoy Ukali... HI SUSAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOC: Ty Arlene looks around. Wonder what Sora is doing...hm... Arlene notices the principal and Isa, and Xigbar. She turned aorund to see Axel holding a little chain thing. Arlene rolls her eyes. 'Urgh, they have to do this, don't they?' she thought to herself.
*rolls eyes* dude, it is just a quiz. 82 exp? Who is the 1st place person in the Pegasus cup?
Name: Tyro Age: 15 Element: Healing Side:Good Weapon: MapleStaff (it from MapleStory, if you wanna know what it is, go to www.mapletip.com, and type in MapleStaff on search) Gender: Girl Hometown: Tronjheim (From Eragon and Eldest book, by Christopher Paolini XD, I had to add that.)
snoop dog ran away crying for its mommy XD, when all of the sudden Sora sees...
OOC: What's happened so far? I couldn't get on, cause of computer crash. I told Ukali to tell you guys. *sighs* she really has to get a straight memory sometimes. She is my friend, but I asked her just to tell people in the RP's I joined.
OOC: Sry, I hope that Ukali Rules told you about my delay. Zexion walks into class and sits down. He absent mindedly takes out his book to read. He decides to looks around, since he had no clue what was going on. 'I wonder what we are going to do in this class.' Zexion thought to himself for a few minutes. OOC: Sry it is kinda bad, but I'm kinda off since it has been a while, since I last posted.
OOC: Sry! Computer is finallly fixed! XD Yay! Axel looks around. He spots Arlene lying on the ground. "Arlene?" Axel asked her. Axel was surprised to see the girl from her hometown had also turned into...whatever he was. He waited for her to get up, and then to allow her to get use to her surroundings.
OOC: Sry, my computer went weird, I hope that Ukali Rules told you about it. Ash looks around. 'Boring.' Ash decided just to look around everywhere. She then decided to read her schedule again, before putting it away. 'Schools going to last forever.' OOC: What period is it????
OOC: We haven't gotten very far, and I have been off for about 3 weeks, cause of computer crash -_-. Rina looks around to check how many enemies there are. "Feels like they just keep coming." she said to the others. She then continued to the help the group. "Er...it does feel like this is going on for eternity." Rina sighed a little. OOC: Sry, I'm kinda off today, since my computer just got back online. -_-
OOC: OMG, Sry Sry, my computer crashed, so I had to get it fixed, btw where are we?
Well, to find a vid on the Phantom Boss, maybe you should try Youtube or something. You should be around lvl 45 to 50 to defeat RIku and Maleficent, unless you're real good, and you can already beat Riku on DI, then it would be a little easier. I was like lvl 40-44 or somethling, and I defeated Riku and Maleficent.
er....10? How many times do you battle Ansem at the end?
Ienzo doesn't hear the small knocks on his door. Right now, he is too interested in his book. He was reading some really long book. While Ienzo is reading, he decided to get up and stretch a little. He yawns a bit, then plops back down.
Arlene noticed Isa behind Axel. '*snicker* I really want to see what happens." Arlene watches carefully. She really enjoys watching either Axel or Demyx be in any pain whatsoever.
Zexion looked up from his book. Face against the floor was Xaldin. "Xaldin, may I ask why you're in my room?" Zexion asked him.
ran away crying for it's mommy (XD Hahahahhahaha) Then...
"Alright Umi, Sei, nice to meet you. My name's Rina. I'm just a normal everyday traveler. Scratch that, an abnormal traveler trying to find anyone I know." Rina told them. She continued to help little by little though.
OOC: Urgh, I'm real late. -_- Zexion was in his room reading. He looked around then turned his head back to his book. He could hear a few teleportation portals opening and closing, but nothing else. Zexion was bored out of his mind, but didn't feel like going out, so he continued to read.
OOC: Sry, I was sick for a few days. Axel looked at the castle " Awesome!" he said. "Castle Oblivion." Xemnas had appeared behind him. He was calling the castle, Castle Oblivion. 'Sweet, this is going to be fun.' Axel thought. OOC: Ukali, you can join, but you have to fill out that form so I can put you in.