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  1. RPGgamer
    Xaldin with his hair tied in a bun. 0.o I dunno why, but that seems kinda scary.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 22, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. RPGgamer
    Zexion walked out of his room and bumped into Xaldin. 'OUch, he has to be more careful.' Zexion watches Xaldin walk off, then he walks off. 'I wonder what everybody is doing right now?' Zexion steps off to find another place to read. He goes into the Altar of Naught and takes out his book. He begins to read it for some time.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 22, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. RPGgamer
    Ienzo looked around. He didnt' know what to do since it was nearly time for him to go. 'This is really getting on my nerves, I'm so bored!' Ienzo went to the window and looked out. He decided to watch the sun go down and then slip out of the house.

    OOC: I may be off.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 22, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. RPGgamer
    Er...I'm going to stop Rping, cause I just can't seem to keep up. sry
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 22, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. RPGgamer
    OOC: Might ignore that.

    Axel noticed Arlene waking up. "Arlene!" Axel ran up to her. "Jeez! What happened to you?!" He asked. Axel was crossed between unhappy, and concerned.

    OOC: I'm still very off. :P
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 22, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. RPGgamer


    OOC: HOpe this like helps
    Tyro looked around to see a lot of blood. 'So much bloodshed.' She thought to herself. 'I couldn't do anything about it.' Tyro looked down guiltly because her powers hadn't worked. SHe was angry that she allowed these people to come an destroy her home, family, and friends. But she was expecially unhappy when they tried to destroy her. SHe couldn't seem to find her power anywhere inside her body anymore. 'I will avenge my friends and family.' she gripped tightly at her staff, and walked off into the dawn.

    OOC: I might be a little off though XD
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 22, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. RPGgamer


    OOC:I would have used the Dragon Staff or Snowflake Staff from the CashShop, but I like the MapleStaff a little better. I'm off today. I'll come back and post when I have like caught up.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 22, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. RPGgamer
    Right... I only call Ukali, Susan, cause she hates being called that XD I love to make her angry whenever I can.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 22, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. RPGgamer
    OOC: Sry, I got busted for some reason, so I can only post every once a week, even on holidays. If Niami could, could you moniter the RPG's? I already asked Ukali Rules, but she doesn't always go on. OH and the class will start...NOW!

    Arlene stares at the desk. 'This is soooo stupid.' she thought to herself. She had to take Defensive skills now, but so what? She stared at her desk, like she was trying to destroy it with her powers.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 22, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. RPGgamer
    o.o how'd you figure that???THAT'S SUPER CREEPY THAT YOU GUESSED RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0.o

    a false person.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 14, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. RPGgamer


    My parents got me Pokemon Ranger! XD I finished it in 3 days, I was obssesed. Have you ever heard of It's real fun, and you get to get all legendary's except Lucario, after you defeat 3 leagues, and 2 Elite Fours.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 14, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  12. RPGgamer
    When MistyMighty changed her avatar, it looks a lot like Sir Aaron from Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.

    For Jack, just plain ol' Jack Skellington.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 14, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. RPGgamer
    Mario looks forgot his hat!
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 14, 2006 in forum: The Playground
  14. RPGgamer
    *rolls eyes* still waiting Hexin
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 14, 2006 in forum: The Playground
  15. RPGgamer
    "How would you know Zexy?" Axel intimidated Zexion. He seemed to have gotten on Zexions nerve. Axel didn't care though, because he liked to make fun of people

    OOC: If you have ever read fanfictions, you know that Zexion hates being called Zexy.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 14, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. RPGgamer
    OOC: Sry, my computer was down

    Zexion looks around...'boring.' he thought to himself. Zexion looks at his book again. He starts to read, but he can't seem to concentrate. Zexion gets up and walks out of his room.

    OOC: I'm Zexion right? I forgot over the 3 or 4 week period o.o
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 14, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. RPGgamer
    OOC: *Slaps forehead* I forgot who Niami was, and I have already posted on the Beginning fo the Organization, and I'll go PM Sorax. BRB then.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 14, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. RPGgamer
    hey, well, I guess I'm going to be Zexion, my only favorite characters are like Zexion, Axel, or (Jap) Roxas. I don't really Jesse McCartney...i dunno why though.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 14, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. RPGgamer
    starts to hit the image, and the glass breaks, but only because...
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 14, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. RPGgamer
    OOC: My computer just sucks badly

    Arlene sees Xigbar...glaring a Axel. 'Whats with them?' she thought. Arlene decides to ignore this, and walks away. She starts to look around to see what was going on around there.

    OOC: Tell me if you want classes to start. XD I dunno when to start them.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Dec 14, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home