Sephiroth holding a gun shooting people and doing the matrix. 0.o weird.
nani? weird...but still sugoi! -_- Darn my Japanese is kinda interfering.
What if ROxas nvr fused back with Sora, and Sora woke up? Lol, I think I might know XD
His new hair is....strange. I liked Daniel's hair before he did total makeover.
Lion King, but I chose Mulan cause I think that one has a good plot. -_- I just can't choose.
Definetely AMV's. A little more fun to make, and watch for certain reasons.
I saw it when it came out on dvd and video. lol I still laugh at the part where he makes the baseball hit that kids face. Still have some after giggles when I think of it.
Isn't that the avada kavada curse that kills people instantly? and the cruciatus that torments the people, then kills them? I actually like 2 and 3 best. I did hear a lot of crying at the death of cedric. Well, more like some little crying for about say...20 min?
THat show was the coolest I had ever seen when I was younger. Hey ??? I don't know if this is correct, but I was told the stingray was scared by the cameraman. I mean, Steve was very careful during a lot of things! SO yeah, probably because of the camera man, but it was still an accident.
YOur friends are in your heart. SOmething similar to that. What lvl must you be to defeat Sephiroth? (Mean like what's more of the appropriate lvl to defeat Sephy.)
Sugoi! THis will be cool! Character 1: Katara Character 1: Starfire T.T my other favorite characters were taken. Oh well. XD
OOC: Depends...what's your first class?
... -_- my sibling is evil, I had to restart my game. But since I've already finished it once, (took forever) I'm helping out my cuz, cause he doesn't have this game, so I started a game for him. :D He turned out to be a cyndaquil, and chose treecko as his partner.
Only if you have a lot of good friends, and you like to kills weird monsters. ................. -_- nothing else to say.
Concrete Ange Brother my Brother Listen to your heart My heart will go on Hikari some others, but I forgot names -_-
Your supposed to go to a broken tombstone or something
I watched it with my parents. Basically a scary movie where snakes invade a plane. My sibling says that the funniest (to him, I thought it was gross) was like when that snake came out of one guys mouth...or something like that, I watched a while ago.
One Piece is a cool anime
Has anyone heard of this anime before? They are starting to show it in English but the Japanese one already has all 178 episode and 13 OVA's.
I like the Japanese Prince of Tennis. The english one makes the characters sound like the characters from pokemon. o.o lol, forgot others. Er...use to like Yu-Gi-Oh, Tokyo Mew Mew, Ouran School Club, and AIR