XD lol, well Sora, ROxas, Cloud, Leon, Vincent, and Riku could beat Sephy. Sora defeats Cloud, Leon. Riku defeats Sora and Xemnas and Ansem with Sora. Roxas defeats Axel. THen Vincent would fight with Roxas. Between that, I wouldn't know.
Yeah, lol it's ok.
"Oh um, hello Marluxia! Zuko." "I am confused, is he not an enemy of yours?" "No worries Starfire." "Very well Katara." OOC: Darkvincent, lol, nice adding that.
ok, probably should make mines. Name: Fuji Syusuke Age: 14 Grade: 9th Appearence: Look at avatar Outfit:http://www.deviantart.com/deviation...ke&qh=boost:popular+age_sigma:24h=age_scale:5 (lol yes, I dunno how to get pictures copied on.) Lol I chose one of my fav characters from Tennis No Ohjisama
OOC: Purple for starfire, BLue for Katara Katara walked around looking for a friend. She noticed Starfire sitting somewhere near the mirror. "Hey Starfire!" "Oh! Hello Katara!" *smiles, then goes back to staring out the window* OOC: lol, no keybladewarriornexus, you didn't
Can't believe I'm actually doing this. Short summary: Anime kids all go to the same school. It can be from any anime, but they don't have to have a kind of power. If they already from a school, let's just say they transfer. School: Choto Acadamy (I'm making random name)Third RPG so don't go all crazy, I'm not that good at this stuff. If you know a little Japanese you can add it, since I'm making this in a Japanese school. But it doesn't have to follow the whole rule of Japanese stuff. Character Info Name: Age: Grade (6th-12th): Appearence: Outfit: -no godmodding -fighting, if you wanna
OOC: Completely lost. I just joined. Has everyone met each other yet????
some heartless, before SOra says "Daniel Darkness!" and then...
Axel smirked. Larxene could be so clueless sometimes. Axel rolled his eyes, and teleported back into his room. He laid down on the bed and started toying with fire. Axel liked fire way too much now.
Lol, you kept pming me about this, now I'm doing it. Name: Zexion (nya! I'll think of last name later) Age: 17 Studing: Pshycology, Science, Astronomy Hobbies: Reading, thinking, writing. lol my information is funny.
OOC: NYA! I am lost!.... -_- lol just found my place 'Team moves is so boring!' Arlene thought to herself. SHe had gotten Jack Sparrow as her teacher. 'Sheesh! Now I'm like totally lost in boredom.' Arlene watched the teacher carefully. SHe yawned a bit and put her head down. OOC: Nya, sry about the other posts, I was completely lost. lol.
lol yeah, nice guess. XD Way to easy to figure though
SOmething that I usually do. Run around, dodge, hit, cardbreak, recharge, and stuff like that XD. I always do that, and I haven't died often.....yet.
Yeah, or you can just keep racing the dude. The stones sell for 30 munny in Traverse Town.
lol XD keyguns. THat would be funny, watching Sora shoot heartless instead of banging their heads. Although I liked the banging their heads. Still lol
Soul Eater? What he heck is LoD????? When do you actually meet the king for real? (kh....so easy XD)
I totally agree
.... -_- I am scared for life. That was so bad....who the heck would make that?????
DUde, forgot your quesition,here I'll make one When battling Sephiroth what move will drain all hp except 1?
2,1001 Man, haven't done this since the 100 or something.