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  1. BirthBySleep
    - How you can't skip scenes, on some bosses which were hard I practically knew them off by heart because I'd seen it so many freakin' times.
    - Atlantica annoyed me a little how you had to keep pressing Square and O all the time :mad:
    - Sometimes Sora wasn't quick enough to cast Cure or use a Potion and you die.
    - Some of the Keyblades were different lengths so say you get used to using a long Keyblade and then you get a new one which is stronger but is short. Then you go into battle and go as far away from the enemies as you normally would with your previous Keychain cause that's what you're used to, and you hit them by miles. Annoyed me a little.

    - Was far too easy, even on Proud Mode.
    - Whereas in the first game we had 4 optional bosses, in this game we only got Sephiroth.
    - ATLANTICA! ARGH! I wish we'd been able to do it all in one go so that we wouldn't have to keep going back, it was TORTURE! I was so glad there wasn't a second visit. Oh God. Imagine it. Singing and dancing to defeat Organization XIII :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
    - The summons weren't even worth the amount of the Drive Gauge they used up.
    - There was nowhere near enough of Organization XIII imo.

    But other than that I love the games =]
    S.E. better keep it going for a long time!
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. BirthBySleep
    I hope they release it in America and Europe, or at least Re:CoM, cause I think that's quite an important part of Final Mix+...It just wouldn't be fair, y'know?
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. BirthBySleep
    In the new cutscene in HB we saw (Xemnas?) on Ansem's computer and it just made me think how Space Paranoids could be more important than it already is...I mean, if there's probably information on the Heartless and Organization XIIIin there, could there be information about the Knights and what exactly happened during the events of the secret ending in the Dataspace? Just's likely I'm wrong but hey.

    What do you think about it?
    Thread by: BirthBySleep, Apr 2, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. BirthBySleep
    I chose HALLOWEEN cause you get to run around the neighbourhood dressed as monsters (or in my case an axe-weilding Harry Potter *hides face in shame*) and everyone will think you're perfectly normal :P

    Although Halloween's not the same in England cause noone answers their doors for trick or treaters, hardly anyone decorates their house (I do =]), people who have to ruin it for everyone have to through bricks through the houses of old people and the police come to ban trick or treaters on certain roads...

    Hmm, thinking I should have chosen Christmas now :/ lol
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. BirthBySleep
    :eek: I need to try that. But the comments say it doesn't work on the PAL version :( Need to get the game back from the friend I lent it to!!!
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. BirthBySleep
    I was a Moogle ¬_¬ haha
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. BirthBySleep
  8. BirthBySleep
    You won't have seen this commercial in America probably, but there's this REALLY irritating one that has this kid, he must be about 15 or something, prancing around with Tony the Tiger and a bunch of 5 years olds in a Frosties adverts, singing "They're gonna taste great!" and there's loads of stupid parts of the plot of the advert cause they couldn't think of things to rhyme with "great"

    So the song ended up talking about how a man in a crate, people in "Oz mayte" and the Empire State liked to eat Frosties, and then the boy starts rising up into the air singing "They're gonna taste great, they're gonna taste great, THEY'RE GONNA TASTE GREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAT!!!" and then Tony the Tiger comes along: "Everybody knows Frosties taste grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!!!"

    Man, it's annoying as...yeah. Literally EVERYBODY hated it. I think the kid went into hiding cause everyone hated it so much :eek:
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. BirthBySleep
    That's a tough one!

    Is there much to do with the Keyblade without the Heartless and the Nobodies? :rolleyes:

    Oh! I'd find Sephiroth and pwn him =P
    And take down my nemesis(es) haha

    And I'd choose the Decisive Pumpkin keychain cause it's from my favourite world in the game :D
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. BirthBySleep

    Hey =]

    Thank you, will make sure to do so if I need help =]
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. BirthBySleep

    Hey =]

    Haha yes I did get the avatar from KHI...I liked it so I stole it =P
    Thanks! I'm sure I'll have fun here =]
    And will read the rules lol
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. BirthBySleep

    Hey =]

    I'm new here.
    I have no idea what to write on these kind of things so...yeah.
    Hi =]

    How are you?
    Thread by: BirthBySleep, Mar 31, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. BirthBySleep
    Lots of things!

    1) Far too easy, I didn't die once! (Well, I died at Sephiroth a few times but that doesn't count :o ) And all you had to do was talk to some of the characters and they told you exactly what to do next!
    2)You didn't have to do any exploration, which sucked :(
    3) Not enough Side bosses. We only got Sephiroth! Now I want Final Mix :(
    4) How easy some of my favourite Bosses were. I really wish Barbossa or Hades had been harder. I mean, it took me forever to defeat Hades in the first game but in the second he was lame. (Although I did find a way to make the bosses in the first visit to either Halloween Town or Agrabah and then Pride Lands without cheating :p)
    5) How Roxas disappeared without any explaination of where he'd gone. I was still abit confused at the end of the game. It took me a while to realise he'd fused with Sora at the beginning.
    6) 1000 Heartless was way too easy.
    7) There wasn't enough of Organization XIII :eek:

    But I still loved it :D
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. BirthBySleep
    My favourite Keyblade in KH1 is Oblivion, I wouldn't play with anything else after I got it XD

    In Kingdom Hearts 2...argh, there's a lot of cool Keyblades. I'd have to choose between Rumbling Rose, Hero's Crest, Decisive Pumpkin, Sleeping Lion or Oathkeeper. I'm not exactly clear about everything lol.
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. BirthBySleep
    On my first playthrough I defeated him at Lv. 65. On other times I've played I always seem to be at Lv. 56 by the time I get to Xemnas :/ :p

    He was WAY to easy :(
    Post by: BirthBySleep, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX