this is my first rpg so tell me how im doin this is called spanky...cuz u can spank any one with any thing from KH that includes keyblades,enimes,characters,items,etc. so have fun :D :D :D :)
where do u find the recipe for the ultima:D :)
looks for sum one to poke "hm"
i add 2foxie4u if u add me oh yea i have DR and Vincent
im kinda new also im friends with Dark Roxas and Vincent have fun read rules dont spam and good luck
help! how do u start a new theard
mickey calls"is any one here"
"hm....... im going home"king micky goes home to take a nap"
king micky says''IS ANY ONE HERE"
after micky kills the heartless he wishes he had sum one to talk to
king micky sees a heartless.......micky hits it and doged an attak from more heartless
micky looks around to explore.....whoa!!!!!!!!
king micky calls "hello"......."hm"
micky looks around and wounds if any one is here "is any one here":)
I'd like to join. Username:Bigmanbailey_41 Character:King Mickey Why I Want To Join:It sounds fun!:D
hi im a guy u dont no me im new
hey rena is riku ur fav chac
uh.... is anyone on tonight
....... plz dont call me spanky DR
i wannna say...... i wannna say thanks to DR and Vincent for helpin me make this profile or waht ever its called