we can make it there wil a little determination and w/e other encouraging words.... we can do this
I really like the theory Oath Keeper was gotten by Kairi in KH1, so she's connected that way and Oblivion...I forget how thats obtained...(my bad kh fans)
Kratos the God of War not Master Chief b/c i'm not a fan of Halo
9 kjgsdhfgghdfkjgdsf
KH2 Kairi, she has better hair which makes her head look smaller
So Blizzard, just today, announced the release of Diablo 3. With 3 Trailers: Cinematic, Gameplay, and Artwork. There are a whole array of new features: Option of free roaming health has been added to enhance to ease of continuing combat. Male and Female Option Hot Bar added for an Array of Mana Attacks Quick Swap Melee Attacks using Mouse Wheel//Tab Key Interactive Environments; break tables, damage walls, or many more options to come. Environment can work against you, traps are now an option. Sets of Equip. look different on the character. Better interaction with NPC's NPC's Deckard Cain Archer ENEMIES: Berserker's, vicious and high attack Cultist, weak but have a demon spawn bringing them to life. Oogie-Boogie(??), when dead, spawns a stomach of little enemies. The Puller and His ORB, this enemy lures you towards them until you break its orb where it respawns. Zombie, not anything special about these guys. Skeletal Sheildsman, high blocking unless thrown off guard. Skeletal Archer, stands behind the SS while player tries to break through. Dark Cultist, "walking timebombs" if not killed in time, they will transform into a deadly enemy. Thousand Pounder (Mini Boss), Brought to life by Dark Cultist, it is like a big Oogie Boogie(??) Khazra, the goatmen, no special tributes to them. Gnarled Walkers, giant tree men holding souls inside. ITEMS: Short Bow Gold (duh) Axe Scroll of Identity Scroll of Minor Energy Rune Elixir of Vitality Chest Gothic Plates Gothic Helm Gauntlets Plate Leggings Plated Greaves Plated Pauldings(sp?) Two Handed Hammer Chipped Star Topaz Interior//Imperious(??) Leather Gloves (I assume these need identified b/c of the red word as highlighted) Hammer of the Ancients (Special Item) Interior//Imperious(??) Quilted Pants (I assume these need identified b/c of the red word as highlighted) Mutated Corpse Quilted Pants Ancient Medallion Short Staff Small Bag Minor Health Potion Chest Armor Sash Minor Power Rune I didn't get the last of the items b/c the video started freezing up on me.I will update this later. CLASSES: BARBARIAN From the writing of Abd al-Hazir: MOVE SET: Battle Cry Furious Charge Whirlwind Cleave Groundstomp Leap Seismic Slam WITCH DOCTOR From the writing of Abd al-Hazir: MOVE SET: Fire Bomb Horrify Locust Swarm Mass Confusion Soul Harvest Summon Mongroul, Fast and Powerful MORE TO COME AS BLIZZARD UPDATES THE SITE
avy: nice and simple 7/10 sig...could be better 2/10
never seen you around 3/10
okay then it goes in general gaming?
then have an admin move it. its still online play with millions of players
The Thread Has Been Moved HERE
devilish and doesnt have a myspace *sad*
though she wrote goodnight wednesday the great transparency for the while nothings from nowhere metro station lydia set your goals armor for sleep and a bunch that i didnt know
is online!!!!! good, i havent been on in like...2 days
that was really good, but really creepy i don't know whether to be scared or to be amuzed
misses me.... right?
7/10 i see you alot but we dont talk
i am hollywood - he is legend
seen you around 6/10