this is a story i started just tonight. it began on myspace, but i like it so much. i thought i would come and share it with my friends here on kh-vids. i'm sorry the punctuation isn't right. i just felt it'd be easier to write like this. but without further a due, "Somebody Save Us..." (anyone with a nicer title, msg me) i was born in a small town. but this wasn't just any small town. this town what different. at night, things would come alive. different seemed like we were being invaded by objects i cannot describe. i don't know if they knew we knew they existed, but they would roam our streets. not hurting anyone, just roaming. the people weren't scared. but no one dared to confront them. many of the townspeople moved. and what was left would bunk together at each others houses to keep safe. but not i. no. i stayed in my own house. ready and alert for when this menace would finally lose it, and learn or our existence and rampage the town. i was ready. everynight...i became nocturnal, sleeping in the day, to stay up all night and be alert. i gained an adapt sense of the darkness and where everything was in my home. i never dared turn on the lights. it was too much of a risk to take. so i'm sitting here writing you the tales of the beasts that will eventually attack our town. i am talos, and this is my story. as sat out the window watching these things go back and forth through the town. i noticed that they had bright blue eyes. like an LED type of thing. almost as if they were scanning the surfaces of the town. they didn't look like robots, but they sure acted like it. they looked more like giants, but not. ugh...i can't exactly explain. all i know, is they seem harmless to us. but none of us know that. no one dare bothers going outside. once, a wild deer ran through, and it was killed, no! destroyed an explosion in the sky, these monsters killed a wild deer in a flash. and i was a witness. i sat by the window, awestruck as my eyes gazed at the figures outside my window. moving back and forth, slowly. as if they didn't want to miss a single inch. there were five of them. well, there was five...two of them jetted off into the sky. in opposite directions. that was about a week ago. and still these three have yet to leave. just as no one has left their night, they are al scared of these creatures, but by day, they act like nothing is wrong. i'm glad i sleep during the day. these people have no sense of reality. out by day, in by night. that's their routine. for almost a month this has been going on. i've gotten used to it. but i'm not sure many of the people grasp the situation. we need a hero in this town. and if nobody is going o step up to this menace, i guess i will have to. wait! someone has gone outside!
i have done it like this like metro station's lyrics
"i did all my own stunts" that was my backup.
in 6 words. No more, no less. In my Psychology class, we had an assignment dealing with death, And it was to describe our lives in 6 words. I thought it was a catchy assignment. And I wanted to see what other peoples were. Mine was, "At least I made them laugh." I think it describes me well. Now post your life, so far, in a 6 worded summary. -~The Rising Falcon EDIT*** Not just 6 random words, a small quote simplifying your life.
a month and still counting.... :/
that sounds like something worth doing. i love collages
For my art assignment, I need an idea of how art makes life better. And I have NO idea on what to draw, Could anyone help? :) Thanks! -The Rising Falcon
--[Text on the sig]- The Rising Falcon (Under That) One Sky, One Destiny --[Font]- Birth of a Hero --[Sig Type]- A regular sig. --[Sig Description]-Regular size signature, with a light cloud effect. --[Color(s)]-Light Blues and Whites --[Picture(s)]- sora with feather.JPG --[Animation]- Wind, like flying through the skies --[OTHER]-
i liked it, the only thing i didn't enjoy was the mic quality
i was being tickled and screamed "dont touch my tippy!"
dreamy right?
You say we're both little people and you like it that way But in time I'm gunna put this body to shame (and grow old) Where a suit like my old man Pack up all my things and get my tail out of town We've got it good Whether you like this town or not I know it's small but with a big head it's bound to get hot In the summer But the summer is a bummer If you can't leave This pathetic excuse for a town That holds all your memories A lifetime of crushes and your broken dreams To be anywhere but here But baby anywhere is away from me If you got it all figured out Then what is there to shout about This midwest town is gunna miss you Just go ahead and work it out But first come on and let it out Scream it shout tell everbody how your gunna leave In about one year you'll have it all figured out These big city dream are what you're about Walking like stangers among these states Only time will tell how long I can wait We've got it good Whether you like this town or not I know it's small but with a big head it's bound to get hot In the summer But the summer is a bummer If you can't leave This pathetic excuse for a town That holds all your memories A lifetime of crushes and your broken dreams To be anywhere but here But baby anywhere is away from me If you got it all figured out Then what is there to shout about This midwest town is gunna miss you Just go ahead and work it out But first come on and let it out Scream it shout tell everbody how your gunna leave Me again oh so casually Did you take the hit for me or the home team If you got it all figured out Then what is there to shout about This midwest town is gunna miss you bigcitydreams by nevershoutnever
This just in from Blizzard, (UPDATED) The third official character is, The Wizard!!! Gameplay Video Skills Video Opening Trailer for Wizard
well i was just noticed of this in art class by a friend that's what i've seen to, until i was told, so i thought i'd ask around maybe...complete 100%? i have checked youtube and theres nothing more than the regular ending
To anyone that beat assassin's creed!!! You may not have officially beat it. Today in class, a friend and I were discussing games. And if you manged to beat the game and see the "Apple on the Wall" and then the credits roll, that is not necisarily the 100% ending. What I'm being told is that, if you collect all the flags, from Damascus, Acre, and the other locations, you come out with a WHOLE different ending. ****SPOILER**** From what I'm being told, is after you collect ALL the flags in the game, and beat Al Mualim, Desmond goes to his room, sits on the edge of the bed, sighs...Realizes he is holding the pen from Lucy. He gets up runs out of his room, and stabs Vidic in the neck and then stabs Lucy in the eye. The Desmond jumps out the window, and uts his hood up as he walks down the street. I don't know if this is officially confirmed, but if you happen to witness this or are willing to try it out, post a video confirming this to be true.
Spiderman B: Web Shot Up + B: Swing Left///Right + B: Web Hands (increases attack for a few seconds) Down + B: Web Spin (puts enemies in web) FS: Black Spidey, (greatly increases strength, speed, and defense)
its can't be real who would that guy even be? soras dad??? WHERE'S MY SON? BANG! STAB UGH yeah short role on his part messing with XIII
Who would it be? What would there move set be? What is there Smash Attack be? Cloud Strife Moves: B: Blade Beam Up + B: Meteor Rain Right///Left + B: Braver Down + B: Guard FS: Omnislash
kjghfdgyiugfsgksdfh you beat me to it and they closed my thread...
123 abc 12 pounds of pickles