okay this is about me terra aqua and ven having a vacation but crazyness is coming to our nice vacation... ~in the land of departure~ me: im tired... ven: terra do you ever had a vacation? terra: no we don't master e. made us work like ompa-lompas in willy wonker aqua: yeah it's horrible.. me: why don't you ask him to have a vacation? aqua: yeah please terra? terra: hmm...... ven: please i wanna go to... both: NO CHUCK E. CHEESE! ven: still i wanna vacation... terra: then let's go. we went to master e's. lair teera: mater e. master e.: terra what did you finish feeding the squrriels? teera: *finched* yes i did me: master e. we were wondeing can we have a vacation? master e.: well i don't know mx: why don't you me: woah where did you come from old man? mx: im young and beauiful + im part of bbs! me: oh anyways can we? ven: please with candy, ice cream, fruitcake and dark chocolate on top? aqua: ew.. master e.: okay 7 days of vacation./ me&aqua: WHOO-HOO THE BEACH!!! XD terra: TO DISNEY WORLD!!! XD ven: TO- all: NO VEN!!! ven: man... me; i'll write a diary of our vacation! ~vacation day 1 beach~ master e.: have a nice vacation remember 7! me: whatever let's go!!! we were driving to the beach we deciede to listen to the radio then me and aqua song was on.. aqua: ohh our song!! XD me: XD terra: ven use these ear plugs cause they sing terrible.. ven: aww i wanna listen terra: it's your death.. aqua: making my down walking fast fast paste home bound *rythem* me: *rythem* ven: O_O god your horrible!! terra: told you ^_^ we were singing thousand miles then we were here. aqua&me: thousand miles so i can just see you tonight.. ven: MOVE BEACH!!! terra: *sleeping* me: WAKE UP TERRA!! terra: HUH? why did you wake me up? me: cause were here we got out we set our things on the sand then we saw roxas xion and axel me: axel xion roxas? roxas: oh hey! axel: hi aqua. *hearts in his eyes* aqua: im dating zack back off! ven: hi brother how's brother sora? roxas: an idoit as usaul. terra: hey xion. xion: hi terra why are you guys here? ^_^ all: vacation ^_^ roxas: *gasps* you're first vacation yay! ven: get off of me ! roxas: don't make me tell papa cloud! ven: i'll tell ama aerith! terra: you guys are so anyoing =_= axel: vollyball! me: come on aqua! aqua: hehe okay! teams: ven terra roxas vs me aqua xion refege axel axel: keep it clen even you girl! me: hey! aqua: i roc snknnies GO! terra: roxas! roxas: babe serve! me: kamehame go! axel:wtf are you guys saying? aqua: shut it! well.. team terra was winning we team beautiful was losing me: curse team terra! aqua: plan come here! terra: YES! YES! WERE WINNING! XD ven: wow terra you're happy roxas: OMG IT"S THE INCRIDIBLE HULK!!! ven: huh? DUMMY that's lexaeues! terra: uh? what is he doing? aqua: ready! me: super monkey team hyper force GO! aqua: NOW LEXAEUES! lexaeues: *sigh* HULK SMASH!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! ven: HOLY ****!!! terra: ****!! roxas: woah!! axel: wa **!!! aqua: yay we won! terra: pftt!:yelling: YOU CHEATED YOU USE LEXAEUES!! me: and? axel: LOOK AT THE BEACH!! roxas: wow it's just ground no sand.. then sand fell on top of us. me: ACK! sand in me eyes! aqua: you're kidding! xion: ow ow terra: me eye!! ven: my beautiful eyes!! axel: you're eyes are ugly!! roxas: we both got the same eyes!! axel: whatever... we got out of the sand... axel: we gotta go se ya xion: bye aqua terra and ven! roxas: im telling daddy cloud! bye! ven: whatever bye!! me: now what? terra: surfing? aqua: aww it's stich stich: *speaking ailen* ven: uh.. what did he say? terra: what is little guy? stich: surfing!! we all went surfing me: im scared terra.. terra: i got you aqua how are you? aqua: good ven? ven: ow ow stich is hurting me! we all surf then naruto came out of norwhere doing rasangan in the ocean. terra: wtf? aqua:uh-oh naruto: RASANGAN!!! me: AHH!! aqua: AHHH! terra: gak! ven: WHOO this is fun we were spinning till our vacation to the beach is ruiend naruto was traing here. terra: so much for the beach.. aqua: let's go to disney world! me&ven: YAY KING MICKEY!! ~vacation 2 disney world~ were on the gummi ship going to disney world but ven got sick cause he thinks it's an airplane. ven: terra u got som pepto bismo? terra: no! aqua: ven you benn on this like 500 times how can you be sick? me: mabye he ate too much cherry pie? ven: are we there yet? terra: no ven: are we there yet? terra: no ven: are we there yet? terra: *sighs* no ven now let me drive this thing! ven: are we there yet? terra: VENTUS LET ME DRIVE!!!!:yelling: ven: are we- terra: SHUT UP!!!:yelling: ven: are- me: hush you! ven: are we there yet? aqua: VEN BE QUIET!!!:yelling: ven:..................are we there yet? all: GAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SHUT UP VEN!!!:yelling: me: were here yay! ven: oh finally cause i gotta go to the bathroom terra:...................... aqua:..................... me:....................... landend in disney world. terra: okay will go to groups aqua and ven and that's it.. ven: yay come here aqua! aqua: gosh ven i forgot IM DATING ZACK!!! me: yay im with terra XD ~aqua&ven~ ven: aqua let's go onmt. everst! aqua: are you going to wet you're self and sleep with terra again? ven: that's when i was 4! aqua: you joined us since 15 ven; ANYWAYS let's go on it!! the two friends went on the ride ven was happy aqua was too. ven: ready aqua? aqua: raise your arms in the air!! the ride was going ven and aqua was screaming then the monster came out ven wet his pants. ~me&terra~ me: terra let's go on the merry -go round! terra: uh okay. we went on the marry go round and terra seems to be having fun hehe. aqua and ven just got off the ride. aqua: ven you wet your self!! ven: im sorry aqua i was scared... aqua: it's okay let's go back to the gummi ship and get you new pants. ven: okay. me and terra went to the space portal to shoot the aliens. me: get em terra shoot them!! shoot them!!! terra: OKAY WHOO-HOO NOW WHAT?:guns: me:hehe we went back and we did had fun except ven wet his pants now where going to see mickey. ~vacation 3 disney town~ we were going to disney town cause they had the best festival in the world. me: you seen my hula skirts i made for you all? ven: i got mine aqua: me too me: terra? where's yours? terra; you didn't make me one.. me: yes i did where is it? terra: idk.. me: TINA THE TAKLING THING WHERE IS YOU"RE HULA SKIRT!!:yelling: terra: i got it don't yell me: hehe ven: you should go out with each other terra: mabye me: *blushes* oh where here! we landed then we saw him.. ven: OMFG IT"S SPIDERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aqua: spider man no wait it's terra; huh? vantais what are you doing here? vanyas: checking up on you guys you got 4 days so enjoy while you can. me: he's creepy aqua: tell me about it me: hey let's go to the racing game! we all went to the car racing game till big fat pete came. pete: you kiddos are joing my race? ven: yeah pete pete: well can you brats beat me? me: were not brats you fat- terra: don't say it! aqua: let's race! we got in our cars pete got in a vey tiny one that made all of us laugh daisy raise the flag and off we go aqua was a head ven is behind aqua i was behind him terra was just watching us pete uses a banna peel and it hit ven but he live then he uses ink and aqua was spinning till she hit ven terra saw what happened he got in my car. me: terra how the heck did you? terra: oviosly pete's cheating me: what? ok payback terra: okay use this! i threw marblrs at pete's car he sliped till legs came out. pete: hahaha nice try kiddies! me: oh yeah terra eat this bannana! terra: i was hungry anyways. terra threw the banana at pete he fell then the idoit uses rocket boost. me: this guy won't quit!! terra: ven give me you're ball ven:........... terra: the one aqua bought you on you're birthday! ven: oh here! me: PERV! ven: hey terra luvr!! me: STUF IT VEN!!:yelling: terra: threw the ball into pete's rocket the it exploded and we won! terra: we won! me: *kiss terra on check* you're cool! terra:hehehe pete: ow they cheated! mickey: you cheted too pete pete: curses! me: let's play fruit ball next! we went to fruit ball since aqua is very good at it again big fat pete came wearing a sora costume that made ven laughs so hard. pete: what are you laughing at?! ven: you! hhahahah!! terra: wth? me: lol aqua: omg wtf? pete: forget the coustume let's play fruit ball!! me: mickey wake me up if pete falls.. mickey: un yeah sure. aqua was hitting the fruits pete was eating the fruits or hitting idk but aqua was winning but a wired shaped fruit hit aqua causing her arms to froze. pete: hahah im winng you losing! aqua: my arms why can't they move?! me: i swear pete's a cheater! ven: i know wait brb ven went to the trash and find rotton stuff pete was almost at aqua's point then ven came back. ven: pete catch! ven threw the ball and garbage came out and landed on pete. pete: yuck oh you little brat wait till i- me: wanna say that to king mickey? aqua: did i win? me: yep pete: oh when im done taking a shower i'll get you! terra: whatever pete.. so after we played games we were sleepy so we had a nice long nap. ~vacation 4 nap~ nothing for us to do were were slepping ven is a slouch so aqua got no room left to strech her legs + ven slober all over the bed making it wet all the time me and terra are just watching naruto the moive 3 and eating chesse popcorn like our usaul time. ~vacation 5 the strife family on destiny islands.~ we had a nice crazy 4 week of vacation we decided to visit ven's home. ven: how do i look? me: ugly as usual ven: hey terra luvr! me: fat head! ven: popcorn freak me: clueless boy who'll never beat his own dad! terra: that's harsh.. aqua: were here ven! we landed ven's house was a manision and it has flowers on it then we saw roxas hanging from a tree. roxas: brother ven your home!! ven: back off im still on vacation! roxas: aww mama aerith miss you.. ven: mom oh my mom! terra: hey roxas how's my brother riku? roxas: i keep losing to him!! aqua: what about my little nice kairi? roxas: she's cute aerith: VEN MY BABY! ven: mom stop youre embarssing me in front of my friend *blushes* cloud: oh ven welcome home my oldest son.. sora: hey dad i thought i was the oldest! cloud: sora you're the second roxas is the youngest.. sora: oh venny! ven: hi sora riku: brother terra!!! terra: hoi riku where's my other brother zexion? riku: nah he's just reading his book. aqua: kairi namine! kairi: aunt aqua! namine: mommy! terra&me&ven: MOTHER!? aqua: im married to zack and namine was born terra: man zack you perv... zack: hey i heard that!! aqua: zack! zack: hi ya aqua! ven: OMFG IT"S SPIDER MAN AGAIN!! me: it's vantais ya know he does look like spiderman vantais: why does every one says i look like spider man? terra: idk beacuse you do! vantais: hush you! aqua: what is it this time? vantais: the autobots are coming! ven: autobots? vantais: they almost killed me their coming! then the autobots came it was transformers megatron bumble bee and otumousprime.. wtf vaction are we having? megatron: vantais you took our fuel! vantais: oh kingdom hearts i didn't it was the moogles they always take anything! terra: moogles? vantais: it's true! bumblebee: you think we belive that? all of the autobots kick vantais to a tree and kick him really bad all of us were just watching. vantais: HELP TERRA!!! terra: i don't know you the auto bots keep kicking him the they found the fuel sora was the one who took it then the autobots flew away. vantais: WHY DIND"T YOU HELP?!:yelling: aqua: i don't want to get hurt me: me either. vantais: you are keyblades you should help a friend!!! terra: you anit are friend! you are mean and rotton to all of us except fore master X! vantais went back home we were eating dinner with ven's family zexion came home riku was talking to sora. zexion: hi terra.. terra: hey zexion. me: oh hi zexy! zexion: hi and i wish you stop calling me that. demyx: hey guys!! terra: demyx what are you doing here? demyx: i got you something. me: me? demyx: yep meet.... SAIX PUPPY!! me: OMFG CUTE!! saix: arf!-arf! yay i got saix puppy he has blue fur yellow eyes and a x scar on his face what a cuite pie like terra. aerith: here's some food venny and make sure you write. ven: hehe mom cloud make siure the oogie boogie don't get you.. ven:..dad sora&roxas: bye you idot!! ven: that's it!! zack: i'll miss you. aqua: i will too. namine: mommy aqua: i'll be back namine terra: bye little brothes and zexion don't mess with vexen like last time zexion: i know he'll use me again riku: im 18 i don't cry terra: riku... me: i wish i could say good bye whatever come on you guys! we left ven's home and i'll play with my new dog saix puppy little cutie. ~vacation 6 the spa wtf?~ we had nothing to do so we just stayed in our gummi ship i played with saix puppy aqua was doing her hair ven is jumping like an idoit from mars. aqua: hey guys i know where we can go! ven: *gasp* to- me: NO VEN!! terra: what? aqua: the world that never was spa! me: is that where xemnas work at? aqua: yeah but still i want my skin to ve very soft. terra: i don't know ven: terra we have 1 more week on vacation and it's back to ompa-lompas for us singing that c** willy wonka all day long. terra: you have to remind me!:yelling: aqua: please terra.. me: cool the spa nice place for hot springs terra: okay will go! aqua: yay! we went to the world that never was spa but it was all dark as usual. aqua: why is it dark? me: idk but anyways let's go.. we went in then we saw vexen. vexen: ah aqua terra ven and uh.. me: you're an idoit marron! vexen: ah yes marron vacation right? terra: yep vexen: where do you want to got you 4? ven: im going to massage! me: mud baths terra: hot rocks aqua: hot springs vexen: okay the members will help you. well at least were going to realx master X will be mad cause were young and he's old hehe. ~ven's massage~ ven: wow nice room larxene: yeah yeah lay on your back but did you take off your clothes? ven yeah? larxene: good i'll be back with the lotion ven: wow this is going to be realxing *song* ven: ? larxene.. vexen: ven im going tio sing to you ven: wtf? vexen? larxene: sing vexen >:3 ven: whu? vexen: you'll never find ven: this is wrong im out if here! vexen: yeah you'll never find.. larxene: hehe realx ven. >;3 ven: AQUA MARRON TERRA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~terra's hot rocks~ terra: i can't belive you're going to do it axel axel: hey i control fire the end. terra: gah.. axel: it's hot? terra: yeah but reaxling axel: woah what if i put a huge rock on you? terra:hm? terra: OW WTF WAS THAT?!:yelling: axel: the huge rock terra: just put little rocks on me that really burns axel: heh okay terra. ~me mud bath~ me: *sighs* nice mud bath saix: need anything? me: O_O saix!! PERV!!! saix: huh? wait me *wacks saix with oathkeeper* PERV PREV PERV!!! saix: OW STOP!! me: PERV TERRA!! saix: STOP!! i came to give you you're cucumbers for you're eyes! me: oh yay sorry saix saix: yeah you're lucky i didn't went beserk on you. ~aqua hot springs~ aqua: i wonder wht's ven doing? hm? who's there? xigbar: uh-oh.. aqua: ekk *blushes* XIGBAR!! YOU PERVERT!!! aqua: *summones her keyblade and summons water on xigbar. me: ahh i had a great time what about you terra? terra: it was good. aqua: i had the worst!! that perv!! terra: where's ven aqua: there he is ven huh are you okay? ven: O_O......i..saw...just....music..and massage.. terra: good right? ven: O_O NO I WANNA LEAVE!!! aqua: what's wrong with ven? me: idk hey it's spider man vantais: STOP CALLING ME THAT FOR KINGDOM HEARTS SAKE!!:yelling: aqua: what is it this time? vantais: huh im visting the spa ven: vantais never go to the message oh god!!! terra: anyways we gotta go see ya. we got out of the hot springf i had a good time ven was shacking but he didn't tell us oh well tommarow is our last day. ~last vacation willy wonkar?~ eh we really had nothing to do so ven said we should go to willy wonkar factory but we said no so we decided to since we were bored.. me: okay will wonkar factory! ven: and let's steal candy! terra: no ven! aqua: terra you once got hyper over candy once terra: don't remind me =_= we landed we knock on the door then willy came out in a roxas suit looking creeper last time we came over.. willy: hi chlidren me: hi willy ven: he ya willy terra: any thing new today? willy: nop ompa-ompa's are doing the michal jackson all: O_O aqua: besides that? willy: oh i just found ompa-lompas can give birth wanna see the video? me: what? wtf? terra: uh..no aqua: oh god no! ven: can we come in willy? willy: sure that was distrubing anyaways we went in we saw willies candy land ven drank the chioclate river but it was sweage he drank. ven: what kind of river did you get where's the chocolate? willy: appenty sora well uses in the chcolate rinver so.. me: ven you're brother is soo sick...=_= ven: i know he's the second child though willy oh this anit the eatible candy it's just waste me: yuck! terra: this is willy wonka's hell factory aqua: uh what's that? willy oh that's just the umm back waste.. me: EW WILLY WHERE"S THE CANDY AT!? THAT"S SICK!!! willy: i know the candy is still here cause YOU GUYS ALMOST ATE IT EVEN YOU TERRA!:yelling: terra: i was hyper! ven: let's find it!!! so we all went crazy thorgh his factory we destroyed and burned every thing it was funny till willy trying to kill us... willy: STOP YOU LITTLE PUNKS NO ONE GET"S WILLY WONKA"S CANDY!!!!:guns: me: terra smell any candy? terra: nah just nasty waste ven: CANDY!!!! LOLIPOPS!!!!! aqua: wait man you guys are ah!! wilkly: COME HERE AQUA!!!:guns: aqua: GAHH!!!! VEN!!!!!! we were destroyimg and killing ompa lompas till we found the candy and terra got too hyper. terra: CANDY IS GOOD FOR ME HAHAHGAAAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHBAHHAAHAHAHHA!!!!! aqua: he's hyper again me: worriy about nterra willy wonkar is coming!!! willy: OH YOU LITTLE PUNKS ARE GETTING IT!!!:guns: ven: grab the candy !!! we all got back to the gummi ship and we blew up willy wonka's world WHOO-OO XD aqua: no more willy me: what if he remebers us? ven: idk where's terra? terra: IM BAD IM ZEXY IM TOO BAD FOR ME PANT XD all: O_O me: terra+ no clothes = aswm!!! XD aqua: i'll get the gun terra: VEN IS UOLY HE DISUSED ME YRAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ven: O_O too hyper terra: MARRON"S IS BEAITFUL HAHHAHA me: terra *blush* terra: AQUA IS SUCH A- aqua: :guns: terra: Wooo........................... me: poor terra aqua: well let's go home. well that's our vacation at least terra said i was pretty ^_^ ~back at alnd of departure~ mx: oh back soon i had fun with out you terra: hi master X me: that was FUN!! ven: weird O_O aqua: and crazy =_= terra: where's master e? mx: oh he went to hawaii with vantais im going to SEE YA SUCKERS!!! all:O_O hawaii why didn't we think of that? well we all went back to ompa-lompas again more mission and places at least we had a vacation master e says we get a vacation once a year still we all had fun me:and all: WE ALL SCEARM FOR ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD fin.
i have a really mean art teacher who don't even like me she always yell at me and all that mean stuff i think she's jelous cause i draw way better than her and she any ways throwing my stuff away cause she's making me wanna hate art man... what should i do?
ven and vantias fought but who's better ven or vantias
this is what shows i like: naruto, bleach, inuyasha, full meatal alchemist ,lovley complex, naruto shippuden, di gi charat, sailor moon, and a lot animes blood +, geroge lopez, comides, f.r.i.e.n.d.s., bernie mac show *r.i.p. bernine mac you were great.*, south park, ben 10, *don't ask* danny phantom, sponge bob, fairly odd parents, hanana montana ,jonas, suite life of zack and cody and suite life on deck, phienus and ferb, and sakura wars so long my love. games i play: naruto, bleach, sakura wars farwell my love, kingdom hearts *cause you guys know that* dance dance revolution ,tekken, sing star *i hate singing but loves the songs*, sims, ff, and anime rgp games. hates: death note master xenhaort seprioth *not sporth funny looking died of laughter* mean teachers even my mean art teacher, math, peolple who messes with others, vexen, and axel. *don't bother to ask i still like him * activites: draw *cause people says i draw better than art teaher and thet said it's true*, read anime and history, basketball,and games. that's all about me got it memoriezed?
hope i got this one right... who 's the best random family in khs?
okay i finshed wondeland *it was my last card* then i can't beat larxene!!!! tell me wich level i need to be!! im on 27!! i really need help!!!
okay i was thinking who should aqua go with *besides zack fyi* terra or aqua?
Om gosh!!! Yes he is ^_^
okay i can't make a club but whatever anyways who is cute terra or riku?
if you're a fan of namizeku come here. (naminexzexion)
what if you were in a kingdom hearts who would you married and how mant kids and why. im married toi zexion and i have 2 kids and we live in raident garden with organazation 13 and my father-in-law ansem the wise and vote who are you going to marry ;3
want to be part of the two lovers of kingdom hearts 352/3 days join here chat and put pics of the lovely couple xionxroxas :)