Lives in the blue sky
Right troll-ing is going on to threads or videos whatever the case may be and then calling everyone gay or the video gay . Do you understand...
So Is It Good Or Bad ? ? ?
Because my friend came over to my house and we made a new account on khv and started to troll :(
Forgets how to do the barrel roll
Yeah I was banned :(
Is That A Bad Thing ? ? ?
Hey whats up nice username
Technically that's isn't trolling
Is an endangered species
Mmm yeah you keep thinking that and your more of a troll than me
Ask me a random question that doesn't involve cheese
Now i don't know what to say :(
Oh thats cool I suppose
Oh okay so whats up ??? xD
Hi haven't talked to you in ages
Are you going to change yours
Yeah :) :)
Oh okay i never new that and do you like my new avatar
Is obviously in love with fayt